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Advertisements & Notices

... ias To be LET or SOLD, hls 'With immediate possession, if required, re IFIE PREMISES situate in Cavendish Street, IheL Derby, with a STEAMNI ENGINE of 10-horse power, eat Boilers, good Sheds, &c. &c. suitable for the manufacturing he of Colours. :e9 AlSO, TO BE DISPOSED or, in A PLAISTER BUSINESS in full employment, with the ih, StonesGearing, Bags, &c. &c. he To treat for the same apply to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PELICAN LIFE ASSURANCE OFFICES, Lornbard Street and Spring Gardeng. Mattllias Attwood Esr. M.p Hugh Hamotersley, Esq. w William Stanley Clrke, Esq. John Haes, Esq. el F. R. S. Sir Win Ieygate, Bart. and F John Coope, Esq. Alderman. C William Cotton, Esq. F.R.S. J. Petty Muspratt. Esq. T William Davis. Esq. William Samler, Esq. e Sir Charles Flower, Burt. and George Shum Storey, Esq. Alderman. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 17t1pORT1'..T SAEIE OF NEW LEfGESTER SHEEp. B. P'AYNE Has received directions from the Executors of the late Mit. JOHN FREESTONE, l Of (URVAT HAR1o0WfDEN, NortliamptonshireJ C To OFFER for SALE by PUBLIC AUCTyI/O, , B On FRIDAYt, the 14th of September next, ri HaIS VALUAIILM AND 111GULY-E.STnEEMD a FLOCK OF NEW L.EICESTER al S3H EE5P, Consisting of 50 Tups, and 150 EnwEs and TiruAvEs. C HM1EY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SOUTH DERPBYSIIIRE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. 5S rajnIlE f'llowill- PIREMIUMS will be given, at the 5 T t' ICIl'Ill'URAJ. SIIOW, to ?? at I)ERBY', oit ?? October 4tll, lS.3', and the Pyl.OtT(HIN(., MATCHES will take place onl Tr-inRSDAY, October ,3rd, the day previous to the Show. REWARDS FOR LABOURERS ANI) SERVANSirs. I. To the shepherd who has reared the greatest nimber of lambs, belongixig to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BY MR. --CHEA'rLE, TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, Ioy Air. CIJEA4TLE, At the Royal Hotel, in Aabby-de-la.Zouch, on the 22d day l ' ptember instatt, at 5 o'clock hit the afternoon, and *mtiEject to such conditions of sale as will be then pro. --duce&l (by order of the Assignees;) 1 l7VERA.L oxitstandin- Debts and Sums of Money -Xtile troto various Persons to the Estate of Dlessis. 4 *lers, Sitnnonds, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rek. LII'TI EATON. TO BE soL Y U ?? IB ItRD BY A Ut C1,10.\, At the Fox and Owl lnn, ill lcrb,, on of August next, at. o'clock n the ?? Fri da such conditions of sle as ivill then be Igi, ?? c wilthenr be declare-d Fr1111j Substantial StnYIC built i t of ' ' AN YARD, (C roftm d IESSUA ! of including a thiree-stalled s tuttea e at)prl ing the county of D~erby, and in the ;tccl at.i t;eX of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... =BY MR. ROWLANI) BREAREY. , LL'rTLEOVER. Il. 'P'IM_ OLD UAY. - he TO BE .ESO.LD.BY AUCT1.0N,;.. Cer no Mr.. R W .4fAND BftRARLI'7 pY N the Field opposite the Rising Suir near le- iL Littltover, in the county of Derby, on Saturday, the its 5th. of March, 1i'36, sale to commlence at halt-past Two ice o'cloclt' to LOT ?? Stack of Prime Old Hay. 2,-One ditto ditto. J he 3.-tlne ditto ditto. tl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1B3 MR. ROWLANI) 13REAREY. d GEORGE STREET. 1. MODERN FURNITUITE, LINEN, BOOKS, e Kitchen Requiuite, Beautiful Gold Lever Watch, 4c. g 'TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Mr. ROWLAND BREAREI-,U i. On the Premises of the late Ming E. DAVENPORT, George h Street, Derby, on Thursday, 21st July, 1836, sale to se commence at eleven precisely. HE FURNITURE comprises a most superior . l Spanish mahogany carved ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ALTERATION IN TI-IE I'EA DUTIES. y a Rsolution of the House of Coominons, proposed by the Chancellor of the Exchequeer, the new mo(le B of levying the Duties on Tea came into opreation on the FIRtST DAY of the present M Ikth.- To matte the import. &nce of the change fully comprehended, we beg leave to shew wherein the difference between the old mode and the new one Under the former system the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LITTLEOVER, ONE MILE AND HALF FROM DERBY. 1fo BE SOLD BY PRIVATE CONTRACT, And may be entered upon at Lady day next, Either in one or two Lots, WO Substantial DWELLING HOUSES, one T of them consisting of house and parlour, three bed rooms, cellars, back kitchen, pantry, coal-house, and pig. sties, a large new built cowhouse 12 yards by 7, with stable aod loft, and a large ?? other, consisting ...

Advertisements & Notices

... thie -- -At nnt srd To the independent, Elec~ris of the jes SOV-11KI-N DtVLS1ONT eV. OF' THIL-C0UNTY OF DEJRBY. GfgalXLI MEN,j, -.-A BT have redeemed the pledges which we volun- Ills IV tarily and honestly gave to each other of asserting thei .our just pretensions to a.share in the Representation of our Tui of Division at this Election, andi haviing failed to establish dec me them against the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TIHE Venerable SAMUEL BUTLER, D.D- i Archldeacon of Derby, will hold his Visitation at CsEs'tEnri rLD on Thursday the ninth, and at DEnRSs on Friday the tenth days of December next ensuing. By a late Act of Parliament, all Executors, Widows, or Next of Kin, &c. are liable to a penalty of £100. if they neglect to prove HVills or take Administrations within six nontrhs after the death of the ...