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Advertisements & Notices

... WI1 LL siORT ?? CLOSE, EXHIBIT''ION OF N J A S N IV E S jS Xnf l PICTIUE OF lR EJEClTD BY THE JE-Sr. lian -\Ia agnffice ::t Picture of this highly i -rj- e ti ' Ild, painted on ,iunanss 22 feet. hv . Il ite BF\AatiS NVEST, Euq. President of tihe GI :c ltc a,(f Great Britain, ic now en view in the .,)A of ?? ROYAL INSTITUTION, LC ?? nine o'clnnck till five every dly, frie : t ilia~lit ]ewith ...

Advertisements & Notices

... oor;. V,,, MZNBUVRGI|H. abli o sqs 7,,;tuesj isnformede that *E hth Appearance in this Theatre, lih, -ighth veoTog. SDAY, April 18. esea'llt 'singr Time this Season, Ros9 ferG ?? ~iD Comric Opera of Ger cINjDERERLA. Cinerella, by Wis INVERARITY. Pee I Dl isdw by Miss NEWTON. Ja Jesme ,,njerno by Mr EDMUNDS. F15 rne' pecoxpinehoO hyr MURRA Y.01 he Lai °, ed by Desire, the Nationa URO ln ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ioCM' M5Is MISSING. ii/1) AI XC ISH, a native of Ja. for Gb i5 ,ll) thle montlh of Jute 9 ii ei hel 4 j. fof since. Ilc is about six ?? 1. bi t t e, antI Dhet 92 V Calrs of age; I alwsif very ore I! j[;in r OW{>es~ta in>> Air~tl ltie Is ,t Xelrt -1Geli front Gbo n i st, ishoru e j'r 'femirspisttif, but W It , .I IllI0Bi AIal.,,aiilio him will he %ti mol C fully re- ?? \ll'n `C.Iu P. O ., E ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LNi .AR-EST ROTUNDA, . . w . ESDnOF TiEttE MOuNtD. Or:r ,, . : , intrO sot.r-eSP6Ctftut1 rnttffiafe to 'i to a ' ?? blic. 0elt tber hoae rpenert their .I-RISTRSECRfIIC P'-ANDOlAMA (ebe- ' t-prisenata SYDNEY. New South N ?? the FRENCH SIEGE of- A1i. * 16,0li00r sqewae feect of ?? ir,. coder she immediate diretih-n of Al. Ws'' `e, a.nd -noterer to the c-xpeiltiet. ,: l.* hire hee on the lorgest ...

Advertisements & Notices

... l 4SSE7 IBLY ROOM1S, - ' GORE ST REET. - ,Oeq7CTORS i)eg leve to announce their 1iW t' ,Of opnin thle abive Itoom for the en. at last SX ASSEfi 1S, eam.n ASSig t/t nn TI'H Ait Si3*-th' A-i4 lilI(3tO s i al .M Js~th in. ITONOU f 13ERE MAIj ESTiY'S i!; - mbE'C then Assefntlies oill he held . 1 . ' i the 27t0 JANUART. (1 ?? FrueaunRr * , ?? jythi! 15th FinatiArT, being FASTEN'S 3 igl~ the 2d4h ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FIFE AND MID LOTHIAN FERRY 14i3 AASSOCIATION. 11F, Supporters of the above ASSOCIA_ T T [ON are aware, that its operations were stopped . C..seqllence of the confident ?? entertained ltat Government ?? erect a Low Water Pier on the F'f elbore. But as this expectation bas proved abortive, the projectors of the Association have resolved to pro. eedt rith the formnation of the C omparny. c A ...

etnttre-flopgl?, evb

... ~lnhirrrgp. ThiSrensent Evening, THURSDAY, eceuber , :0. Wr~ill be perforured the Comic Opera, er-iilerd THE NATIONAL GUARD,-- onr T'lE CORPOR AL'S WEDDING. wj ,rj~ll 1t oie English Stage from SCnliee' Conioc Opera of La Flrrncee. 'ori k ?? Mr EDINT UNUS, in which cia_ -hi , hl will introilue he Soldier's Song. llensirnl, by Mr.G. IIORNCASTLIE. -c Cartecnelr. by Arp HA It rI ?? Macrastot, hY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ADVERTISEMENT. rl' '1'dinburgh,20th May 1831. MIVer Alacillah having, in a letter published in your paper _ of yesterday, as a reply to Mr Aytoun's communication of if .14h inst. stated, that lie had received the foulest abuse ?, ?? Brodie for mdrely. demanding the purport of the it hostile massage from Mlr Aytoun, we deem it necessary tow declare, that the cause of oftnce was most distinctly ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBL1C DINNER. J HE SOCIETY for time ENCOURAGE- T M ENT of time USEFUL ARTS in SCOT- LAND have re~olvcd to Conmmnemoerate its Institution bv a PUBLIC DINNER in the £IOPETOUN RdoBe Is, (,arrv's), Queen Street, Edinburgh, on WEDNESDAY tmwe 21it of Felbrmarmy cart., at Sir o'clocl. Sir JOHN GRAHiAM DALYELL, Kt. F.A S. President of the Society, in the Chair. Dr D. B. REID, F.RS.E., and MUNGO ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DIORAMflA. LOTI-1AN ROAD. N 0 O1 0 PEN , A virw OF THE VILLAGE OF UNTERSEEN, IN SWITZERLAND. THE Scenery of this View surpasses every- V thing hitherto atternvited by pictorial art. The illusion is perfect. The stillness and repose of a Sab. bath lay in siummer. ciararteristiec of a retired village in the m;idist of the Alps, pnwerfrilly affect the spectator, alile a srnse of loneliness is ...

IV C. B0CHSA begs to

... intimate, tat he swill lie ira Edinburgh on the 4th May, Xsi njl/irnmediatelv give a GRAND CONCERT in tie AasEM~t R~ools, GEORGE STnEET. The particu- lril he ?? announced. 3P-ITr BOCHSA, during his stay (which owing to ;e~nvrrmerts in London, mist be very short), will a~e LESSONS ,on the HARP. Those Ladies wish- to avail themselves of his instructions, by leaving iheir address at Mr Pardie's ...