Advertisements & Notices

... ALTERATION IN TI-IE I'EA DUTIES. y a Rsolution of the House of Coominons, proposed by the Chancellor of the Exchequeer, the new mo(le B of levying the Duties on Tea came into opreation on the FIRtST DAY of the present M Ikth.- To matte the import. &nce of the change fully comprehended, we beg leave to shew wherein the difference between the old mode and the new one Under the former system the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LITTLEOVER, ONE MILE AND HALF FROM DERBY. 1fo BE SOLD BY PRIVATE CONTRACT, And may be entered upon at Lady day next, Either in one or two Lots, WO Substantial DWELLING HOUSES, one T of them consisting of house and parlour, three bed rooms, cellars, back kitchen, pantry, coal-house, and pig. sties, a large new built cowhouse 12 yards by 7, with stable aod loft, and a large ?? other, consisting ...

Advertisements & Notices

... thie -- -At nnt srd To the independent, Elec~ris of the jes SOV-11KI-N DtVLS1ONT eV. OF' THIL-C0UNTY OF DEJRBY. GfgalXLI MEN,j, -.-A BT have redeemed the pledges which we volun- Ills IV tarily and honestly gave to each other of asserting thei .our just pretensions to a.share in the Representation of our Tui of Division at this Election, andi haviing failed to establish dec me them against the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TIHE Venerable SAMUEL BUTLER, D.D- i Archldeacon of Derby, will hold his Visitation at CsEs'tEnri rLD on Thursday the ninth, and at DEnRSs on Friday the tenth days of December next ensuing. By a late Act of Parliament, all Executors, Widows, or Next of Kin, &c. are liable to a penalty of £100. if they neglect to prove HVills or take Administrations within six nontrhs after the death of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T1HIS DAY IS PUJBLISHED, N EXiPOSI'rioN of the LAWS of SOCIAL A1 3C(ONOMY. ByRt.CA LVE HT, M.D., Physician u0 the Force-4. Effingham W1 il.on. It is not saying ton much in praise of this little volume, ba it is the compllet .et Grammar of Political Economy rith 1,h we arc acquainted. The author looks for the .xed and inmnut:able principles which form the basis of nciety. instead of' the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BY Alit. Tt'FE'EII'I'ON. Prime Short-Horns, Fat Cows, Bulls, Draught Horses, Sheep, Hay, &c. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Mr. TIFTTERT'OA, Upon the Premises of Mr. JoIN MAIRBROW, at Newton Solney, in the county of Derby, (declining Fanning,) on ;londay next, the 3d of April, 1837. at ten o'clock; N INE Slhort-hoyne(dDairy CNvs, at note; Ileifers, - Calves, one 2-years old short-horned Bull, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DERBY AND DERBYSHIRE. e R 4 ;UR~e LatsS i 9 YORK, and King William SreqL.I t X t 3~ab tf And y DIRECTORS. VonRK. LONDON. W'm. CooperEsq.Chairman. Goo. Frederick Young, Esq. ' Thomas Gregory, Esq. Aid. M.P., Chairman. e Depty Chairman. latthew Forster, Esq, John Agar, Esq. Deputy Chairman. l James Audus, Esq. A lex. Bannerman, Esq. M.P. e John Barstow, Esq. John Walbanke Childers, 111atthew ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SHARES yN THlE FOLLOWING COMPANIES ON SALE. 200 Commercial Bank of England. Northern and Central Ditto. 30 Nottingham and Nottingliamshire Ditto. 15 Northatmptonshlire Bank. 25 Bury and Haywood Bank. 100 Imperial Bank of England. 10 Dundee and Perth Railway. 10 Lancaster and Preston Dilto. SO North ant South Ju1nction Ditto. 30 South Midland Ditto. 50 Trinity 11arbour Ditto. 60 Eastern ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ENALL & SON,1 (fe5o~nris55f to ?? jsda, 'ivet C7at,.447, West Strd d, , ' ~ .LONDON, and, pp]PECJFULLY announce to their numerous Finisi Customers that they-have opened with *0tirely new and elegant Stock of Goods, comprising On i oyelty of thepresent season, their premises, CORN e1oy XBT Z)Ft BY. The Stock cowprises an extensive ?? Desks, WVork Boxes, Porcelain, Bronlzes, ?? Soaps, Perfumes ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Fn DEUBYS1IRE o GENERAL QUARTER SESSIONS OF THE Ill-.PEACE. b. OTICE is hereby Given, that the nert General N Quarter SessionY of the 1lcaceftr the County of Derby, will be held at DERnY, on Tuesday the 4th day of January, 1Is1, att twelve o'clock at noon, for the transaction of 6usiness relative to the accounts, income and expenditure of the County; theCountyhall, bridlges, andprisons; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RE SOLUTIONS Passed at a Public Meeting, held at Bakewell, on the 18th July, for the purpose of forming an Association for promoting the Purity of Election; JOHN BARKER, Esq. in the Chair; I. FPHAT an Association be formed, to be called 1 The High Peak Association for Promoting the Purity of Election. II. That this Society be open for the reception of all members of the elective body who ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DERBY IMPROVE' lA'IFTT ACT. NOTICE is hereby Given, that the Annual N General Meeting of the Commissioners under the Act of Parliament passed in the sixth year of the Reign of his late Majesty King George the Fourth, intituled ' An Act for better paving and otherwise improving the Borough of Derby, is appointed and will be held at the Guild Hall, in Derby aforesaid, on Saturday, the 30th ...