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... ASSAULT OF IS MAJES1'Y AT ASCOTr. r The final examination of Dennis Collins, the ?? pensirouer charged w ,ith the.'late out- ' age on tlieKingat.Acot uiook place on Wednresdlay t it Re ing, ilv tibe presence of rlr, Elliott, tire Ma- gistrrkte who cotinmitted him, and a full bench of or the Magistrates of the ceunty. Mr. George .Henry hlliott, Mr. Jesse Bulkeley, Sir Moiris s Ximaeiw, Captain ...

Law Intelligence

... alaw intetlligrlrr. ,If COURT OF KING'S BENCtf. ,as SwINriNsRN, ASSIGNElf OF ROISS, V. J(NES.- : ht 'his was an apftion brought to recover the ainwllit le. of1 certain pen'ilties said t1 have beent iicurrert bs ils the defeudait, acal.nrnerehant, ms(r tnking usutious tie jiterest nn a bill of exchauge for AI:;u. 'Ihe .de nd fenrdanit consented to isejvcuit the bill, stipulI tilig li that lie ...


... A NGLE.SE'Y QUA ltii!J{ E 3iSSt)ON..S Thei~e Ssicons were livid Oil Tiue'sdaiylat ?? hail ~ ~ ello. 'Eqq., Capt., IIi les Pq ,e spairaw ?? R:-v. HIugh `Avl J ?? Rien. l 'Inn pond juiy lnitnein lpatlillld, The L ilirII ll] .:'jul Ie;t icoo LI Vai Iv tif ?? of taI I, e ?? to ofler it few aobsursvlini, bcI.N'r. tli,~v ivould clilur oi ?? duties oh Ilivir i:~itihe lie' hodj 0il a tarner ? ...


... Mi ULT UM IN PARVA0. I .. .. I 1 . .. I lespig o-f I a resherough Spa lisa beers lost it, A hC consequecire of ?? d igging f' a tunk ?? w its SusIIIce. a rl -At Stitiffod assizes at poor- wo maninamied H ?? uid'i he ISmith was tried fur tire mu rder of tier son by t Itrowvrigl itdur hiina into a wcll. She was declared by , tite jury ID Il cir- iinsane, anrd ordered to be confi ttd ottt i Iis ...


... COUITT OF EXCHEQUER JU;r, 28. Llltl:'!-COBIlTT V. LAW-;ON AND iTIltiiS. This ixas an actioin for litel, ?? by ?? M. P. for Oldhamto, agal st tlhe ,priter au3d proprietort of1 Ole 'I'imrs. Mr. C. Phillips stated tile case. Fnr the firut time ill Mr. C2bbelts life lie apptearedl il a Clult or justice, claitingia (onlieop lienation fo' a libel had it beell an antat-k ti Ipoj his rhat acler a>; a ...

Law Intelligence

... Y'alu .ty Id, VICE CHANCELLOR'S COURT. O BowNv ti. LORU GRAtNVjLLrt.-'Ie case ?? he-l mf fore the cmiuit OVI Tbimr day npoen rintion, fir the i of dissolmtimn of an injunetion obtained by the plail t of til'again1st Lord -taiville restt'nining his lordship I' froin opening certaiim shafts and mines ol the aimnis I of the plaintiff i it Staffo rdshire. 'Ilhe questions is le the case dependetid ...

Law Intelligence

... Uaw Intelligence. COURT OF CHANCERY. KEPPEL V. BAILEY AND OTiSERS. Sir E. Segdea obtained, ex parle, an injunction to restrain the defendants from going upon or using any railway, except the Beinfort railroads, for the purpose of conveying their lime-stone, &c. from their quarries to the different parts of their neighbourhood. The plaintiff and others entered into an agreement in 1795, whereby ...


... RURAL POLICE Wo find the following letter to theo ].url of0 1Derh Lnrd Lieutenant of la.ncaslire, in the Lassea;. Y, r aelte ?? i e ~ ?? Wh\\itelniflltij1rh Jn. 3,i MthY LonD-I Wvish to call tle itte ltiolot wou Lordship end of hle Inttgistrates of file cotivof ' Y caster, to the state of thecoslthabla,,j force it county. y * 'hlo number and efficiency of tile regular consaf. bles in niany ...


... DENBIGHSHIRE QUA RTER SESSIONS. The-e SessiOnS came on at Ruthin, on Tluesdy the 2nd instant, and, in consequence of the number of Prisovers on tie calendar, and other ?? to be traosacteil, did not teriniflate until a late houron Wed- nesday. Ilic Rcv. Ilicliard Newcone, Presidel, and licie was a ?? attendance oif agistrates on the first day ; tie attendasce on \Veitnesday was not so nu- merou ...


... AOj'icGOMERYSHIRE ASSIZES. do On Saturday lost, thle Commission of Assize was so ]lil opened in Welsh Pool before Mr Justice Williams,- lie About threc o'clock the fligh Sheriff, David Hamer, CO Ile E'sq. ofit Glenrtrfon, wvithl a moot numerous party of ISE for friends in carringes ?? on horseback, accompanied til gi1l also by thre Mlayor, Aldermen, and Council of Welsh) hr Ilie Pool, ...


... ?? -1.t1 ). rayANR ?? r On Friday, the 2:3d of September, en inquest baa was held at tle Gyfellen Colliery, near Newbridge, inp before Lewis lReece, Esq., Coroner of the ,'Eastlern troI Division of this county, and a respvectable Jury, awI, e on tle body of 'rhomas David, aged 21, who died ?? yesterday, from the injuries inflictedl by Thomas Ioc t ileyrick and Thomas Francis; wvhen tie fiilo ...


... KILRUSII Pl'I IY SElSSIONS. Ie it , No amore of that, Hall, If you love ?? John Falstaff, ?d Dotiast-ic [),rrEi'ccen.-Mr. Connor Delo-ahery, a j raggedaitd rakis.hloukiitg penisioner, with his head very d much Steved to one side, and who was accompaniedt by a vixenish little daughter of Eve, in the shape if Mrs. DLeloohery, together withl a larse assortment ot ; Deliuoherys,was charged ...