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... PRQ INCIAL. INT.EL GEi-N,.E.I ' . I~ttlS., , ?? The annual jaunnt of the knights of the thirptbie, Yrodk ;L'wes. to C~hailey, took pinco on Mondav se'dinight, for Wli'hCi piarptseX they engaged M~r. Ticehurat to take thet in a dbt'4h 'iind ?? but two of these geatlemen being' desirous oft'isplayii`'0teir capabilities of horsemanuship, hlired each a horse of Mg;'tc- vens. As they were eoming ...

Published: Tuesday 06 September 1836
Newspaper: Brighton Patriot
County: Sussex, England
Type: Article | Words: 2114 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... LONDON & BRIGHTON RAILWAY COMPANY. GENENAL MEETIVG. [From the Railwvay Tinley] The half-yearly General Meeting of the Proprietors of this Conilkany was held onl Thursday, at the London Tavern, l~iiloptgate Street, City, John Hlarman, Esqj. iu the chair. Tla~ SECRETAity CTboauas Wood, IEsq.) having read tile advertisement calling the meeting, it as resolved unanimously that the conumon. seal ...

Published: Tuesday 22 January 1839
Newspaper: Brighton Patriot
County: Sussex, England
Type: Article | Words: 2263 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... LOCA L NEWS. TllE, RAILWAY. 'The engine anti tender intended for use on tie Shore- *harn brainch of tilc ,ondlon and Brighton Railway was brougaht into Brighton on Monday (yesterday) se'nniglht. It was drawn hy ?? lin-ses. three a-breast, being placed on a v'rry ?? tnrtick, on cast iron vheels of great breadth. When in Aldrington drove-way, vhich Icads from th1c main road to the engine house ...

Published: Tuesday 15 January 1839
Newspaper: Brighton Patriot
County: Sussex, England
Type: Article | Words: 1070 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... THIE COMPOUND QUESTION. T C1FR CoaPOUNDERS,-So this interminable question rllor 5 chance of being set at rest, the Directors and - taS ]avbig decided not to compound for any house te ?? value of ten pounds, notwithstanding the i;; Sfe01lpOsitxil of the liberal (/9 Whigs, and with its alfiet tippeals, law suits, and arguments in the Queen's are all vanished into thin air. Messrs. Savage and ...

Published: Tuesday 19 December 1837
Newspaper: Brighton Patriot
County: Sussex, England
Type: Article | Words: 1476 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... IIOUSE OF LOVIDS-TUESDAY. Tlhe Duke of WELLINCGTION laid on tlrc table the Report of the Committee of the IIrivy Council on tire subject of thiecause of tire fire vvhirlr ral destoyed the two llouises ot Patlialment ; and proposed thL appointmeit o(f a Committce to cntmimuticatO witt a Committee of tilc Douse of Commons as to the bcst means of providing tor their permanent accommodation. [Lot ...

Published: Tuesday 10 March 1835
Newspaper: Brighton Patriot
County: Sussex, England
Type: Article | Words: 4183 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News 


... A meetin of the subscribers and friends of this society was held at the OId Ship, on Monday week,-the Rev. H. WI. Wag- ner in the chair. The Rev. Mr. FENNELL read the report of the Committee, which stated that they had nothing new to report, except as to the matter of the Loan Fond. The report announced a decrease of 329 depositors for the past year, which was attributed to two causes-the ...

Published: Tuesday 14 February 1837
Newspaper: Brighton Patriot
County: Sussex, England
Type: Article | Words: 1820 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... at WTORTH'[ING. ro FNCII Oil MIAGIOTIATIts, Tow.N liALL, WRttNItsDAY, Jur~y, 25th, re IS,-PIresentit F. W. Fratikland. anai G. Gibsou, Esqrs, thJ ies Flout and Mstlwi his wife, the Governor aund Governess of East lie Pre'ston P'oorhouse, which is incorporated under Gilbert'sAct, Appeared )Ii before the Bench ili a summrons Obtained byv Caroline Smlith, Cha~rgitig en1 themn with anl assault ...

Published: Tuesday 31 July 1838
Newspaper: Brighton Patriot
County: Sussex, England
Type: Article | Words: 5169 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. We take the stibjoioed from the C/hoaijari, a French paper, which has a trick of turning all political affairs into ridicule,- even Coronations. The letter is writeun by an artist (who is colle to London for the purpose of making caricatures), to his ?? ill Paris My Dlear Iriadls,-The great dav at last arrived. I have seen a Coronatios, with its tawdry oroamelltts, its ...

Published: Tuesday 10 July 1838
Newspaper: Brighton Patriot
County: Sussex, England
Type: Article | Words: 4842 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... - HOUSE OF COMMONS, TUESDA1 ' `IIE , MAlT TAX. The Marquis of CtrAxmios stood fast to his pledge, and proposed the total repeal of the Sl~alt-sax. Jut the majority of the Tory landholders, who made their way into the l-ouse of Commons by dint of promising to abolish the Malt-duty, broke their solemn engagements to their costituents, and voted with the Minister. Lord Chandes was defeated, by ...

Published: Tuesday 17 March 1835
Newspaper: Brighton Patriot
County: Sussex, England
Type: Article | Words: 5237 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... SSE CONT - -H I SUssE'X COUNTY HOSPITAL, lth November, 1836. in-patients admitted . ?? 7 In.patients discharged ?? ?? . 12 Remain in the House . ?? 87 D DOCTOR IN HIGH DUDGEON.-On Wednesday Iaorning last, a man in the employ of the Water Company had ,pened one of the plugs at the top of St. James's-street for the purpose of cleansing the pipe. At the moment the water began to fly, Dr. - ...

Published: Tuesday 15 November 1836
Newspaper: Brighton Patriot
County: Sussex, England
Type: Article | Words: 1808 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... SUSSEX COUNTY hOSPITAL, March 22, 1837. In-patients admitted ?? 11 In-patients dis char gcd ?? 8 Remain in the House (including two accidents ad- initted during the week) ?? 98 We have authority to state that the Poor Law Com- missioners have come to the resolution of not interfering with Brighton. The Vicar may now, therefore, make up his mind to pay a chaplain to the workhouse himself. ...

Published: Tuesday 28 March 1837
Newspaper: Brighton Patriot
County: Sussex, England
Type: Article | Words: 1598 | Page: Page 2, 3 | Tags: News 


... On Friday evening, in the House of Commons Mr. Fielden presented a petition from the inhabitants of the borough of Tiverton, agreed to at a public meeting, respecting the working of the Poor Law Amen~dment Act, and prayingfor great alterations. The hon. member stated the allegations to be, that the new law had now been two years in operation in Tiverton, without laving produced many of the ...

Published: Tuesday 17 July 1838
Newspaper: Brighton Patriot
County: Sussex, England
Type: Article | Words: 1027 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News