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Grampian, Scotland

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Advertisements & Notices

... i42W P10I2iliCAT'I0XS, - 6Sd by JOHN MAratssoN, 38, Eroad Street, Aberdeefl. r COUNSEL FOR EMIGRANTS, with interesting information L from numerous sources, and Original Letters frota Canada and T the United States. Price 2s. T FERGUSON'S TOURS IN CANADA, in the years 1831 aoud 1833. Price 7s. (id. 1 Do. SECOND TOUR, with the Map. Iriee 2s. (Cdt. STUART'S THRE11 YEAIRS IN Ai\IEhICA, 2 vls. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Purdisheed Otis Day, Price 7s. 6dI. z.ECESSITFcOF P'OPULAIR EDUCATION AS A NA4'PIONAL OBtJECT. Wi1th Hint3 on the Tieatniept of Crimials:0, and Observatloos on 1ho1icidabl In1sanity. liv JAMSi SIMPSON. ltSZ. Advocate. A. and C. BLACNc, Edinlburlgh; liuowx & Co. Aberdeen. THEI FRENCH LANGUAGEr ACQUIRED AVITHOUT A TRACHB11. lin 8vo. price l~s. time Fifth Edlitionm, timorotilly-ll revised and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... %7'T1TT,1REAS JAMES MIcPIIAIL, late-ofCrovdon, htt 1 the county Of' aSurrey, d!eceascd, by his Mi 1, dli'eA the e 17th dry of June 128, *bequeathed a L~egaLcy his ?? that is to say To thre daughter of my brother John I he- queath £2iiU ; and whereas, b al Decree of the High Court of tlarc'ry, mades in a cafuse entitled ?? Drummonid v. his Ma. .testi's Attorney general, it wax referred to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DR, WEBSTER'S ENGLISHl DICTIONARY. Just PulshWed, Price 7.s. to Subscribers for the w'hole WVork, and 9s. to Non-Subsbcribers,: PAn1e III. Of L 3DICTIONArm. OW THE. E-VOLISH LAWGUA&GE: I. The Origin and Affinities of every English Word, as fari asthey have been' ascertained, with its Primary Signilication, n.; now generally established. 2. TIhe Ortliogrtrphy entd Pronunciation of WVords, as ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1* -- - ,C 1APMTAL FAI-1I: ON DEEZ3Y. F Id tt- To he l;et; for 11 years, in IH1.E Fhrm of .MARYFIIEl,D; in the parish of BaMrtory -1- Ternan. nt present occupied by John Burnett, consist. e -h; ing ot' nearly d00 acrcs arable, fine early soil v with an exten- fc t, sive range of excellent green Pasture, well'sheltered; watered, It as and enclosedl.. Entry at Martinmas first. 'r W'illiam ...

Advertisements & Notices

... No. XVI. New I e-k by t/he Aut/hor of JWavcrry. This day is published, with Frontispiece, Ss . XZ77Zf.MS 02 DAXONOLO0Y J2qD WvZTCZCJZAF-T Bv Slit WALTER, SCOTT, BA11. ?? pubia ?? zip to tfle present tb nc, price 5s. cooS, ?? in canvas.- land 2. Lfc of 3lonaparte. 8. Court and Camp of Bona- X i Aleiunider :l a Great. parte. , 10,a and 13. T rish Artists. 11. Irving's Columbus. i, ;, and S . ...

Advertisements & Notices

... '7;UNION' P SRJ3JFTV. Sil~4~iiY'l5~t t'weiitv:~,a V, ii 4 intilde of w~hlch he %Would To vice tsj Lizthehas ?? PlainI ,'tuhid Colourell-T~t~FRPIT~~iiEw WORK 'AIMAES, -WO KM4CR BXEVAA S, FIRE ndHAND S'ES 90 AECADRCS CHI1m- &c.'&. fr rasf~rrng ritson; has alsois-a g'sspp~f CUSTI *VRNIII~repr~dby him- s~ ~n tbbtties of ?? ies,~ ni'w osith itd, diretioncs fo aistug~ ?? hmimt' or cirrftylo ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ;THM_ AERWEE MA0AAZINE, No. VI. I'rice One Shilling.S f. The th-eanier, No. II.-II. Sonig.-.Ifl. Atd1da1s 0,1tholic- En ,Isn.-IV. Thle Fria' osg- Deesiac.-Vl~. lniilationis of Y tuviac, No. V.-VII. Front. the MILiAh.-VII1. Account of the B f hig 11;11oty's Shiip thc Alaunllc.-IX. The Hour for Love-X. To inwj owrn'Liov.-XI. The 111alance of Po~vr.- X11. A Tale of thea flr oaelate.-XHII. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To the EDITOR of thte ABERnDErN JOURXtNAL. Sin, lN ribrenen to tile Letter which apiellred in the .Aberd7eM Jo?1r- ; v al of Vester-lay, stating- thrt aln un rarvautable li'oerty hall been taken ititl the Nattts of myself and others, by addihu them to tile Thquisition for C olonel GORDON of Pill-k, I find that tile insertion had ?? naide from sonu misapprehension throun il y friends. I rin ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MyL1 INSTITUTION~, 18, LODGE WAtLK. THE11 above linstitut!o w, ill be open for Patients, labouring,, ?? .of the EYE, at ?? two, o'clock; fdr the next, SiE monithb (fi~,lr ondllas, ffduetrbhesds, isnd Fr~ beeC suidl not fit two I'lr,'s omry O'clok, nsforilerpY Urg-ent Case.s Hivil be itttol~~ to, byspyss ots Sgo icl MrCATmii5F.AD, 'II Akdeiphi,~ every Moriuing ait tenl o'clock. r Aber2deen, I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... w ?? inl bh PUnaIC ?? onl Ionfday Zile 3hdtit Sept. ?? ?? t 5, Juzst pu:blished, 'It if In2 vols. l2ttto. 16S. boalrds, V. E CT v E L s I ~ 1 n IVIN I TY. II,,. thelte jjt-t Ej'O13GE 311ILL, I). D., ?? ivdpt of st. Mnary's Cttii!-i,o SL. Anitlit1'st5 (Iinll liii mtatiutcrtipt Cy Itis, son HTEA~E It -LL, I). D., 31b mqferol' 1Daillv. VV on S IN EClininbogh ; and WHITrTAKERL &, Co. Is ~h I'r~-n ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DAN1CING AND CALISTH~ENICS. un. . 4tI)NAD, ritnrr.SSOfl OF DA\~Cttsr, toIbit' er e wionl-1 thee List crlsli, i V i!tiv' ilifitilltti', thim, ell 1:11VtS Ioi'tt (if t ?? distiiieoishedi'i I in~iivis, he will rigaini JOI poii his CLANS,4-i, ill itis! '1TOlN'.MIA I. Of I. 5'E~t iM 1, ?? Isint lile .411 it toII its styI ~I 'I fDIlII vI'nI, Iii'e latpies ii uviS I xitil 11 shirc of tlatiP Iatitol. ...