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Caledonian Mercury


... SCOTS AI0PEA-L4 House of Lordas June 19. TaE EARL or STlEttTRIsoRE V. SiR JOHN DEAN PAUT., AND OT'HERS. Sir William Follett was beard in reply. The ohjeot of his argument was to show that the obliterations and erasures were all in material parts of the deeds in ques- tion. The areument having been contluded. Lord Brougharm addressed the House. The law of Scotland, he said, allowed probative ...


... JURY COURT-July 25. ROA)D BETWIXT LEITH AND NEWHAVEN. CrtAi11s91 V. CRAMOND ROAD TtLUSTRES. Issua- Whether, on or about the 14th day of March 1836, the pursuer, wshen travelling along a road betwixt Leith and Newhaven, fell over a precipice, whereby be suffered severe bodily injury, and whether the said road was, on the said day, under the management of the said Trustees, and whether the said ...


... 1 a._A a I ?? Lord- Hroford went ?? of Lords, April 6. tmt ida- Lord Wynford went over the facts of the case It 1. B. go ALteRaoCc 1e. ?? T-se, at considerable length; and it I roselaled by mosi-g, that the judgment of tie Coogt-tof the UD- Sessiote, refusing a new trial, should be reversed, aodt ther pot di- cause remitted back to be tried again. His Lordshipsaid tie Its could not rrcommoed ...


... : o ity OF EDINBURtGfH: ._ a Quatmrer Session orfthe peace Ta r- - - ted rast At a Quarter SessionsoT to be~r -ekPPlicanrtsfor licensimabsetilsle,- &c; sseie-refused, on the fiuiev. ground thet tiere were- already a sufficient number of pub-, nystifS - lic'houses in those districts;-wereiu tbey - oished-, lobs led bi Censed.te r7 ;, C-, -, . Malty The Slhenuiwartok ocasieonto noatiec the deA ...


... ' I COURT OF CAUSI. .1G'i i AV. iEdi. diepolle ( II silo (if si a'eps fuir Scotland, JAA.%iO5 Syit, g-ordeeer, Calonamills, andle GxOitCt SY~SI, gareiesr, (irange, defenders. (ln 11onclay thre olnwinlg. issue sasTried] hefore a Jltry AIs hthelir. ,Ii or about3 thle sai1il*iit day of February 1830, iii he shop in PH i,' Street AfIoresa~id, a tici in presence and hi'iii'iig of' the :ilid ...


... .A very unusual scene took place in this Court on Tuws- ?? lnst-: Our reporter ras not perm itted to enter, but be collected-the followirtg particulareg from vastus impartial sourzess:- Aboet' one o'clock the Lord Mayor, entered, accompa-_ nied by Aldernmen Thorp, Thompson, Kelly, Wilson, and., .Cowan, who were followed in a short time by Aldermnen Garrett and Copeland. Although ,the're wns ...


... ?? - 1 . .WW.Ma AT . rI TON . During ihe, p~at --week 'the tpblic ?? have- ?? ?? ?? ?? imurders on trecoed. Vthe~ nuitne of -iete faifiguate cildzn is Celia ;lilloWay, nd the .m rer ii her own hlsband, *whp has 'co'ahited with 'Zaotjner, woregon-name&An'Knt1'r4, for ' 1v~ra'yea'rs,.E,!-iyll 7 w*s ctaken up, and Aiint -to ,'Edrsshamj~ail,, -aid Nil douibt b 0 a*- at an end by the tctn- ...


... INGS. TUESDAY, JANUARY 23. The LOaD PROVOST in the chair. LEITH HARBOUR AND Docas' DruT.-ThO report of the Lord Provost's Committee, on the following motion by Mr Deorhar, was read- That in respect that a fi- nancial arrangement has now been made with the Credi- tor, tire Council agree to present a memorial to Govern- orent, praying that they will, in terms of the Select Com- mittee's report. ...


... COMMISSIONS 'OF MlQUIRY. , We insert below an account or the expense of Commissions of Inquiry in each year from 1807 to 1836, both inclusive. Our readers will perceive from this document how completely unfounded has been the Tory out- cry against the Whig Governments for unprece- dented expenditure in jobbing Commissions. The average of the six years ending 1831) is L.73,735, and that of the ...


... TUEATRICAL TRIAL IN NEW YORK. HART v. WOOD. The case of Joel Hart, late theatrical reporter for the Courier and Enquirer, against Jos I Wood, the singer, for an outrageous assault in t a lobby of the Park Theatre, early in June 1836, Wias tried on the 4th ulIt. Mr Wood, it will be remem- bered, was driven from the Park stage in May of the above year, mainly by a series of articles which ...


... bTGH COURT OF 3TJSTICTARY. On Monday this Court again maet, Lord MackenCie presiding. The first prisoner brought up was Margaret Williams, charged with three act of theft, conmmitted by falsehood and fraud, aggravated by presvi- ous conviction of atsimilar charge. Tile first charge iw the MiAel was that of having, on 26th March, carried off a basket and its trifling contents from a poor woman, ...


... mtozSnAS. The Cnurt was this morning opened by Lord Men. dinvbank, Lord mtled wyn being engaged in the Appeal Court. James and Henry Kennedy wore placedl at the iar charged voith theft, and with being habit and repute thieves, aggravated by being previortyir convicted. They were both sentenced to seven vears transportation. Thomas 51'Kinnis waVs charged with the raurder of hi sister in the ...