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Warwickshire, England

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LONDON, Saturday, January 6

... SATURDAY, January 6. | Die papers of have reached town, | In the Chamber of Peers, on the discussion upon | the Address, Count d’Harcourt moved an amend iment | in favour of Poland. The President of the Council | ressed sympathy with the misfortunes of the P exp) he did not think a declaration in their fa oles, | t your | would be attended with any good. The amen was however rejected by a ...


... ASSIZES. URT— Before Mr. Justice Bosanquet, owN MONDAY, Arrit I BosanqueT opened the criminal business of The i his Court, to-day, at 12 o'clock. mw business being disposed of, the following preli on owere SWOrn as the sty ee gentle JURY. in G RAY SxiewiTs, Bart. M.P., Foreman, Iinot, Bt, M.P. Edward Sheldon, Esq. ley wil William Staunton, Esq. William Judd Narding, Esq. q Henry C. Wise, Esq, ...

LONDON, Friday, June 1

... THE Gazette of this afternoon announces that the remaining Levees for the season will held on the Bth and 20th of this month, and tho last Drawin Room on Thursday, June 21. Th ...

LONDON, Saturday, Sept. 22

... LONDON, SATURDAY, Sepe, 22 Paris papers of Thursday are barren of news. Thepet ition of the National Guard forthe enjoyment 3 fie elec tive franchise is much commented upon. The Ti contains a report of the resignation of : Valle, Governor-General of the French pos- “ons in the North of Africa—Several journals 4 en of the serious illness of Cardinal Fesch ; ad letter from that prelate announces ...

LONDON. Friday July 5

... Gazette this afternoon announces theap\ pointment Major Gen. Sir Benjamin D'Urban as Governor and Commander-in-Chief of the settlement of tlie Cape of Good Hope. Circuits—Oxford ...

LONDON, Wednesday, August 24

... J ( AZEtt yesterday contains a notice from 1 Marshal's Ollice, that no Tickets for the V ** e issued to any Peers or Peeresses who l their intention of being prejf \ *- r ...

LONDON, Thursday, May 26

... TIIF. Gazette of Tuesday announces that Her Majesty will hold Drawing Room at St. James's Palace on ■ Saturday next, in celebration of his Majesty's Birth-day. It also contai ...

LONDON, Wednesday, Jan. 30

... ir DON, Wepnespay, Jan. 30. al Ky Ir Char] E of yesterday announces that Admi- DOM ‘ght G ¢ Y €s Tyler, K.C. B. has been appointed Admirg Toss of the Order of the Bath, in the dmiral Exmouth, deceased ; and ander, atles Hamilton, Bart. a Knight Com- hent, © Toom of Admiral Tyler. ETURNED to serve in the New Parlia- nd he Crown List. Berna 0 are ol thee rough of ~The Hon. William Smyth in the ...

LONDON, Friday, October 23

... n . ns afternoon contains the Quarterly n' Liabilities and Assets of the OrtobCT inelu ° 281,1 of Jul/ the of Liabilities. Assets J».ix« Securities £28,061,000 -*4,i57,1ul ...