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The London Wholesale Commercial Markets

... The ondon. Wholesale Commercial Ml~arkets. The transactions this week have generally been less than: last, oVng to the increased difficulties of payment; prices generally are lowrer. GROCERIY MARKET. The sales of Raw Sugar, West India, have been very slender, not exceeding 1,000hhds. ; but the holders have become finu, in consequence of a talk of substitution of the distillation from Sugar i ...

Published: Sunday 20 November 1836
Newspaper: London Dispatch
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1587 | Page: Page 15 | Tags: Commerce 

City Intelligence and Money Market

... City Jnteiifigc and memy aAdtarkes. qtmity - i--iZ e t X6 rilZxet (From our own CorreapondtJ.) Tbe Aineripsn Bonds wai we noticed last week have occupied a prominent position! in our money market during the week which has just closed. Part of the million which reaohed England last Saturday by, the Independence, has reaebed London, and the ,United States Bank Bonds have been done at 94 to 944, ...

Published: Sunday 07 May 1837
Newspaper: London Dispatch
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 568 | Page: Page 5 | Tags: Commerce 

Equalization of the Land Tax

... Equaliization of the Land Tax. Deputatisn from the Metropolitan Parishes to the Chancellor of the Exchequer, nitl a viewa to the Equelizatioa of dAe Land Tax. On Saturday afternooi a deputation, consisting of between 50 and 60 members of the central committee of the metrnpolititt parishes, established with a view of obtaining an equslization of the unredeemed land tax, waited, by apiointmeilt, ...

Published: Sunday 12 March 1837
Newspaper: London Dispatch
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 705 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 

The London Wholesale Commercial Markets

... The London. Wheleslae Coumuerctau Xarkets. GRAIN MARKET. With the exception of Oats, all kinds qf Grain wDre in fair supply on Monday. The samples, owing to hoe 'dimp weather, were in bad condition; and, with the exception of the very'beet orts, all kinds of Wheat declined is to2s per quarer. Town-made Flour was unaltered in price. Ship Flour has decined is per sack. Oats did not alter. With ...

Published: Sunday 29 January 1837
Newspaper: London Dispatch
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1583 | Page: Page 8 | Tags: Commerce 


... T~l. Z3Ni~iWGAETIbwv-. TUESDAY, DECmBEzR 1&: D*INSOLVENT. Dee. 9.-lad gexraden ,U;hiswell-streeti hrsedealer. BANKRUPT&.. Henry Cox, Goswell-street,' soap-manufactarer, to surrender Ddc 22, Jan. 24, at the Court of Bankruptcy, Basinghall.street. Solicitors, Messrs. Wood and Ellis, Corbeteouirt, Gracechnrch-street: official' as- 'signee; Mr. Clark, St. Swithin's-laae. ohn-Andeuson, Old Broad ...

Published: Sunday 18 December 1836
Newspaper: London Dispatch
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1396 | Page: Page 31 | Tags: Commerce 

City Intelligence and Money Market

... city intemiiwenee and mioney mlarket. (From our oen Correspondent.) This week has been of interest and excitement in the marlkt for public securities. Domestic and foreign politics have alike been languid. and the quotations of Funds, except Par. tuguese, bave lacked causes to affect them. In tlse Englikh market, Consols have not reached such high prjces as they ilid at the latter end ...

Published: Sunday 30 October 1836
Newspaper: London Dispatch
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1097 | Page: Page 28 | Tags: Commerce 


... - PORT OF LONDON-SATURDAY NiGHT. ST. CATHERINE Docxs.-Arrived the- Havanna, Primrose, from Havanna. Sailed the American line-of-packet ship Saanson, Sturgis, for New York; Ruby, Thomson, for Dui- de -Vessels ill Dock, 35. ..ABEItDEnEN WHARF.-Sailed the steam ship Duke of Wel- lington, Walker, for Aberdeen. BEALs WHARF.-Sailed the Hope, Bundy, for Portsmouth. BauNswiCK WmHAF. BLACKIWALL. ...

Published: Sunday 30 December 1838
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 412 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: Commerce 


... TUESDAY, DEC. 11. WrIIITEIIALL, DEC. 6, 1838. The Lord Chancellor has appointed Charles Corser, of Wolver- haniton, in the county of Stalltord, and Charles Foster Bonner, of Spalding, in the county of Lincoln, Gents., to 1be Masters Extraor- dinary in the High Court of Chancery. PARTNERSHiPS DISSOLVED. S. Campbell and J. Campbell, Ormskirk, Lancashire, gardeners C. A. Cole and J. Coke, ...

Published: Sunday 16 December 1838
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1197 | Page: Page 10 | Tags: Commerce 


... CORN MARKET-Nov. 1. We continue to be moderately supplied with most articles of Grain, and the Wheat trade is certainly dearer, particularly for the best qua- lities, wvhich realise about ls per quarter advance npon the prices of Monday-Mailing Barley, if fine, also obtains an advauce of about ls pcr ?? and Peas fully support our last ?? ?? are still short, and the condition of most of the new ...

Published: Sunday 03 November 1839
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1874 | Page: Page 12 | Tags: Commerce 


... CORN MARKET. Sectr. 1:3. Wer have had a fair arriv al of English WVheat durilog the Week, aniv there has been very little variation in the trade: the quality of ti,, New Wheat is rather improving, but wee cannot quote any ilmpr-,i rlent in the prices from Mouldav.-Barley, Beans, antd Peas fulle support our last ?? hare had a very bare supplv Yf English Oats, no irish, and the quantity of ...

Published: Sunday 15 September 1839
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 817 | Page: Page 12 | Tags: Commerce 


... GOVERNMENT SECURITIES- FOUR O'CLOCK. FUNDS. Price.: SHARE LIST. Div. Paid. Price SATURDAA. I Consols . . . 91oi Grand Junction Canal. 1 . 22 0 0 100 227 Do. Account . 9Ia Manchester & Liverp. Railway 9 0 0 100 245 3 per Ct. Red. . London & Birmingham Do. . 50 120 3i New . . . 1003 London Dock . . . . . . . 2 10 o 100 I 9 St Red. . . . St Katherine's Dock . . . .3 0 0 100 86 Long Ann. I West ...

Published: Sunday 13 March 1836
Newspaper: The Examiner
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 868 | Page: Page 12, 13 | Tags: Commerce 


... FROM THE LONDON GAZETTES.-Vuesday, Nov. 17. INSOLVENT.-3. Neven, Seven Oaks, Kent, ironmonger. HAN K RU PTCY SuPuRsaet).-J. Robinson, Derby, tape-manufacturer. BANKRUPTCY Aas4.:uLLED.-R. Peel, Halifax, card maker. 15 BANKcRUPTs. B. Ridge, Great Russell at. Bloosmsbury, general factor. [Pool, Southampton buildings, Holborn. J. Bevil, Harleyford place, Kennington, auctioneer. [Crossfield, ...

Published: Sunday 22 November 1835
Newspaper: The Examiner
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 496 | Page: Page 13 | Tags: Commerce