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... : 77., S tt ; NATURE versus MLTHUS S~rownig through the oetwd --5;Prayingby the fter t lde - Wanderingo'ertbo beathy felb. Down WitbiD the woodiis Ait uamong the mountrdlns wild, ,Dwelleth many a httle child. In the baron's hall Of pride. - B the poor man e dull frealtet ldid tho mligty, 'mid thb mean Litule chdre tmany be cee .ike the flowers that springup fai'. Bright and Countless, every ...


... -- - -ttt- - LHYMN. . thu the teemiug earth has made, Dy thy great power,- Ard gave to man the soil, alii'd said, * - Thy bread be sure. But grasping fieuds have cursed the plan Which thou called good: Aud trampling rn their fellow-man, Hove stole hli food. How biu3 shall woe and want oppress The sons of toil,- , And blanch the cheek with dire distress, Which oaght to smile? Shall weeping ...


... LITUhlT U1rM._ _ ,_ A4 Sketch of Modernu ecaml A7ient Geogrlaphyt, f or the 5156 q Schools,, bsalmuel Butter, 1). I., ?? .rch- dcacrrm uf Derbr1, antd -lead luaster oft/ie Royal ?? Grammar Schnol of khrewslbar'y. An Atlas of Ancient Geography, by Saint. Bhutler, D. D. zaa Atlas of #loitrern Geography, bay /ihsamne. 'lhe Vrenvrable Archdeacon Butler, of Shrewsbury, author of the above ...


... LITEfRATURE. BA:5 W\OOlS'S DIAs;AZISE. SICITEM UHi. 'ihe opening article, om the Elections, it must be allowed try all, is masterly in style antl treatment of subject, whatever may be thought of the grounds on which the argument is built.- We think the notices of the London exhibitions in Blackwood, generally exhibit too great a degree of fastidiousness, ii' not of prejudice, on the part of ...


... BLACKWOOD'S MAGAZINE. SEsT. Tihe gorgeous descriptions of mountain scenery which Christopher publishes at intervals are among the most strik- ing features ofthismagazine. They are highly poetical,and evitce ?? communicates its influence to the reader with great efflect. It is rather odd, by the way, to make an article of this kind the source of an attemptto show that Lord Byron's fame is not ...


... ,POOR MILLIE! _ . _ . ?? [it was staled in a newspaper account of the Circurmitsinces at. tending the ?? ot Archibald llolam, that when the depo. sitlin was read ver to him, his fortitu le fors ok him, ?? heavily, tind eaculated .eilc lonrer Mlilc !-Ioor Millie! Poor mdillie! )' IN youth, a tender mother, and a homestead blithe and warm, Give promise ofat suilylife, undimned ...


... Thn'Vm1r,+,4 T-Zl'W~ R 1 . . A .- I tifne %twpart ol IIr L;. I.; Cro;-e\s History of Fllance forms the 1thofLardner's Cabintet vhp:vdia; it is I Itseful *ilti comnprehtensive work, compilet Nith great care, aind becolies. as it proceeds, mlore ijlterestiltg. La Belle Assemblee tor FIeintiarey is particlarly attractive, being adorned wvitit an ulegrnt vti ilinshvilI portrait, 1w vllTotwsll, ...


... LMTERAT: URE. SOIWITH'S MAP OP T11E VALE OF DEWttENT. We have mn]ch pleasure in directing the attention of the public to Mr Sopwifh's map of the above vale, and to the observations with which it is accompanied. The map is constructed with the accuslomed neatness and scientific correctness of this ingenious surveyor, and is well calcu- lated to show the fiacilities which the interesting ...


... I e ?? ?4 I , I- I i , :, : - ?? I The ?? r vr-i,'the Cholera in thts nrit Vth doij tries has, very natihlly, drawn the attention or the medical men to the subjesi and the scientific have devoted litweaiitid labour in inteadgating the clouded sources of its origin, and in ?? the materia medica to discover some eflicient re- medyagaisist the power of its poison; hitherto, however, the mttustr.. ...


... . mrwmRATvRI3. ' : - -, ?? I CiABl1sN CY lOIlAA The ?? part of that admniably sustained and popular work, the Cabinet Cyclopadia'd, is Volume III. of Lives of the most eminent ?? Military Con'-. manders, by the Reverend G. It. Gleig. The indi- viduals, whose history nnd exploits oceupy these pages, ?? Lord Cdive, Charles Marqais CornivaUis, Sir Ralph Abercrom bie, and Sir John loore. P ach ...


... I . VICARDEN'S MrSCELLANY, NO. 1. Jan., 1839. A healthy spirit appears to pervade this new periodical, and the services of some able writers have been secured to ornament its pages. It general tone is serious and instructive; but the Floating Remniniscenses ofthe Old Sailor, and the Haunted Manor House, show that the lovers of lighter reading will have no reason to turn away from its contents ...


... .. I Woe tp e set vou edthy a tale to vnoiS a, serib ibafro1ethIng 64t qultto st swt. Ountion is!-o'at estin seepS. thO6 r oubet In a irtlDfol, prbtt latWely exhbited iu ltbe windows of our boobohnlo. Oar btir snUvtde tt Iaen en wIn dcnbt en to. whether thb ansoyst are ezl. al.d~t or rmoely soeed. 5f relent. con wodee how anythig an good rold n dws hbeats pabtbed, sell yet escape no cell. s ...