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Bristol Mercury



Bristol, England

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Bristol Mercury


... BRZSTOL E'OLZCE. CO UNOIL-HO USE, SArUZWAY, Oct. 22, 1836. Magistrates present: the Mayor, Messrs. Stock, Wood, 0. B. Sassde s, and Herapath. James Burston was charged with being drunk and beating his 'sife. Complainant stated that she had been married to the de- fendant, who was constantly ill using her, 27 years, and had nine children. For several years he had neglected so provide for her or ...


... WESTERN CIRCUIT.-EXE'T'ER. Trial of Sir J. Jeffceatt atnd Afessrs. Allford, 1asleland, and Holl and, for the alleged Marrdr of Dr. Hennas. The trial of these unhappy gentlemen excited the most intense interest in this ?? prisoners were indict. edl for having aided, assisted, and been present at a duel, fought between Sir J. Jeflhott and Dr. Hennis, on the 10th May last, whlen the latter ...


... AIILT.TAXY LAW, . , . ! . PF'oml the .Weatss~aster .1Ievew,'Nse ^. .:XX .I : . . : . ~Cernea ledf~renoir l45tr, ?? ?? ;The seriord Spris ciple,-7nansel, 'that~the.rvnilita7ry clia- .jrncter ?? of thee suys et, sfar onlyfas; ?? 'be needed for the: isz barga 61' n il0tary dttes; .lavisog his general responsibjlitynsacltli1'uiltinged, hillvi be snostntellignille from 'one of 'two eitamples of ...


... BRISTOL QUARTER SLSSIONS, the 1651. try The Quarter Sessions for this city, agreeably to the Lhe provisions of the New Act, comenced yesterday morn- the tng, in the Guildhall, before the Town-Clerk and a lad bliencl of Magistrates. There were forty-six prisoners on for trial, most of them being for minor offiences. Tile he tbllowing cases svere disposed of in the course of the day: .l- William ...


... The rev'ision of the lists of voters for this city was Continued 0On Saturday; and tip to Wednesday evening, when the court was ad- jourried to enable the barristers to attend their appointment in Basth on -.ThIursdav. Yesterday morning the business was again resumed, anid, Frillm the mass of names yet remaining to be called overit i proabletheour 'IsI be obliged to sit for several days ...


... 33tSTO'L POXLICE. COUSCIL-HousE, Tharsdav, March 14 1839. Magistrates present: Messrs. Newman, J. N. Sanders, and M'Bayne. James Whiting and Samuel Reynolds, two boys, were charged with breaking into the premises of Mr. James Miller, baker and grocer, Oxford-road, Dings, and stealing a quantity of cheese and bacon and two plum loaves therefrom; and Thomas Hodges and ?? Hodges, his wife, were ...


... B^Z-OL rOLICE. CoUNcsL-HoLTsE, Thursday, Lec. 20, 18iS. Benjamin Foster, a lad, was charged with stealing 4lbs. of cheese from Mr. James Taylor, St. Augustine's Parade. The prosecu- tor stated that, about 4 o'clock on the preceding afternoon, as he was sitting in hissparlor at the back of the shop, he observed the prisoner creep quietly in and take a piece of cheese, with which he ran away. Mr ...


... RAISWOL L, -, v a r. ? IF.? ? , c V7? ?- ?? , tr , , nm, - A gentleman named Webb, accomipani ?? attired woman, named Racket, made an appl t V gistrates under the following circumstances. on the l0th of Sept. last, as the brig John Ca was lying ins Acra. Bay, Africa, the chief mate r and some others of the crew, includinga young man n Racket, the son of the female applicant, daring the absence ...


... 3RESTO3IL POZIE. FesCouxcsr-HousLs, Thusd'ady, February ?? 1I3. The Present: The Mayor, and Mr. Herapath. ~sent John Williams was chsarged with stealing a quantity of starch from the premises of Mr. forymer, in whose employment he was. eyice A man in Mr. L.'s employ stated that, on the same morning, lie hose observed the prisoner pass out from ths yard with something ap- and parently concealed ...


... POLICE INTELLIGENCE, ASSAULT.-,Johfl Robinson, a man of colour, antd-a nlemn- 'ber of the Honourable Society of Chimney Sweepers, br~ought Marl, Coonibs before Mr. Dyei~, at the Marlborough-street offiled, for having, without cause or provocation, comainitted-a~sfltlt ndd battery upon hilm on Saturday last.' Please your honouritble Vership, said Mir. Robinson, hoceupies the two front ...


... 31=STOX. POGX.C. Cocmvciz-. Hou's,, THunsDAY', August S, 1839. Present: The Mayor, and Messrs. Newman and MI'Bayne. Samuel SinitlV was charged with violently assaulting Ann -Mat-ti thew-s. ,%r. Matthews, who keeps a beer-house at Clifton, pro. c duced a certificate by MUr. Boroughs, surgeon, slating that the a complainant was confined to her bed by the injuries she had re- ceived, and would be ...


... SOAM RSAT ASSIZES. Thq`Clmiss io-a for this County was opoled cm tae-sday t~jgw~aer, by Mr. Justice Alderson adbMr.'-JuitieePatteson, aifter~ivhich 'heir Lordships attended Divine Sefice, Oni Wednesday Mr. Justice PattCSon entered the Nis! PriusI ',Vd6uyrat 9 oclock, Twenity-eight causes were entered, 4.of whichI are 5.o be tried by Special Juries. NMr. Justice Alderson took his sest ins thie ...