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Manchester Times



North West, England


Manchester, Lancashire, England

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Manchester Times

Advertisements & Notices

... 2114 Cb MMIERCIA.L CLERTKS'SOC-ETY.-M. GEO. WADSWORTH respectfully acknowvledgeS the kindness of those Members and FriendO who sought by; their support to confer upon him the honour of Seeretarydiiip to their benevolent instltutiof. 12, Princess-street, 11th August. 1*36_ BNK OF ?? is lereby gicen that the ANNUAL GENERAL ,1LEETING'of the Proprietor, of the Bank of Manchester, svill lie heist ...

Advertisements & Notices

... M*h+N'CHESTER MIUSICAL STIvAL. T HE Committeei m be to/ nolnce to the T PilbUtt that the FE STIVALi be Ield on the -week commencing tIe- 12th 9eptemrber, I5b. NEC ESER EXCHANGE. AT a M1EETING ot Gentlemen, held this A dity, it being inalemouh'l agreed'that the accomnmoda- tion afforded bY the prteent 'Fxchange was totally inale- quate to the great increase of thle population ant commerce of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'tl J) ito~j,1EVE 111(d C(lN:STABl.ES of: 7d ' 0) )R) t~i'L to state that, thev will Ito glad toI Moniday ,etiiig next, at Sis o'lock, at a~lu-tr 'fltlTA N I' S as ito 'still JO)IN IN (ellra- h K ...

Advertisements & Notices

... U AOMYCHOMJ, or ELASTC WATMfl PROOF BLACKING.-At length eacutchouc is used in the composition of Blacking for boots, shoes, harness, &c.,hlwhtich 'ies b a~ deioan The composition- allu dedt is prpa atmsct~ure of acid5,0 is =e=clywtrpr6 produl most brilliant polish, pre- sereth lot~,gers itiir phal~iablnd will not soil any wecaring appar T his prepaation ih sole invention of SAMUEL WOO~et~ eN.4 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? ,. 'go be- et. r Q ;BE LET, FIVF iS , suitable for t!t oftices on tho ?? TraFo, Tll LANE P sersionmaybhnth m A pf to3.A LDERt9 Livcry Stables, Kessoedy-r 0 BE LET, irt the MDet Lce, several T RO AilS. suitable fi-- lto m ifac ?? TWO UPP O IS 'b ' foi.atail., SC V eii ?? p1isltvr, hav44 ?? to the lr1is cr1. BE LET, at a low j Int and entered n immediltely, a 0-IOUSEr S BAE HOUSE, top of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... '~ANTED, a ?? W quire at At oewl Sacti_ In. ?? - :none ?? nef o is a nd 'ut lb 'Trarl's Union. h L AW. A So1i6i p Nne Iro un coon a n t ' tiemar a f o o lert ,n mi ?? tI V X nt teP nc | MALLjII U~EZAN7E or iive miles of atnelgstcr t ?? ?? oot tooms exceed £ o t t hren is Oniier n tSCHOOL OF 7oo 001TPD .00NN modate the studelo~~odrate cpita G,,lTg~jt ac for tY. puXai. and L ...

Advertisements & Notices

... M CH EST'rER INS T ' 1~~IN-vo E-X IItIITION of thle NINE siriojin il ~ILT AEST~iS ili CLOSE Oil 8ATUII'' \j)\T he 27t Jiii Subjects frouti 11e Acts oif tnl 270 ?? inn 1517 undter thnenspnin lo l w t int' ne b5 ?? ni n M, the i. t tile Ciarign o it' 1,n tni ,-h itn'ssnt't Ilnri tiea ti -cnI'- I \ Imh oel ,I SYI.UM.-The Directors of' time It n .'ntiO ifC £tt I Is. lotll. tetnin tin'. ttF nte-tt ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AJORRIS'S CELEBRATED PEARL OINTMENT, used and recommended by several eminent gentlemen of the Faculty, for the cure of scurvy, scald head, ring worm, piles, sore legs of many years stani- ine, chilblains, chapped hrgds, sore eyes, grocer's itch, and all inveteratsrliseas ifthe skin. It also affords great re- orsf wonflip. ed &cnc Tl extraorsnary effcay of tmours 0nor as,,'e poe in. mn f t ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BOROCUGII OF 4MANCHESTER. Commiirrar RooM, 71h. December, 1832.1 nIIE CONM 'ItTEE in the interest of Mr. MARiK PHILIPS, respectfully inform the Electors, that' filev sit rerv day from nine o'clock in tle morning, at 1leMMillt'h'E ROOM, No. 7, BlOWNSTREET wihere they will lie loippy to receive coi nsnnications, or to give uny informiation clonCerninz the at-rangemnents whihel havwe beenl moifle ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rililil'.;il:E '.,,A \Ci i' IVlSTI-A~t.- It is rpsoecitully asnnounced to the N ,bility, Gentry, and Pohie inl general, that, htAvlti. hat miany retlu-'s fr--t a numbier of mercantile gentlemen who .ere unable to attend the Theatre on Mondliclay, the celebratetd DISTIN and COLLINS Families have decidled on gissnt THIS E VENING, Oelober 6th, a 1FAREWELL CONCERT; and in order to give a ioniil ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WANXITD, a respeottsble YOUTH, hoeing ha& agood eduvation, aq si APPRENTICE, to ain 1,UR GEONin' 'Iow ear Mat heer e ried, and tile InptKentice would betrte oo _Apply, if bylletter, post paid, to S'' tteTseo WANTC.1), a P[E1AS0N competent to siuperinj- Mec1tairs inAstitution, Co perr s N l c'0 IA, No. I. Clusrles.street' ' c TO CAL JME11WHA4)Ty', fe. THE C13URCIlNVARDE NS of 1Manchester are ...

Advertisements & Notices

... W @;7ATANTED, a Person cnl~)Pteltti to fill tLe situ- ,,ation ot FAMNTt Ot Ot TtltAt or the 'lA K OF MNANOHSTEii. \pplinitions to be ai(re s~cdti) Mr. IUtiRDSEIN, Mailiger ot ti iaitt of Manchester, I M1lantel-: *;v7*ANTED oue Or tuo olig nicwn s Assist- a ~t li resrpeettilte PaI cci'~s e~tiabi islimet - :;: 'i to MCessrs. trstvell atis d a i'elcil, 59, HOII -stuect, All- ('heater. 1~ANTED, a ...