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... AIILT.TAXY LAW, . , . ! . PF'oml the .Weatss~aster .1Ievew,'Nse ^. .:XX .I : . . : . ~Cernea ledf~renoir l45tr, ,!'. 2''' ;The seriord Spris ciple,-7nansel, 'that~the.rvnilita7ry clia- .jrncter extit~inishesithFidtity of thee suys et, sfar onlyfas; iiiSni 'be needed for the: isz barga 61' n il0tary dttes; .lavisog his general responsibjlitynsacltli1'uiltinged, hillvi be snostntellignille from ...


... WESTERN CIRCUIT.-EXE'T'ER. Trial of Sir J. Jeffceatt atnd Afessrs. Allford, 1asleland, and Holl and, for the alleged Marrdr of Dr. Hennas. The trial of these unhappy gentlemen excited the most intense interest in this county.-The prisoners were indict. edl for having aided, assisted, and been present at a duel, fought between Sir J. Jeflhott and Dr. Hennis, on the 10th May last, whlen the ...


... BRZSTOL E'OLZCE. CO UNOIL-HO USE, SArUZWAY, Oct. 22, 1836. Magistrates present: the Mayor, Messrs. Stock, Wood, 0. B. Sassde s, and Herapath. James Burston was charged with being drunk and beating his 'sife. Complainant stated that she had been married to the de- fendant, who was constantly ill using her, 27 years, and had nine children. For several years he had neglected so provide for her or ...


... LAW INTELLiGENeE., COUar. on' .1Rna's .13nce E.1E-'urte Bonkes,; oL P.- On Tarsday, Sir J. S04elett applied for- a certiorri t~o removeproceedings against iMr. Bankes fron the West5*1l064r' $cs~i sn tinto this Coart. -IHeobseirved that the chargeow§Ie. one of an Indecent asiauit, and was preferred against him by three individuals. The Learned C(ounsell eben iad tWe- aflidavit of Mr. Biankes, ...


... MORETONIIAMPSTEAD 1'EIFY SESSIONS, T/hursday, July 10. ornfre the Rev. G. Gregory, CQ!airman, and Col. Fulford, Justices. RIOVIN BFroa^rs Ott VAoAoONDS.-Col. FaYiiird said, that seeiog many respectable is tibitaut8 of the tsavn present, he would take the opportunity of introducing a subject corinctted with it, which heha I desired in this way to brir usider their immediate notice. He trusted ...


... YETTY ?? Bedfora the Inct. ?? Greiory. Chalriman, and the Bcc.ia,. Hames, ,FTriotiusVDrtv~n0;,;-In thii nicss, 'Samuel. Croot appeared to sitimmoae leased at tile lnsttnnep'ntittliltfrd Orchnard, the tolI ciniteitor ?? tnpn ?? dinto; who etlated that inn the preceding Fr)nlny, Cront.bhtg isnll return fromk Exeter, with a wavalrnnin and t'wnelnruee,. ieepricrdiO lg at oallnp ail thle roiad, to ...


... A Voyage round the World, including Travels i8 Africa, Asia, Austr'lasits, America, &o., Jrom 1827 to 183Jd. By James Holman, R. N., F. It. S.-Sinith and Elder, London. It is impossible thiat we could open this book or enter upon a perusal of its pares, vithout feeliigs ofthestrongeat interest arising in our minds. The highly gifted, though heavily afflicted author, is not oily our iellouv ...


... These Sessions commenced at Guildhall, at 9 in the morning on Monday last, before Samuel Kingdon, Esq., Mayor; Francis Newman Rogers, Esq, Recorder; Wm. Lee, Henry Blackhall, John Harris, Wm. Crockett, Wm. Kennaway, and Philip Chilice'd De la Gardie, Esq., Justices. Wm. Henry Besly, Esq , was sworn as Foreman, and the following with him composed the Grand Jury:--Harry G. Kersteman, Richard ...


... BAIL CoUi.-Tflt QUEEN V. MADOY.-Mr, Austin moved the court for a pro wrarranto, to' be directed to Dr. Maddy, of Gloucester, calling upon him to sl11w by what authority ie acted as mayor of that borough. Sit aldermen and IC councillors con- stituted the corporation of tihe borough, and of the former throp were to retire this year. Dr. Maddy, Dr. Shote, and another person, were the three ...


... fl?ISTOL POL!C?. COUNCIL-HOUSE, SATURDAY, Nor. 12, 1830. Magistrates present: The Mayor, Messrs. M'Bayne, Herapath, and Stock. Charles Webb, constable of Tockiagton, was charged with being drunk and assaulting policeman 69 5Coioplsina said detendant was drunk in hireedmead, and quarrelling with a man about a chain sad handkerchief, which the nian said he soak from his little boy; upon being ...


... CHAR.GE OP MANSZAXGIETZR. W On Sunday last considerable excitement prevailed in the neigh- ebourhood of the Old Mavket.street is cansequence of a report that a man enamed William Holdin had died from the eftect of some blows which were given to him on the night of the2btl ult. by his brother, Mr. Jacob Holdin, a master stationer carrying on business in the Old MAsrket-street, and with r. whom ...


... These Sessions commenced Wednesday morning, at the Guildhall, being, ill pursuance of the provisions of the new Act, a slight deviation from the usual practice of beginning on a Monday. The Calendar contained the names of 46 prisoners; the following are their sentences:- Joseph Hall, a horse-dealer, 54, was convicted of stealing from the person of Wm. Lewis his purse, con- taiming five ...