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Caledonian Mercury




Lothian, Scotland

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Caledonian Mercury

Advertisements & Notices

... MI0 OHuIAN FERRIES. 1i GEN-FRAL MEETING oif the ID LoTI'HAN FERRY 'TfES- a° t Krkay. upon Tuesday the 1Itt 1 et, nt 12 o'c.lck noon, ?? the . hr 11ev ?? appoint a Comtnittee of I assing year, and receive a RLeport by ' oaf yanagementl W1ILL. DOUGLAS, Ck. isib 4luptrt 1810. = ELb I iflO7EEt* ?? ;S ?? ,FF CLERK of tTNLTlIMGOW a w hI b inantate;l that the 1IICIIAi.ELI Ofi be f FitEEHOLDERIS of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DIOAM O c.LOTHIAN ROAD. scoecatelete Of the great throng of Visitors 1to the VIEW of the VILLAGE of U-NETER i the last we ek , the Exh ibition will ' eon- Opra ?? I lonager .Open froni ten tillduenk. ,inoe Is. children, half-price. A . A MURRAY, Teacher of Singing, begs to nano oon, that be is about to leave this r aetnodon, in order t fulfi his engagement at the Royal . gcI 1l,e~tivai which ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RF A~lN OF VOTERS FRTT ,GISTRVOTERSFOR THE R SANTD 1RGH IN THE LIBERAL INTEREST, 1837. iARTIES in the LTBERAL INTE_ REST, desiroos of being REGISTERED either rithin the City or Burgb, may lhave their Claims oade ot, and every iiformation afforded then), by ap- ,,at tie Side Room, Mercbantbt Hall, H-lunter t cetween ten o'clock forenoon, and four o'cloek ,ooafte, and between six and eight ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Thi, present E etiing. MiONDAYx, Will hb' perfoirmned. for the Second Time these Four Years., Plaiiclie's Operaitic Comedy, in Th'lree .ccalled After wh~cb. For the First Timec ill dii. (Citv. n Neir and li tvre .tiug D ramai in r'vo Acts, THE I :'NS(IC IP'TS SISTlEll Or,. Titt Ii ?? or ' lVII-AtiiIMi:T. rfraii~lliild Friom the ceoil rated Frenichi Mlclidraina, elititii - I,.e ('ooiwi~criti n ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S'1 sr ONAN'sS IIOIH)ER Cl UU. inrilerleithen on Toe-day thle 5'3tl annl ?? til 24th instant. Folr particularsl sce handl-bills. By order of the Patron, Il BlOVD, Seey. Innerleithlen, 5th .Tulv RS~39. SAIliNG ANT) STrEAM VE:SSELS WVANTED, F'OI1 PER~FORMlING T51l: MAIL. SEll- VICE TIE'rWEIEN AIIERI)EEN OR l'ETE'nllF J). AN!) LII.ER K i I;Ni THDE - *- SliF;T[LAXI) I.SLAND39. kepartmenet of the- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PORAMAS. p ,DID PERISTIIEPHIC PNR M~ ?? -,I TJIE LAmR E ROTUNTDA, MoCDr,, m 0l~tclenting I'ANOR NAMA of the CA_ i5 1,U .IleS tin BONAPARTE, from his Defeat AHELENA tngether with the interest- i o V1 ' li tIN *oltile 3BATTLE of TRlAFALGAR, E rio; Qeartit-drek of the Victory, atthe Dlo- Do eI'' ?? Nieon recjived the fatal *ound. 1'le wholoe _ hl a fidil Militiry. BAND. ;o'1';1; ti 4, and fro)m ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ASTRONOMICAL NOTICES FOR APRIL. d No. 11. d Czonpi'ledfor Jueenilc Observers. y Os hdrmini sublicne dedit; caziunque tueei Jussit, et creetos ad sitdera tollere vultus. OVID. h .[ACS, thte first of the sulperior planets, is distin- -g4iSled from the rest by the redness'of' its colour, it ctrcumstance generally attributed to the density o of its atmosphere. When viewed through a te- Igsceope of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... whi ' ADVERTISEMENT.) $eV ela TO T}1E EDITOR OF TM5E CALEDONIAN MERCURY. Th Ssn-You will do me and the public an act of justice r by giving publicity to the following remarks, upon an ar- ?? tide in the Ed~inburg Evening Post of Saturday. I would have addressed myself directly to that paper in re- par ply, but the bitterness displayed by the writer of tbe Sr- I tide in question, gives me every ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 11)1 l;G 1II ZOIDLOGI('CAL GARDEINS. - r. ( ()MmIrrrF EE forestablisbingtile EDIN i`I ;l Ij(;1 Z)OLOGICAL GARti)ENS beg ?? IlniI t, file D)ONORS, SUISCltjIUIII.s ajii i'i BIJC.( thalt Mr l), the~ M~aiagter, Imv- r1id troilm Londonantiid Liverpool where lie . ~rt&i~ ,, ii tiolber of valuable and interltilng ?? 'jtl,- C'Ulti( inclitding thoie present- ib. Soi4-t. will Wbe Exhibitd lit ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FINE AiFiS.. TF. EDIN-BURU3GH DRAWING INSTITU- 'j 1>ON *will bla ?? fter tbe vacationl on Lii ON_ PAy .1 P of (IC TIII-At iet, v ?? ote direri I of. Mir 1'rF55!Ar- an eninent. airtist from Eiigland, lao gained both the Gold nd NL dil'i at the liyvl Aeadermy in l,tnl:III- ?? for tbe- bet ZMraiviug iii Chalk of tilhe: ijiemn 1[t:gti'c. afid t- SCCnnl lr 1iii 1 yt From the -crgy fllttcrirg ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,CHaOL OF AR'TS. r xxsctXS' HALT., NIDDRY STREET. ViLMMEll SESSION, 1SS2. r LF.CTURES on NATURAL H IS- , clI be commenced on Thursady the loth 'CoWI e. 1 t by 'Mr W- RmisNtD; and a ittciIl ECTURAL and M~ECHANI- ojil! tie opened an TIuestdav the 15th t ' l.}; r. 3. under the superintendenceof ol H i itory will meet at Eight o'Clock a1 s and f~hulrsday, nrad that for Drawing at en 5vr~ 'uesdv ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S E RIl ON. ,,, TINii SDA Y t1, 13th .if N. VtarS, 1 iv. zr r(JIN BRO ;N ' PATERSON 7f Il!;irk nill Preach a SE1l1I(ON ill ST s . tt'1'.:t, fior the bmevfit of toe FundsL of the l i HOSE o Df IN TSTRY. ,,.ti::ititn t'lsi'ts of firer distinct brhzr lies, andl .i.i' employment to sahoot thirty individulas, as ! mArd anxd rehigioiMs ilst`Ucitioln to uunwars 3 :adr] d : etl :lifty hillrent, wth ...