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Lothian, Scotland


Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland

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Advertisements & Notices

... Mr -uhR Cl2IIGIF, FEOW OSF THil ROVAL JJ COt.t.EcE OF PIIVSIC.LNS, Edinburg , nnd one ~f t-. F V~iiianS to the T l Snfirmary, will commence cOttRsE of LECTURE~S on the PRINCIPLE S and PRACTICE of PHtYSiC, on Wedlnesday 7th No-i \ ..nlber, at 9 A.St.. in the ClassRoom, No-.4, High School - Yards. These Lcctures, which will exhibit a view of the o,,west improvements in Pathology and Therapeutics ...

Advertisements & Notices

... j14L AND ANITRICULTIURAL SOCIETY 14 / ~ / ~ J E R A L M I E T I N G o f th is /t0iN'T~pusunttothe Charter, w till be held of~ %CIEtY iesH, on M ONDAY first, the 27t 2t RE A ' ?? t held n it i te. or n S St t at ane o clock nficnoafternn, when t is re. xten dr na a hour, .BALLO, a~ Its' ssoeotr ble preciielly set th e h u , a , ci eotcl'adl~r` wII lt.,e iseco there. is ?? a BALLOT 'NEW MiE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... a;;>nv~E!SGE 33IBURLGH. TIli, pre0rt l-ening. THIURSDAY, larch 2C, jvli be 11.tfitflhinl HA KS5PF-INlE'S Traetigty of OTHELLO, TIIE MOOR OF VENICE. DesdellOnfa lv Miss .IARPIAN Ot(ello by the AFRICAN ROSCIUS. jfta hi', Mlr JERNAN. Ater %ctisbi will oe perfornodil, the favourite Dramatic 0 ei t erjgrna alldd * P.1}R DAtGGE1111rool). S] Lr lwood by Dlr JAM~ES RUSSELL, s~ll teld~argctr le %,ill ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ='~Z ZAT ONS CONCERT IA' s , flLY OOvs, GEORGE STREET, r .ring of RIDAY, 2-7th April 1832. ACT 1on ri. h r , Oh for thejoyOUS days ma pa. Pi ; I IAr) ond tAsqter Coopil m u rnce at the Concerts)- n ir arT*I (biq flret appearance in tf sIr I} M§ ...


... REET. , pn BALL anti SUPPER will be C 1~ii- shI ?? the NOB3LE- ?? _)jV_ of thle CALEDONIAN I N VI' Ej' l vOENING, the lth Oc- il.T TO-1010 i r1'Tickets, Ten Shillings. One Pouldl. vro011 ilai~ Dthe ?? Tavern, at the ,ds a of M~r AaOEtISoN, No. 33, George ii NI. (r, GOns SI-aFT, 9th Oct. 1833. ~ orl)IESSD TURTLE to be had[ ori Quay at the W ATE R 1 OO any - SSEMBLY ROOlIS. Under the Patronage ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RTICULT G . VEN ING PROMENADES, with Ilj slC, in the EXPERINIENTAL GAR ?? conm~enle On WED- 1 f0s. EVNTLNINC nexO, the 18th, from half-pact w; tf an ?? erseft, and be repeated Weekly thea Ssour atell frther notice. ; t S an tr tilelI Promenade, is. each person, . atftlie Gt.r their Families, price 5s. eacb, will Q 'a hen Tic e ers or Shareholders on their ap- ir r lj l ebI r t codinep a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... . R BA}, EN-LN'ETT EGS leave to announce, that his BENE- FiT and Last Appearance will take place On SATURDAY Evening, September 9-. IS32, When will be perfotrmed, fur the First Tiue this Season, the Popular Comic Opera of THE LORD OF THE MANTOR. Tritemore li' Mir BENNETT, Being his Last Appearanace i u Edinburg this Seson. Mcoli Ffaggon bsP itrflXTRRAtY. Annette by 3Iiss BYFELD. In the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ': NS OF TimE OLE RGY. :.~ ,iTY for.h BESEFITof the ; f the CLERGY of the CHURCH of N i il1 hold their STATED GENERAL N fixing the distribution for next year, on -a da of November next. A-i Olapilc:.i for aid to the Sons oir Daughters of l .rgyel; 1t be transtittedun er befre Wednesday 1 e *;ist d av ef Nnverdbcr, tn some nf tbe C.rrtotittee af ,%It-hrsement or Officc-Bearers, and must state ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO TTIM OS OF TrlE COUNTY OF PERTH. ;LBCTO~S Perth, Autil 22, lf34. -?11E SlpERIFF has fixed upon. Tuesdy A. tire *arth if April as tire dav Of the NMmntin Ofat for th ICp I Netro ?? an ...

Advertisements & Notices

... j TO ToHE I|OWS pErSENTLY ON THE ROLL PI V ANNTITANTS OF THE BURGH OF AND PAROCHIAL ,-CHtoOLM1ASTERS WiDOWS' FUND. | ITH reference to an Advertisement inti- ra~tin a NIRETTNG, of the WIDOWS nr IlANDATORTES, to bc h.l ' on the 1Sth ?? n 5. hi appeared in the Nrorth British Advertiser, of hst I think it right to state, that oevry infnr- 4tel ly It' , the nature and objects of the Bill, in If 95 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? ~ S. 'rHALBE1RG . ,toanno ce, that his FAREWVELL sizcNElT wsil take p VENN, TUYLESlDAY 1Y3vlG JanuaOry 23, AT THE ASSEMBLY ROOMS, GrEoRGE STREET. On wlhicl occasion fie will perform several of ris most fthoriri'o CoUltositions, and a INVrw iUS. Fantasia, on A WFEBER'S OPERA OF OBERON, (First time of perfurmance in public.) ?? S. TIAtBERG will have the rssistance of the most eninent Vocal ...