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Aberdeen Press and Journal


... (Crialliricil fromi our1 last.) 'thec court wet cigtail' this des'. whctt( 1ulor Snisil VIOL~Iiiid guilty lii at ecargi' of iggaramel ctssaoIlt, :11d iii seas ncteoceit to nice mouths%' imp~crknomcelit Iic Iltidecrell. tfcc, ?-,s.ttrIra t 1 .Ia ld cretllacv icr lii ft cu 'icsi l ac ild lif' ht~lc i, rcucc' tcf :old irrsdioii Co,101% itio, -iluil' p ctlit tic thi.. b1r. 'ju'l[ thr, liciili ...


... SNEIRF CRIMINAL COUrT. Yrectnsteray, t ire Stiere! lof Abe r I eel!tlri re hold ?? tin the Court- IIouIIse tinle hero; whoa Geore .1'(tawlin tailor, -l~oin Pt'erheadl, pleaded Gueilty of hav- wivi leg. oil tss orc.1stjins, securely stastuiltd Itis pureents, ate! wos sentenced to mor slKintmouths, roe 'llicisteirt in Blcidewell. as5 I Atfsrtesdo Siempson, latrouror, ltorrou'hitl , Striclien, ?? ...


... (JL AS;O\V CIlCUIT CUIIT OP IUSTICIAIlV. * TleeIley, S1 ?? 2G. c Ihe Autliniln (Circilit ( orL of Jloslicijry, at (isgnov, was 5 opeuelld by tibe liolno11,1lle L.nr0ls Molcliefl mad Coultburn- I GL oetge Napier, Esl. AdvocIlte-D)Oiep ut. S CAtS 00: ClItDl 1110111n11. r Al ,S'nIeyI, or 1)TeIlMaI(O was pti to tohe bar, accused of inr- a der, ilu fis r iS sil5 dlid, oil TIhuniarw y the lh 1 :of ...


... PolICE COURT. ..,su t JL,,51. tier Genre e ~~T1trod1j, F't'1rcalry 24. tioi - 'Po-Willbaiter, Was flined Two Guiinea~s, with exepeases, fee fo e ?? loy im Broad Street oil the precedingday. t -TIe chlnnner VOf thle VYMCctcILI~oSL having caught fire, the a J P-,cco poe fine of s,. on1 Mr Chapmnan, supe3rinitendetCI the T/cccoeclml, Febiitrycr 21. efii E, James Hendry wats tinedf Ils. Vid. ...


... POLICE 1YCEETXNG. Suiowdsns, Dece'osiei 3i. St Provost MADDEN, Pre'es. ?? Tise Treasurer ves autisorised to pay, a bill for £s4o ils. tt.L for coals, IN' andi £ta for wcoges, in the resuisig The lltcetieg lcin then under censiderdtlen Mr N. M'Donnld's estimate O55 for ca1itig the dusig, but iso two of she former offlerers bail given in etli sesoed estlimates, the Board resnlvedl, ...


... We have received a copy of the Lord Advocate's bill for the appointment of an Accountant-General to the Court of Session. Our Supreme Court is often called upon, while exercising itsjudicial functions, to naine factors, and judicial trustees, to administer the estates of children, of lunatics, or bank. rupts, as the case may be; and it is sometimes requisite, as in Multiplepoil-d. ings, for ...


... P.1,1Cu COURT. r . _ I . A , ?rtce1nc.sels, Jdijic 2. . u John Nicol, flesher, lI tlejohni Street, was accused of as. wA ?? womin, within the house of Alex. Reid, blacksmith, a Ilttlejohn Street, on the previousl day. Tt appeared that u Nicol hel strick the woeman several severe blows on the head, y nnd had cut her on the fingers with a razor, which he held in his hand, while she wits ...


... Z. ?? -- - - - - SNVERNEn, CIRCUIT COUWZ- The Circuit Coulrt of ,iusticlary was Openedl at Inverness on MINonda'y a lost, by Lords Moercrielt and !I eds'yss. James M'XKenz le, baker, Inverness, chairged wsith forgery, and Aisoce't C'ampbsell end INl'tihms M1asses,, charged sittl theift, scare outlawed for teat W~ appearing. Atscreesler Prencei, farmer !II thle perish of ntothmc, pled Guilty to ...


... 1YXARNOCH CASTI. I1-- ?? 111:17 -Thie PresIhvterv 1 Anxitemn osll~~l,m, l 21, in:37,-The5 P'reslytery or Straiell- I bogle imet at Aberchir der Iiis (ay, fir the piiypise of reccihvlr If Ii evidence oc of thc ?? of caloilsIbig, &cwigiiig, &C. ?? aaityiit the PIaciShiiinOTs, at IaSt Meetinlg, by the Agent fill Ohm Patronic aind PIreentec, nnli wih cit the Waiti Patrniis and NIV 4citee wore ...


... LORDl) (:11 A NCIEL L(IAt'S COU I'TP-SPT. Vi. JAMEs Artcii irxftc Cilfrvisit (as ?ilaaeeOr of the Stal. larnl Iil Assuirarrce Comparny, ) eertC sT WIt.IA Ji lIN' LA XVSON'. This was a bill filed by the plaintiff, the Mateagerof the Stall. (lard life Assir erice Cotepany, to restraitn the iletniidattts, the Secretary and Dlirectors it a new Assiirasce Ctipanriny, fron carryilng tin blsiless ...


... B1OARD OF POLICE-SPECIMAL MEETING. awry .1 o - -. 1VEDNESDAY, 20th January, T'e Lord Provoet stttedf, that he had eonsihlected it atlvisablc- to` Call this mleeting, in order that the Board might hti;e I WOtls tbeit parotipi taking into consideration who her if rsetvirulg tbl proper ito Make 'any application to Mr11 jYsaroineI r~et nin the ?? i1t Union Place, or, if tuch ?? lhe I tile P lion; ...


... CORONER'S INQI)EST AT YORK. d The York Herald or Saturday contains the substance of the evidence in i a case where a Coroner's Jury brought in a verdict of Manslaughter against ,r a vender of Morison's Pills, it being alleged that the death of a young man, in the smallpox, had been accelerated by their use. The Heraldqays, the y Assizes are near at hand, where, it is understand, the case ...