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Advertisements & Notices

... TO TttF. ?? ofr the F.irst Esqiicipal Ward. Ning Stree.t Aberdeen, Vithtl O.tober, 18319. TOI!gR an-ltII}I GIII:ENd Il~m S(I. tilr otel.I ?? tint pro-videdl f-i- by thle tor-ch Iefwirri A. ri-. ',.r-si..iiited a. ?? :t- to thqe enntlif of Scutllean C-- ,i-Qiti ?? lisi, Ward. at the nii..iiic Elvct.lnt The IpItI, Ii in o'.f tile emiilliit Utillr,-l ?? lie vthe Towivi-Cter-i ?? --v ---t I. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... at For Coughs, Hoepir-~.Cough, Shorwss. of Breath, Mst l'ne, t aConsuplion.. T HE above remedy possesses the peculiar power of controlling t all disorders of the Chest and Lungs. It affords immediate e ?? to the Breath, and subdues the most obstinate Colds, and h Coughs, Hoarseness, &c., and Asthmas (which neglect has rend- j, ered confirmed), and Hooping-Cough, iu shorter time than any ., ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - - - - - -- =- lilaldea i sEEITING or 11ri. rE 5IoA . TRUSTEESI ' ' grhlls A Meeting of the 'lricistces ?? itttiiibileri tdoht Th'idge over A Dovern at 'Eatside, and on the Forgllglen !'T1rifiltpo 1idd i The D will be hold vithin tihe Court Rodnm of Banff, upon Saturday n Ilic 17lh day of Qeptember cdrt; at eleveef o'clock forenoon, for tirpose af atiditiiig ali. tett~inri tlie Acpints of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ' ' JOlil WA51:5R', W-IIOLESALE JEWELLER, LONDON, BIRMINGHAM, A`ND!SHEF1IELD FACTOR. -N. 20, Broad SWAreet; - * , ~S~pEITULLY offers his lhint tbank~s to the Nobltoppo R GentYif an tie Ilnitants of this Ofty, anld to hist-lit- e a cd, ?? Ciltustemk, for' faVonre' iet~cil-W durittig the meatil kii etqir Friend8, ?? ini irticls in the JEWVEL. Go LtRY, FANCY or HARD WARE l1ne, at Wioirsaie Irces, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? LIIt~fI~ ?? CO. ?? 1OI.ORTERIS OF, A:!.D ]3EALII1S IN, CI f %,ies, Sivits, Litueu rs, r oceriev, ?? &c., EoIMOViED, froli AlO, CAstL.E STrltEET, to 95, South Side 11 UNSION STiEIDT. J(!INt LITlatSDEN n id A LENX\AD't:n !ES tM1E in d ividiual Palt- eOVs01, te1 n,:ovo ?? avnif !thc:lsvvese, othls Ittivu of lRemova~l, to wiflt Ilra'lig ( 1 ritiltituldc, halid to lI'tUI'II Silere timnirS ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Oil ITo)NAY the / I IIt Atlovetttbe', TI. IA MI i:SO Ntrill conlnietu Itis W intel' Colj;t5 (if In -R 15,tnicti-onsl to VAoNeLan Iit PRAC'TICAL M11t)WlFEHII, ttnd the DIAI~'ASES ofIVOI(EN oun! CHILDRZEN. i Futliri iul'b'iwitiotl wtill lbe obtained by apslving, to~ 10ittuieoso, No7. it, Ca:stle 1fine1. Aberdee'n, 3ItkA Octoberi, 1833. IXRti. &% DITISS O0t1iMF 1ll, OElORlGE' STIZkEF1, BOt ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Lo~adonl. AagU~tb 10, less. A .MFS LURNS; 'us` to acu~'tn ctwii ott I . DfQ C) U USES cm thec I'M UIDS SUvl'i' ER, p roa icloi fit 'i~li(-lliChaelSt. 'Mcrv~lc'I'icc ltI wit!) a vilo' to jastit'- 111 Ic,- ,ccilla ?? of tho plicuc1itit-vs It--ltilc of ?? Cooit11 :Vo! ; ilil l Rt'lllv to ()iijctilcct. ltv h'ia I-V. WI LLIAM D)0DS3 m~li it I t, .A. Mincister. 12011o- cloth, pricc' 3s. Mi. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CARPETINGS AND RUGS. I-li SUBInCRhnE IM ?? to 11and, anlothol', Conglniclutf Of thet Genuhtiie ThAN NOCI(BCRN' CARY'WTINGS and( ItwdRi'lI ?? hiii v oit at over the hj sdonbi tin'. their'i e'.coliiiri si (i il-ai liltv, wh~ichl hel is sel agti the vet'v L .ws ims,uf'RTCash. 71, Kinig Street, lfit/i May, 1831;. L T W Rt R E Di 0 V A L. Z- F Itcr)nl Vi/ yra'tifre~l/ ,i'kiAtrli'djii' :/s thin' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r'I-N'Z A R T:S. It T. FOItIfFi. 1vl'ORl-tIAI ?? Ict~s to inittociti' to I'm-cl-S A.T,, andi thel I'ttlttlC ill PTeILTI'rl , tiatit.: cii ci xc'itid a miniulier ofA NTtN(,S for ati iidjriiial 11.. ?? 01cii5 i.~ itll~im~lt to tll!he thtemc otyl is hands, lie .-lispiist oif thelm, %vocc ith others, h. .ibi'pii. iii ?? pcittli ?? from'ci stt-1ii o1 tn'( filuiet l'civitilt. Ill li''icfd (d cub, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FARDIhS, BLEACHFIELD, AN2D EZEa& 1WILL, &c. On the Estates of DELGA TY arnd GASK, in c heparishses of Tuerriff and 'Monquhitter. To be Let, within the Court House of Macdul, on Fsiday thc th dll ay of may next, for ]9 years, or such other term as may be ngreed on, H E MAINSand MIANOR PLACE of GASI( ass liresently occu. -T pied by 51r Willinm Mlackiy, deligiltfulily situ ated, mid( - 11cltcred ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . ?? ?? -. f 3 . - .. ,OTICE is; hC1wipV 'geuiv, that a GENERAL 1IRE'TTNG B- of the D RA IITAR 141GT-LAXD SOCJI;EiTY is to be 1i1d, ;11 BliAE..IA!L CASTLE.,) on '11ninzs,Ny: tle 25thl Aig-usf; il~eif sil, ill atilitioll to ?? onliilary ?? 0 s13s thero wiltl be si.- mi lcd lih t1'e comid:ora6till of tihr IMeeting, it OI'aFt of Thgla- ainsl a tt.ho l;nIfIitC 0 1il ?? the ,01 t1:G ...

Advertisements & Notices

... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -an ZALUE or VZkLUARLY 3300SS, R2USIC, &C Gill Cov.ennsi..burr ?? La___ ?? ?? _ E htl There woill be Sold, in the Subscribers' Salle-Room11, R' 'I'll I S E VEPN INGI OO ESNational Airs, with ' iesi, i voles. M Ponte's sit'il ?? Meclodies, with ll uslo, ii vole; se~veral pieces of ?? Music from lliasaniella; TyiolrsollMelodjies; ...