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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTH. At 1, Park Street, Edinburgh, on the 26th current, Utrs WILSoN, of a daughter. At Saughton Mills, on the 21st current, Mrs JOHN MAC- NIVEN, of a daughter. At Loretto, Musselburgh, on the 21st current, M1sav EBLzAseeT, only surviving daughter of the Rev. Thomas Langhorne, aged three years. At 19, Filrig Street, on the 17th current, WILr.LAM JOasN- sroNe, Esq. late of Peffetlaw and ...

BlRTHS. ?? A~Ls~hrll

... Rpslisi, on ?? c'.Pr Mc~i Jrsuro-s o V. Onmth' j9'th~csir't'i Ci~rt-'l-RA iscj3 - Oit's'e Esj , rRobertWorsley, Esq. of Ediniburgh, to MAw ?? ESi r.ybuneist d'aaughter of Theie,3teve'rerid George H'en'riy'itbree,' aol Thanmes'Vittioe Surrey 'Ai Pitqtssl, Nova:-Scotia,-o.n th b15th odf September 1ast, i M. > GAEni, mercliat,- to . MAtY, n eldeat daui gtgr ik . ~r James Mlonro. ormei ly ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... .,-,-BIRTHS. a8:~ ~ ~ ~~Rq~ ed v ?? re,. .. On , whM2. Ddeloi iPlace, Mi-fs. G;asoltr of ,y qidatughter. FIP qpM qm x o je Mrs Dr Gissor,' MDean Terrace, of a,son. : MARRIED. D. At KiltnarnIOck, on' the S3d curt.' by the Rev. A Heai. rei ten, q: H E &ww; X ce toH, tq., of Pitcon to MARGARET young°;- le eat daughter of the 'eat Rvock. - H. Parkecr, Oq tbaer, kiinr. iy /it ...

BIRTHS; At Drumore H

... ottse, on the 13Lh itstant, Mrs GALtBRAItH oF Machrehanish, ?? son. At 26, Abercroahy Place, on the 17th instant, the Lady of AtLEXAINEIL DUNCAN, Esq. of Cattandaigua, State of New Yoat, of a son. At Calcutta, on the 14th October, the Lanly of Captain ALLAN STEVART, 3d Buftts, ofa daugrhter, At Possil, on the 13th instant, Mrs COLIN CAMPBELL, of a son. At Clapharat Common, on the 12th instant, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... onl the 10tifin stanlt, at Walton; Cnmbqerlaha, by the Rev. f William Grahami, ef Artbucet, Captail i'B3l.tN Uno1asoeN, royal navy, tWeSADELL, ?? daughter of the late John if Johnson, Esq. of Walton Hotie. e At the parish chitech of Ilcles, on the 1ith iestant, by the R Rcv. P. S. -Dale, JoIs', AiNSLIE, Esq. of Mdxpofsle, to MAnY S Su sA NA, eldest idaughter of John Arthur IlOrrolpi,5q,eof .1 ...

At 12, Ncrthumb2rlan

... d Street, on. th.e ljth. current, Mrs LAtUEN 0cn 1DVIDSOa, of a daughter. Onl thc 4th current, at Fern oytli La;dy of Captain POYNTZr 30th regiment, of a son. On 22d April. at the residerce of Nathaniel McGrigor, Esq. Prince George's County, Maryland, U. S., by the Rev. Mr ISmallwood, thc Rev. JOHN SWAN Rector of Trinity Cbiurcht, Upper Malboro', to HELEN -WOOD, daughter of the late Dr William ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... SIRTSS. At Leith, on the loth current, the Lady of the ReveJAMrE GRANT, of a daughter. At Tillery, on the 9th current, Mrs CHAMerns HUNTSR, of a son. MRR IED. At Londol, on the 16th of August, MDr DAvmD LITTrEaOE1N, to AGNEs LoCKv, second daughter of alr John Pea', Cus- toms, Leith. At Carberry, an the llth current, THOmAs SMiTH Mac- cAt!., surgeon in Musselburgh, and assistant-surgeon to the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF CHARLES X. The death of the ?? of France, Charles X. was announced in Paris on MN5ondity. 1-is Majeoty -died on the 6th inst. at Goritz in Jilyria. TIhc Royal Exile, with his family, lately removed from the Castle of Pragic, much to the annoyanceof the Austrian Government. Ot the 4th inst. the King was in good healtb, and joined his family in cele- brating the anniversary of St ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... v'lIl'CEDIEN' I.Oil TIHE CEJllImONIATL OF TilE TNIARIIAGEI OF IIEIt MAJESVTY. (Front It Irolranhj jipapr.) Timw marriage of Iergracinita 31iijestyliaviiigbeeil oitliciadly afsinnunceti, it beconies a matter of grent Public intereit to) inquire what amount of political c Iovwer and privilege the laws of thle realm confer ol i~n, thle husbandl or the Queen. We proceedl to give a short account of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THIE [,ATE MIRS IrACLEAN ?? Wie publish the f!loowing letter addressnil by poor L. 1. L. to MArs S. C. Ilatl. It is one of the cheerful epistles which Came to this country along tvith the melancholy intelligence of hrc deatih, and is given to ?? by her friend was an indication Cf the ?? tranquil ,id evem happy state of her mintd in her new posi- tion-and with a view to soften and suspend ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... o BIRTHS. d ]it Hamilton Place, Londou, oit the 11th Instant, thle countcss Gowvzn, ofason. At Waltti-l Rl Ctry., osi thtt Instant, the Ladiy of the 1lon, and l.v. lTordl JoIlN S'tu , of a sn. At BoSverwulcl, oi the 13th instant, Mrs Ut(ty, ofa son. .At 2G. Xorthumn!lrland Street, onl the 25thl instant, by the. tRev. tilr Sornervltre of Cinrie. thle ter. Dr D)AVID SCOT: n1 :- nister of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BEllt£rsS. At Bert Iue. Irlard, the .Oat of Lord Downes, on the 2d inzajnt, the Countcss of CLONM:rL of : son and heir. At Calcutta, on the 5th J3nusn;rv r Cn&aRLtr Da.xII.. of a son. At 29x, India PI-ice, on the 10th ijstant, Mrs D;Jvx'I Ronilt, of a atmi. At 17, London Street, ol t!:e 12th Instant, Mnr JAr~!s Krssocs, of a son. At Brechin, on the I Ith iusto:J, h{rs BODY, of a -O11. At 12, ...