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... iSPORTING INTBLLIGENCE. EPSOM RACES-CONCLU1JD, The Meeting terminated yesterday, after four days of finer racing than has been seen these ten years-thanks to the exertions of Baron die Tessier and the New AdministratIon. The unfavourable state of the weather In the forenoon operated against the attendance yesterday, which, notwithstanding, was very respectable, and more numerous than could ...


... fj . O I SEI2PLING FOR THE DERBY AND OAXA. This interesting epilogue to the races took p ace yesterday, at Tattersall's, which was crowded from noou till nearly six o'clock. The adjustrent of accounts proceeded verv slowly, and It was evident, from the number of serious faces, that there was a terrible deficiency of tle one thin1 needful ;` every thing, however, went off quietly. It is ...


... ASCOT IIEB.TH RAGCEs. ATROCIOUS ASSAULT UPON HIS MAJESTY. Yesterday was the first day of Ascot Heath Races, and it will be memorable from a most atrocious assault which was committed upon the person of his Majesty, while standing at the window of the Grand Stand, in the presence of her Majesty, and a brilliant assemblage of friends and guests, bywhom their Majestles were at- tended. The ...


... SPORTING INTELLIGENCE, ASCOT HIEATH RACES-WEDNESDAY. Every thing was very flat yesterdRy, the races poorly contested, the betting dull, anrd the comnpany thin. Their Majesries were not present . ii short, all went off as indifferently as we could have expected oln a second day. A full attendance is expected this day, their Majesties havinig signified their Intention to be present. T ie ...


... SPORTING IiYTELLIGENCE. ASCOT HEATH RACES. Yesterday was Grand or Cup Day, and, we are happy to state; there was no appearance of the falling off noticeable on the Grand day at Epsom. The arrivals at Windsor, and other places in the neighbourhood, on Wednesday night, were very nilt- merous, and abundant evidence was afforded of the Influx of fashionables to be expected on the following ...


... SPORTING INTILLIGNCE. ASCOT HEATH RACES (CONCLUDED). The meeting terminated yesterday, and it would be difficult to imagine a less interesting finale; the sport was wretched-tbe company thin, and the weather, for the greater part of the day unfavourable. The Royal Stand was occupied only by two or three' members of the Court, and most of the other stards were enpty The following Is a list of ...


... I _- I On Saturday this distinguished Chlub gave their first Cup of the season, to be sailled for from Greenwichi to Gravesend and back, by the yachts beloniging to members. The Ro3 al Sovereign steamer was enigaged to accomparry the match, arid W. Harrisorr, Eiirq. the Commoidore', having hoisted hitt flag on board, she left hier moror, ings off tire Tower shirut half-past nine o'clock, with ...


... SPORTING INFELLIGENCE. NEWMARKET JULY MEETING, 1832. MONDAY. JULY 9.-Ssveetsrakes of 10 ,,vs each, f-'r three years 11, colts Sst 61b, and fillies, 8st ?? T.Y C. Renewal of the July Stakes, a subscriplttn of 50 sovs eqch, 30 ft, mlr two yr old col's, Sst 61b ; filli-s. 8it 41 ,.-New T.Y.C His Mzajesty's b c by Waterloo, out *f Moses's dam. clh f by Parl isan, out of Sultana, sis to Sultan. D. ...


... SPORTINGINTRLLGENCRE. I - ~ ~ ~ ~~se ,v:, HAMPTON RACES.-YESTERDAY. Thepatronage bestowed on this Meeting has always been greater Chan it deserved ; for at no place comprised in the list of metrm. politan races, has there been so little management or spirit dis- played. It is solely toltsbeing atso conve.nient adistancefron town, that Hampton owes its popularity. The list of fashionable8 ...


... SPORTING INTELLIGENCB. TATTERSALL'S-YEaSTERDAY. NEWMARKET JULY STAKES.-(Mo .AY NF;1T). 3 to 1 agat Mr. Newton's colt 9 to I agst Zinc (takei) 4 to I -- Dulcinea (tak) 5 to 2 _ Advance ST. LEGER. 9 to 1 agst Fang 15 to 1 agst Julius 9 to I --Lud.ow 15 to 1 Perion 9 to 1 - Retiner 20 to - Francisca 10 to I- Margrave (taken) 20 toI --Birdeatcher. 13 to 1 --Trustee 1,300 to 200 agst Trustee and ...


... .PXTRORDINARY TMRI7IN MA TCI. The great match between the two American horses, Railer, the property of Mr. Osbaldestone ; anid Roelsesiel., the property of Mr. Payne, came off yesterrday according to appointment, on the ground between Wittlesford-bridge and Royston. Mr. Osbaldes tone backed his horse at one thousand pounds to Mr. Payne's five hundred ; anid the distance, as we stalted on ...


... SPORTS ONTHE THAMBS. GRANDISUBSCRIPTION SCULLERS' MATCH. Tuesday a purse of sovereigns, given by gentlemen amateurs was rowed for from Westminster to Putney, with the tide, by the inderrnentioned watermen, viz.: - 1. J Bhn Harris-Scarlet 5; George Maynard-Orange 2. Francis Godfrey-Pink 6. Joseph Royal-White 3. Henry Norris-Bluc 7. Thomas Loader-Stripe 4. Henry Barrow-Grecni The match excited ...