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Bristol, Bristol, England

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... SING.-oh 3 sing the plaintive strain Then thv last-thy parting note Thou SD oft host sung before: Echo reaseloss shall prolong; Let me hear it once again. Still to ine thy voice shall float, Ere I leave my native shore ;- From the airy realms of song: Let the lost sweet breeze that dies Thus each breeze, that f itterst by, O'er my bosom-ere we part, Still shall whisper soft of thee,- Blend thy ...

Original Poetry

... - 0--pi-Olial Portri). TO A LADY. MIsT I lovc vou, nnd lovo you in vain, And yet Aninoae that you *D not despisc me ? Carll I gze on1 yoour facc and rastrais Losrig thoughts, whiicih cool reason denics mc ? YPI arc high6 ofril and riels, as l'm told; Coll I Wish, Cnoudi I he, yoar debasecimlt P Al IaI-! is it truc, lacting gold, .Love so sors ?? oat of the casanototP - . ethhilks tcoutd stop ...

Original Poetry

... original i@octrp. TO THE EAGLE. Ons whither, proud bird ! dost thou fearlessly go, With thy eve of fire, and thy wsing of snow ? bost thou seek to follow the sun in his flight, ?? he bids farewell to the coining night? ?? bas sank in the sea; and each silver cloud That kisses the wave is forming his shroud, Or hanging aloft, in its silent gloom, Like a banner above a warrior's tomb. Bird of ...

Original Poetry

... Original voctry! OHI, NO! 1 WILL NOT CHIDIE THEE NOW. Oh, no ! I will not chide thee now, Though every hope wtis lost in thee; Time has not changed my heart,-and thou Hast had thy share of misery: Heaven knows I did not wish to see Thy heart-strings wrung, for slighting ma, There lives a selfish love, whose kiss Is of this earth,-but Itis not mine; Oh ! I could drain my heart of bliss ...


... . .- . ; . IrPJIoTHE TI uE PUN.] RaMARKABE SAYING(S OF GREAT.:' ' . LAWYERS | (VidelDebate-of.Satutdsy Morning.) LORD ELDON. In what he (Eldon) m was about to sagy, HXe mjghtjbe charged with what he inost dietested .Zadical doctrines i'-things which, day by day, ETThis happy country nsore and ?? isted. LXet he would have thbmn-recolleot, ere they Condemned the present system of electiosn, That ...


... A PRtoTEST AGAINST DRINKING. I roTEST thlt ire more I'll get drunk- irs the ?? suln theO phigete of' I lice It ruins mny credit, 1re hieiltih, asd my purse, NIv ,i!:er aind ale comifrrt, arid What is still worse, it vrxcs and aiigers my wile ! I iroret that no rinrire I'll get drtrik_ It tormeintsol ciribitters my life 'Po ortin 'txorlid hurrl its vot'ries along Anid reaosors slclares lint ...


... TuIoTlnnvelv harbnlger t ,f Spring, That swet tand cheering season Uhrer naiure fresh rcvlyes frain dreary WVinter aioom When birds begin ther 0olig, alnd reribde 1hroligh the grove 'theiir Me.,kers's prai;e : TIhy whit ldend drooping head peeps fort), Emiriern of purity, of' hope aliit Soy. red Ftair emblem. too, ofrealls blest earthlyfred rh, tender Wife! rho, when tprera'd With rarer anid ...


... THE WATEPFAIlL. IA! MiP Is g lo ritu pile ofdiam~fds brighit, Bpil t onthes teadiast clibs, the waterfal I Pours forth its'genis of pearl and silver light 'I'ley rink, they rise, ant, reperkling,ico a'i With infinite ?? ; 'bic it, sueg, Sublime asithunder, rolls the sooilo nling- Itnils through th eroodst ?? its accents bark, Whowe last vitrotion in the desert dies - It, radlia-ce glwces o'er ...


... ¶tHJ 1idiLEi FrilA T.ORYISM.: Mo puif exp~q ; Mtorqm**I aolwnrehat~. apathyi Andi badc his hltd unfurl ontgh . The hailow'd fina fof Liberl Pe ie. Whbat lsssd hrretipQwxkin~dOa)Od: And charm d them uito steeppgain, And bfribe the basei. perverth-pen'? 'i'wds Toryt gold. What tvkaits the slumber, burats the charm, rpiis guilty cowards with alqrm,n And breaks corruption$ garascjifi af n t 1e ...

The Commentator

... VIjc eJ9oinntentator. NO. CL f Talnitatvarlissenuonibus aures.-Ovi.* It is my intention, as I proceed in muy capacity of Commnenta- 0 tor, to introduce among my comments, as occasion may serve, a series of letters to be intitled, Letters to the Man in the Moon. Of these compositions, my readers will please to consider me only V as the publisher, and will, I hope, be khid enough to accept ...

Poetry-Original and Select

... T)oWtr3=0rigialV anll 'TeaL. ADDRESS TO A KISS. Qumris quot mili basiationes t'uoe, Loebia, sint satis superque ? Quam nagnus nuiteruis Libyssre areliv Lascrpitiferis j c.t Cyrenis, Tam to ?? multn basiare Satis est super est.-CATULLUS. IYSTERIOUS choarm of joy, soul-missioned kiss, MIore potent than ssveet eloquence thou art I Lite.brecth of love! thou art a type of bliss; And yet thou ...


... ADDRSS TOt T'HE NEWV YEAR. Task clock stikes twvelve ! nan now the new-born year, I orne on thre morning's wings, snakes entrance here; I' stir the fire and the cold stranger warm, And Iight shall spread its all-enliv'ning charm, To gild our meetging scene, and gaily sheer, While T. with welcomec, hail the newv-come year: 'ea!f stratnger guest, 1 welcome give to thee, Although I know not ...