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Northern Star and Leeds General Advertiser



Yorkshire, England

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Northern Star and Leeds General Advertiser

Advertisements & Notices

... Emmy Verksbire Purchaser of the NRT T% ST~ag of THIS DAY, will be pfeented with A SPLENDID PORTRAIT RICHARD OASTLERESQ. FROM A STEEL ENGRAVING, GRATIS. He is the Father of the Poor, the Defender of the Oppressed, and the Dreadof the Tyrant. Our Lancashire, Neweastle,. and Scotch Friends will receive theirs NEXT WEEK. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Just Published, Price One ShillivBQpin 0C4 , 1 F TH.E RATIONAL SC HOI -GRMAR ANDW ENTERTAING A.- ASS^B OOK, . Awt W-z=,&1m HIMLS - Also recena& Prshl~d' price One Shilling, Bound in Cloth, PROGRESSIVE EXERCISES m Selected foron the best English Authors, and an arrageda to accord with the Progressive Lemsons jil the foredgoing Work, am, , . 1: HIM A . - A OME YEA tS ago, the Aiiithor of this ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HARVEY'S AR:IC PILLS WITH SARSAPARILLAS For Strengtlwning the Constitution and Par fjying the Blood. HESE PILLS are obtained solely from Peru- J. vian Bark and Sarsaparilla, so prepared as to contain in a highly concentrated state all the medi- cinal properties of each of these valuable medicines, by a judicious combination of which, so greatly are their restorative virtues increased, that in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MATTHEW BIRCKLEY, MUSICAL COAC M MANUFACrURER, &c. respectfully announces to the Ladies and Gentlemen of HALIFAX and its Neighbourhood, that he has Opened a Shop at No. 49, King Cross Lane, covenient for carrying on the Musical Clock Manufactory, and whero every Article in that Line of Business can be ob- tained. M. B. has on hand a most superb and elegant SELF-ACTING ORGAN, with Four Barrels, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... p ' IFTY P3OUNDS REWAfi. To Rector, (Jurales, Parbh Clerks, or Other. HE Above REWARD will be given to any T Ptreon -who can procure a properly authenfl- ts cated CERTIFICATE of MARR AGE: of a Mr. J. SHAW, formerly practising (in 1808) as a Surgeon E & I., at Adlington, neai Chaley, in Lancashire to )f Sarah, the Daughter of Richard and Ellen Anjer- ?t ton, then of Millstones, near Chorley ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC NOTICE. W BHEREAS, my Wife, MARY LAW, of Win- ' W ter-Bottom, in the Township of Walsden, s Parish of Rochdale, has left her Home, without t auy just Cause. I hereby caution the Public against 0 Trusting her, since I will not be accountable for l any Debt that she may Contract aftsr this Public I Notice. c Witness my Hand, this 2nd of October, I839. c ROBERT LAW, Jun. ECOND ASCENT of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC DINNEli. NN TUESDAY, trhe 2th Inst., the ROCHDAJ El O RADICAL ASSOCIATION will ee]ebroti their Auniversary by a Public D)inner, in the Social Institution, Yorkshire-Strect. Tickets for the Dnin ner, Is. Gd. each. Aiay be had at Mr. E. Wrigiey's, Printer ; Jonathan Niold, Northern Star ; and Shepherd aund Bake's, News Agents, Church Stile. No Tickets will be issued after Saturday the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE GREAT MORAL DEMONSTRATION. T a Meeting of Delegates from the various a Towns in the West Riding of the County of York, held at the Black Bull Inn, Mill Bridge, in 4be Parish of Liversedge, it was Unanimously IResolved to Convene a WESTr RIDhVG D15E1S1KS0 TO BE HELD ON Ofltt Tuesday, the 21ot day of tay, 1889, .At ELEVENo'Clock in therFrenowt, on PEEP GREEN, LOTHERIVISE, 1IART003ISAD U003, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE, LEEDS. ON gIONDAY. June the 25th, 1838, HAM. LET, (with First Time,) THE TWO QUEENS. On TUESDAY'. (First Time,) Mr. YATES'S GrandDramatic Spbetacle of if;LSEIA ox THE SLAVE 9UEEN, Acted in London Two Hundred Nights. In this Drama will be combined the entire Splen- dour of the LONDON ADELPHI THEATRE, with entirely NEW DRESSEs of the most Gorgeous and Costly Material-New Scenery Painted ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JUST~E!JE-C-I J-UsTC I! The London Demco,,Wie-soceiao to Fearg/rq O'C&117ir -and the 'Den-caJoft ?i~ t rtao ytsgd Irelapid. FE Z7l COV;RyMrN.Wehadi htenidedthat his, achieve- them. we -wer* preparing tu o drs you, whex lo ! a cry of, grieftaid horror, resounds 4ihrough tlie land, cauing upon us to at unce arouse from our lethargy-to at once commence our labours, and boldly gragple with the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CHALLENGE TO CURE BLINDNESS. M R. BAXTER, late of Hull, (please to obserro M the name,) who has restored to sight so many hundreds of individuals, many of whom haro been blind for a number of years, begs to announce to his friends in Scotland, that in consequence of the many invitations he has received, that he intends to visit Edinburgh, and will pledge himself to cure all ex- ternal Diseases ...