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Law Intelligence

... ?? - Uaw 111telliffellre. IMPORTANT DEcISInN RELATIvE TO SENyS'F WAGES.-Thlurseday week tile case bhow n the I seamen and tle ship owners of the Fynze was de. i cided by the magistrates of Soutih Shields. l heC h seamen, who had refused to sail untder £5. ner F voyage, when tile general snderstandi0g had been t £4. and had been superseded by other men, de. mianded their days' pay since their ...

Anglesey Quarter Sessions

... Anglesey Qua~rter Sessions. se Te ?? of the P'eneo for the bA) id County of Ainglesey, were held[ at the. Shire Hall, oil In B~eaumaris, on 1:'Tuesday last, before Joita W~illiamso, II, n- lSqt. (chairmnan,) WV. Saparrow', Esq. John Price, Esq. hit in V. IBulkeley WHighs, ?? the Alev. Alr. 'thlonmas, &c. Ct .t- 'A'llo Chairman .addressed the grand jurl,' at consi- the I derab Ic length in ...

Law Intelligence

... WIM B COURT OF KING'S BENCH. for 3 c-rmV. TcontEN-T'ris was ali action Olt a po I;Cy of irrsurrare SubscSr ibedi by the defendant f,,rI 2£1,000. 'Te plaintiff a ca, al carrier, isnsared the Tu gloos to he carrited i;l thirtv specified boats, on Ric the canal between Lononin and Wolverhampton. Ali Birmirzgham end. 'Manchtester, from tie 10th of the April, 1828, till tile 10tir of April, 1829, ...

Law Intelligence

... I Draw - INSOLVENT lt'ivrTOnS' COuiuT; On Monday evening last, John David Sivrighf described ns fornterly of Calcutta, attorn y's-0olerk caine- ill to be heardi uporl lis petition, sw hen his diseharge was opposed hy John Sykes, a ereditrn on a. bill of exehanige for £1,6-The insolvent un.erwent a Shhrt examination, from shich it apip ared that he had conic to this coiuntri on a letter of ...

Law Intelligence

... - t!ab . Cost7a.3ro1ii PLEAS, N IWEFDNESDAY.--I16OtlIUY V. SU S~eiick.-.-Thjs was an action of assault atfldl hat sC , ter'y V Ti epla~idtifi'dwas 'a musician On loard t'ie Pl 7 '/SI&fa B~ast Itincia free trader, but raied -S a ?? di ,n-ia I ha defendant was commander of thl Vesssel. t .tppeiried, fidn the evidaiee of threco'f thle crew tiat defendanlt having ordered the Ient' to brili their ...


... K~t.'5lNGOK PETrTY SESStoss.-A SMIALL ALLOU' - ArNce.-Elis~li Watson and 'iThoro Hilays, file twro le mien who assisted the police in securing.1A1r. ~ir~I a-were charged with having been drunk tand disordprl1 ' is in the Broaidw~ay, Hammersnoith, on iaturdaty nigll. St~ Watson, in answer to the charge, ?? tnt ii, wll as drunk. Be had been to a cook's sh.p to inc,, This supper, and be had but a ...


... DENBIGIISHIIRE GREAT SESSIONS. (Fr1iat /r. Cjlister ChLronilIe) HORSE STEALING-Edahvarrd Davies, (237 wans indlicted for stealing a mare, the property of Mr. Willialm Williams, of Llanrwnt. William Williams examined by Mr. John Jervis, I had a pony mare which I put on the common during the sumier. I[ missed her for a month or six weck c;, ani l;ound her in February, in the pos- session ?? ...


... MIDDLESEX COUNTY COURT.--MOSD~r. A 1 REGOLAn LARK AND A WItY-NiCx D 'c ._ Trhe legal acumen of Mr. Serjesnt lle-th tild the ?? tience of the jury was put to the test yesterdtiy by couple of Whiteebapel bird-cagers-gnlondimen who not ailonc prided theriselves on taking ainthding with- itt their reach, but weho could stuff and preserve ?? rirt ice afterwvards. 'Ibe plaintiff was a tail ...

Denbighshire Assizes

... 73enbighshire AJizes. llU'TliN.-Tl'UIISDAY MOIINISr. Ion di The Commission for thcse assizes wa3 opened on1 'S Wedinesday night beforc Sir J1. 1. 13o-a silet, Bart, bi, 1t, when they adjourned utntil the following morning. in OuTlbursday morning his Lordshill acomipanicd e in by several of tbe county lagistrates attended Divine u, worship in the parish church, when a very excellent , and ...

Denbighshire, Easter General Session

... Ienb~ghshtro . Denbighshtre, Easter General Session. f an . 'hl'e General Easter Session of the Peace for the en D county of Denbigh was opened at tie County Hall, the i on 'Tuesday, the 5th inst. before Mr. Joim Hoaton, of' tfi , les Heaton, chairman; George rifflfth, Esq. Garn; pe Wilson:Jones, Hsq.; Al?.P ,; -Geirge Naylor, Esq., . i Plas'Clough; Capt. Clough, Min y Don; and Capt. te Wostyn ...


... KILRUSII P1ET'TY SJPSSIONS. 1l I ?? -- no ?? 11-11 Ih-11i X XIsLRtU6t I'M I- Y 61bl~iIwU.j Let me go, you bad brud. Pot t) ?? to the Fairyj FATiHtERI AtIMIAIV' 9 TEcOrTaALISMI. AN ?? ?? IS ?? any more c:taes there ? said the crier, wvitih a congratulatory smirk, as his labours for thle day seemed nearly brought lo a close ; *- is there any [sore cases, now ? 'I;is ap- peal was, alter a ...


... MULTULI IN PARVO. ?? rC-1111 -r1- b { Witr -He . _ ?? haring 7i., u riday's Gazette orders tetirt tooorniing lor 1' nt'it 1 late diajesty, ?? X, to coiltmence on the 18 .tha, z to change on the 25th, and to cease on the t8 ill. d At the ?? Police-oflice last wCeek, friends, Marquis of Waterlord was fined 5S. for being fout .sq. o by th police drunk in tile streets.-'I Fe oouth Vitn to son of ...