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Carnarvonshire Assizes

... Carbarvonshire Assizes. The Commission of Assize for this county was opened at Carnarvon on Wednesday afternoon. mr. had Baron Gturney was received and escorted into the town her by the High Sheriff, Captain Parry, R. N., and the idy usual retinue of javelin men. For- On Thursday, after attending divine service in St. !ive ary's, where an appropriate sermon was given by in- the Sheriff's ...


... I BERIONET-IsmItE SUIBiEP. ASSIZES . Trhese assizes ciniumiceced at Dolgelley on the d 10th inst. lI. Justice Vaughans inas met ahoataive v o'clock ini the crvening ?? 1l-slui Reveley, Lsq t (who represented the high slerilf, Job in (Jrav lardford, Escq.) tnidl a large ?? of genitle- 1, 1ne15 0(d fveelhcidesF, aticl escs teld ihti tile ,i wn It The alliwlia gilltlctnen wei e sworn (in thlt ...

Merionethshire Assizes

... Al a The Cuotnission ?? was opened at the Court th Part I-louse, Bala, on Saturday seornight, before Mr. Jos- , aths tice Boanquet. On Monday morning the court was CI AlSO, opened at ten o'clock, and thle follo'wing gentlemen mn (r it were sworn on thle be tim- GR~AND JURY, In tas Robert Williamnes VAughan, Esq., Foreman. re ates R.. Watlsin Price, Esq. TI. Price Anivyl, Esq (It lays 1Edward ...


... I i ci BAIIDI r.V. Pscsswicii.-We regret to state that our aeamiable friend, Mir. Pickwick, has been cast in very :he breavh damages, in an action brought against him for ice be of promise of marriage. We regret that our cespace will not enable us to give at full report of' this c'very fusnnr trial. We heave only room for thle address m-n of Alr. Sergeant BuzFuz. Mt. Th uses sagaiss called ...


... ASSIZE I.YTELLTJRYC'AE. CHEISTlERO, APRIL. 3. Dansoo v. HanImqli' (hind Others, and MLi ertern of Il1o Ayvtiljric U14i'm 0L1'iJi~rany. IBeftoe Mr. Bfain, &iflItd anol thy followvit'- Speciatl Jury : ?? Dinol, oif Lilticton, Esq. ; 'lThos .Johnt. stooe, if'llnghlwtoll; SAiL meteor; 1Edo-are Iifontsl, at Ilit~iohU111IL1, merUIchanit; W~ili. Xcitabl~s Cii bet, Laj Ac, Esqilh it IJali,' aT' mj'tin ...

Law Intelligence

... UAW fatellioulte. I , O.URT OF EXCHEQUER. JO)NE8.V. BaOwa a.ND oraisa.-rhis' was anll- tiv,i brought by the plaintiff, vvhq is a nuil mana Uaturer, rcsiding in Waorcester, for the recovery ofi It Ue ?? df 'a Liil of exehange of *488l. 13s. 6d. The defendants fci're chemnical and 'colour manu .4accluioi, easrrvaig' on business at Battersea, aiid thW facts of the cas6.were rather of a singpilar ...

Law Intelligence

... , PAUPEFr S stirr ?? At i9 now before St Parliament relating to this branch of the pDooI' i laws, which is well deserving the attention of the an i inhabitants of twns generally. It is entitled a tis -r Bill to alter and'amend the Laws of Settlemen t, W by hiring and' service; and by its provisions, nto Bi imale person cab, after the periodn of its passing t oblsi % a settlement in any parish ...


... POLICEX. GUILDUALL., FRIDiAY, ItAiwCn '23. Friday !homnia W~iIliains, Esq 01a I~ryn o ris CanI t I, beI DIwr ii ally exavrii j tr before Sir I.'Pertar Lame -id Alr. Aldormani Laliosrn, ha argeI witl ifo r-gitg c20r. tarn testamenitary papers relating to 'ire property of tile lat Jones Paiorrn, Esq. oif Pia.'gwyn, Aniglesey. AMr ?? M~r, Floweratterided furtie prosecu- tioll duad Air. Adolpfiuq, ...

Carnarvon Quarter Sessions

... 'lre ilichaelmas sessions of tile peace wvere holden . in the County Hall, Carnarvon, on Ihursday last, s before Sir Love P'arry, Chairman, Major ?sanney, S. 0. Prieitley, Elq., (eorge Davies, Esq., F. Walker Jones, Esq. liev. Ai;essrs. Roberts, ilaler, J. Parry, Henry lihcirard-, Griffith Owsen and John Jones, Justices. it TheChairman addressedthe Grand Jury inexplana. a tion of some recent ...

Anglesey Summer Assizes

... Angleacy Summer Asizes, Sir Joust Pslleson arrived at Beaumaris, onl Wed- nesday afternoon, at thlree o'clock, attended by James Greenfield, Esq. the High Sheriff of tile County, and the usual retinue; He proceeded to the Shirehall, where the commission for holding the Anglesey Sum. mer Assizes was real, and the court adjourned to twelve o'clock on the following day. On 'hlursday morning, his ...


... I PAI'VC ULtAtS or IfE II ULI 1 It m1 fr. C.- TAIN .AS'D CREW (cluE C0lAN im 1'AIA. In His ?? ?? Ribtoliolre Ilios r rivdi ?? Bill- ii due1, 10111 Iu iaa, faing 11 onl bosnir the( Solo SULIV'1 o of I lie Crew' of tlh ?? ig Clio, The` MMI, Whose 11ame1 hi~ is Alexiander P'ano, yie 0 tile fi lowving melanchioly Statltelie:t Ind '1I sailed from Liverpool on the 7thi ?? lost. rr-in tili brig ...


... CENIItI;A CDi1 NAL COURIT. I i r .i ..a Ale justice DECmN a ?? Mr. I justiee lioSANQULlit.) ~ Il t. ;i~ilit 01 Fulom tty,.Geolge Edivorsif 1CC 0~er ~-,I'.oirhiN (conflnitittd by ?? CjpItIIiI3, I11 ditced for felontiously fii, vo 115C owe,(r OF ltter nCV, for the transfer of C 5101- itI Iit jltlt to defratud tite Coveto if tu Ait1 of Englanld. . t \ii hiktii clrk If arraign, read tile ...