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Derby, Derbyshire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... CHILBLAINS, 11IIEUMA'ISM, SPRAINS, u'rLERa CAJ EI'TT Of'()DI) 1D)C.-CiljelIkt Oil, BI~rlivil ih is tile bas~is sif this (posdeldlsc, liss ie,-I Isiig estceemed oi ts ue Cootiolistl as a rels'isisY fi~r Chlsssse 'lhlieu imatistal, Spasodrsiic All'eciisss, ('illoss ltlysSities aiid Etilargesuirst of the Jlssinss, Spsrains, Blrisijs, told D~eaf oites; asid the expt-ieriO~ce late 1,1cars, iii ...

Advertisements & Notices

... COLl S. COUGHS, ASTIl-MAS, &c. UTLER'S PEClOORAL ELIXLR. Experliree during Bt u very a lo)jg period hals incontitesfibly proved ilie stipe W ae, i Iisle Id(iciiii, iii tall cascs ofI Colds, Colughq, rior efficacy of dd~s Melei. g lld a es ole t;xtd vcltora- and Asli ilmtic Alfectimlls. By prroiiniiitg gearc enpeciri till, it vely shrriily relieves the p ctiellt of u blight or receit Cold, rlun ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r~ MIE Cosmnissioners in a Comimission of' Bank- J ruptbearingdatethe i5th of November, 1814, awarded and issued forth against JOSEPH DICKEN, formerly of Hi-ligltlis PaLrk, in the parish of Tatenhill, in the counry of StaFford, Imt late of Saint Stcphen's llill, in the parish of 'lithlield- in the same county, cotton tnpiner, hanker, dealer and chapman, intendtomecet on the lath of January ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -BY A1PIR. 'UT'J-'Fr''ON.xl PRIMIE FAT SHEEP. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY IEn. TIT TBrTON, a Upon thc Premises of Mr. Tilo,£AS OeGrrLr., at Rough Park, in the parish of flamistall Ridwvare, and county of Stafford, osi Monday next, thc II ti day of January, 1830, at eleven o'clock; - SEVENTY-FOUiR Remarkably Fr1 WVETHnItns, b and Forty prime FAT EwEs. C TI-IE GR 0 VE. TO BE SOLD EY AUCTION, By ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ASHBORNE SAVINGS BANK. T a Meeting of the Trustees and Committee of the ASHBORNE BANK for SAVINGS, held at A Ashborne, on Thursday the 31st day of December, 1829, D11C3. HARTWELL, IN TfIE CrHAIR; RESOLVED,-That upon examination of the Accounts of the Bank, feom the 20th November, 1828, to the 20th November, 1829, they appear to stand as hereafter stated:_ Tile TRUSTEES of thlc SAVINGS BANK, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Under tilie Protect ion Orof m ermnen t. b Ry lni iettersPeltetit G RBA NTEI to llMlERlT 1`01D, for his Mevdicine~, G uittieizally ktiiwti bV Ilie title uIi pectoral BALISAMi of f I) C l IOU NDI, fuld Gsre., R Iestoralti ve Aitietdici ,e-illt seiifed utdippahlisfieid by thle Patentee iii 179 t, Iv hicfi is pcure uised by thle Nobility ,acid bv tire fiiciliy gecitrally fecalti nieieid th ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BY 31R. NICHOLSON. FREEHOLD ESTATE AT MATLOCK, I And Cospyhold LANDS and DOLES at BONrSAL!L, IN TUE COUNTY OF DERBY, TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By DIO. 1VIC2fOLSON, T Matlock Old Bath, on Tnesday the 9tlh day A of Februar3 next, at two o'clock in the afternoon, subject to such conditions of sale as shall be then produced. [A Description of the Lots, which is unavoidably omitted this weeck for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... H, HE-MEMORIAL of the Magistrates, Clergy, TLFreehiolders, and Farmers of the COUNTY of DERBY, io the First Lord of tht'l'reasury, reprc- SeD'ting the extreme depre.aeidn of 'the IAgricultural Interest, having already been numerously signed at the'Sessions, will lie for signatures at the undermen- tioned, and other principal Places, from Monday, 'January the 18th, until Saturday, January the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BY MR. KNIGIIT. TUTBUR'Y. I frilE Sale of the Valuable ttJNJTUI1E and l `V EFFECTS of the late -JOHN ALLEN; Esq.,Scr4eo, Will commence on Thursday the 28th J-nsary, 1830. Caialogtes may be had at the Dog andt Pa&Tridge Inn, Tutbury. JOHN KNIGHT, Auctlioneer. Auction andt General Agency Office, 1 Barton, 20th Jan. 1830. f OAKLANDS FARM. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, D7 MEr.. KNIGUT, At the Onklands ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A REAL BLESSING TO MOTHERS. _ 1-iHEEE it ntrt, perhlaps, in vIlrile 1t1clia .Medico, T ie[l ay, on1eslee bcls effec~tually relieves the pnin c of tlhe sufferingl Patiettt as lie AMIERICAN SOOTHING cc SYRUP. Who cart satch tie wvriihling tortures into which pI n Itveely ltfant is otftent convulsed, dnurig the period if deiii n tl:ior 'vwith,,ut feelings3inpatihv titsasufferirgs? And who .M ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BY MR. NICHOLSON. FREEHIOLD AND TITHE-FREE ESTATES ATDROXIIEWD, COAL ASTON, & NORTON, 11; THE COUNTY OF DERBY. TO 13E SOLD BY AUCTION, By Mr. NICHOLSON, At the house of Miss Johnson, the Angel Inn, in Chester- field, on Saturday the 30th day of January next, at two o'clock in the afternoon, subject'to such conditions of sale as shall be then produced, and in the following or such other Lots as ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO: BE SOLD. A N excellent BRiITSKA, on its first Wheels and A Collings' Patent axles, lined with drab cloth and lace, and painted green relieved with black. Also a handsome second-hand POSTILLION CEJA RIOT; very little inferior tornew, with'-under springxCsrriqge and *atent axles, lined with blue'and blueytaoroccto sltab~seon its :at wlheels, painted patent yellow relseved *ith black. The ...