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... JVONJIOUTH811IRE. FUXERAL OF THE LATK AKTHUR WYATT, ESQ, —The mortal rem,nns ofthisgentteman were brought from London, to be interred in the famity vault at Michet Troy, &nd were borne to their final resting ptaee on Tuesday last, The corpse was taken through Monmouth at an earty hour that morning, in a hearse and four on its way to Troy House of which the bells of Ft. Mary's and Over.Monnow ...


... Below we give our promised list of the prizes awarded at the Regatta Show, and our opitiiot, that this season would be unpropitious for fruit seems verified thus far, if this Show may be considered as affording specimens of fruit from the gardens around for we have seldom seen so moderate a collection (we do not allude to the grapes and pines) the plauts were also scarce. This arose we hear ...


... AN INCORRIGIBLE THIEF. A boy named Jamos McCarthy was brought before the Lord Mayor, at the Mansion House, London. A police. man stated that the prisoner, an incor- rigible young thief, about 13 years of age, had been lurking about a cart loaded with orange-boxes on the preceding day, mid was whipped out of one of the boxes, in which he had hidden himself, by the car- man. The moment he got ...


... DISSENTERS' UNION. (From the Bristol Journal.) We observe by the Morning Chronicle of Thursday last, that the Dissenters have 41 set the battle in array against tht Established Church, and will listen to no terms short of her degradation, if not total subver- sion. The following report of a meeting of delegates, which we abridge from the Chronicle, affords matter of fearful import to the ...


... ( Continuation of Thursday's Parliament from our last.) Mr. ItlPPON moved for leave to bring in a bill to relieve the Archbishops and Bishops from attend- ance in the House of Lords. Mr. GILLON seconded the motion. Lord ALTHORP, amidst cries of Question, said he was ready to meet the motion at once, or to leave it with the House to dispose of it as they thought tit. The cry of Question ...

savings banks

... Viewing the principle of those excellent institu- tions, the Savings Banks, conducted as they have hitherto been, in conformity to the plan laid down by that eminent statesman and true patriot, Sir George Rose, we have hitherto considered them worthy of our unqualified commendation. We confess, however, that the following extract from the Age induces us to fear that something ominous is now ...

-bsieconshiub. 0-

... MONMOUTHSHIRE n MONMOUTHSHIRE AND WYESIDE CRICKET MATCH. The return match between the Monmouthshire and Wyesidc Cricket Clubs, was played at Hay, on Tues- day last, and afforded excellent sport. After an ad- mirable display of skill and activity in this manly game, the sport of the day concluded by a majority iu favour of the Monmouthshire Club, as by the subjoined list MONMOUTIIIRE FIRST ...


... ( Continued from our last.) There lived in a sea-side hovel, near Duuraven, a des- perate character, once a smuggler, who having lost a hand, which was supplied with an iron claw fastened to the stump, a formidable instrument, obtained the name of Mat. of the Iron Hand. This man bore so evil a name among the country people, that he was best pleased to lead a soli tary life on the shore, shut ...


... LONDON MONEY MARKET. CITY, THURSDAY, FOUR O'CLOCK. A slight depression has been felt in Consols as well as in Dutch Securities. In the early part of the day business on the Stock Exchange was somewhat lively, on account of the quotations from Paris of the French Funds.. [Consols are 87f, buyers, for Time, and sellers for Money.] Rentes 102 and Three per Centes, 74 15. Dutch Stock is 905 1$, ...

[No title]

... CAMBRIAN, GLOVCESTEU, AND LOXDOX RML- no.vii.—Our readers will see in an advertisement, that our liberal and enterprising neighbours in Swan- sea have taken in hand the promotion of this great national improvement, in their usual spirited manner. We regret that the crowded state of our columns pre- vents us referring to the subject at present, which, however, we shall do in our next. WF.SLEYAN ...

[No title]

... BRUrus AXD TITUS.-On a recent visit of his Grace the Duke of Wellington to Dover, he was, as Lord W arden of the Cinque Ports, received on his entrance into the place with military ho- nours by a detachment of the Rifle Brigade. The major commanding was the Marquis of Douro, eldest son of the Duke, who, by some accident, ap- peared before the hero in plain clothes—a circum- stance of which his ...


... FASHIONABLES, LITERATURE, &c. Her Majestv has contributed £ 25 to the ftilid for raising a tablet to the memory of the late Mrs. H. More, and for the foundation of a school to bear the name of the deceased. The Marquis of Siigo, who has been recently appointed to the Governorship of Jamaica, possesses, it is understood, considerable property in that island. FLECTION FOR TOTNES.Iolin Thomas ...