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At 2., Wal'ier Strec

... t, on the Mitt tftinio, Mrs WADDELL of E as ster 'olasfrat, of a s-en. At 30, Nirthumnberland Street, oal the 27th vltinio, Mrs J. SOUTER, ofa daughter. MARRIED At 1, Rano2illzr Street, onl thl Cl instan', by the Rue. WlIlilam Pringle, Aaschtnre~rddr thti&Rev. JOHN PRINGLE Elgin, to ROBINA., drug: ier of the late Rev. Robert ShidelL Tranent. Oa the 2Sth ?? at Miss Ogilvy of WieeAell, S. T)'sk ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... i; t ?? EIRT~S. tu Ld At falacca onthei 1st Noveiiiber last, the Lady of Cap- t tai J. S. WYLLIE of the BMadras army, of a soll. At 22, Hanover Street, on tho 8th hlsLant, irs J.snces NIELSON, of a daughter. t At the General.Post Office, London, oa the Ist instant, ?? FRiELINo, of a daughter. *MARRIED, D At tbe Cathedral, Calcutta, oe-the l0th of November last, i CHAnTrIs lIrracaihs, ELe. to ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... At London, onl tla2iti instant, Xrs Youc, of 112, Stone!, of a son A- At Betire, ilonduras, on the 3:tb July, Mrs It. CS AVEAnO LAWV. i>fa lautghter. At 4, Ainslie llawe, on thc 27th instant, the Lady of D, ,I ACWHIROTE.. Ot'01:aglhter. in At Darnhall, on thee l1st instant, the La:B of Captain F. E. ,jt Lotm, royal navy, ofa sol. O On the itl lustant, at Ro., Mrs Citons Blr-c!.tNs.N, of a In ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... B33XE'flS.* At Blirkenbsg, Tlatnl iire, on thoe Slth istaiit,- the L7idd of- JaWili; ANtcnsots. N 1. of a daughter. At imnaIIMMter Place, eOa tha 9th iastatt,.3tvt C;ijAursm EAtatL. of a srn. At 4:t. Charlotte Strcet, Lcith. an tle 5th histant, Xfrs Comer, of a soil. Ol -the ltth instant, at 11, West M3itiad Street, ehin- burglh, by t::e 11Cv.d '.Vtltiit Innes, .M.r J^Xsss PAgnrSio Cran.'XE, ...

BIRTHS. At 1!, Smith

... 's Place, cn the 25th current, Mrs R. C. DP. LA. CoNsDAMwNe, of a daughter. At Stonefold, on the 23d current, the Lady of GEoaGe DscKsoN, Esq. of Belebester, of a sun. MARRIED, At Trinity Cottage, oi, Ithe 24th current, WILLIAM HENDERSON DOnioN, Esq. M. D. to lVItLLTAsxNa, daughter of Wim. Hen- derson. Esq. At 21, Buccleuch Place, on the 24th current, the Rev. JAMES JEiTFaEY, Musselburgh,' to ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... . IlIONTHLY MILITARY OBITUARY. Lieutenrant-Generals-Le Couteur, Jersvy; Pawefll East India-Company's service. Major.Generals-Hepburn, C.B., late of ?? fed2 leer guards; Sir John Dalrymple, Bart. foriperly of id, foot. Colonnls-Bingham, royal artillery; Sir A. S. Frnser.' Lieutenant-ColonelsSomerset, lot dragoons; Har. di, 19ib foot -Lawrence, Governor of Upnor Castle. Majors-A, C aulerpn, late ...

T-DtVimdlf Uu Thursd

... ay the Edinburgh rommeiW*- Givllane, instead of Musselburgh, owing the l* , lence of uholera this city and neighbourhood. c fu! lowing is a statemant of the running :** A Gold Cup, value 100 sovs. by subscription of sot's. each, for all ages. Two miles. Mr Ramsay*sbr. g. XXX. . Lord Elcbo*s b. h. Gondoliei' r- * .. Sir D. named b. c. Craigmillar . Mr Ramsay*s gr. g. Won easy. A Produce St.'ics ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... At Edinburgh, on the 1251btlstait, at Ia, Moray Place, Mrs ANDEncsoN, of a soan. At Cluny Castle, on the 5th instant, the Lady of CLUNY MacvnsnsoN, the Chief of the Clan Chattan, of a son. At ScoDnie Manse, on the 28th ultimo, Mrs BarWSTEn, of a son. ZVXARRIEiD, At Kirkaldy, on the 8th ?? CooK, Esq. suer- geon. R.N. to JANE, eldest daughter of Mr James M'Donald, Perth. At Rt6strevor Church, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF LORD NORBURY. (F-rom the Duldin Evening Post of Sdeurda y.) The hopes expressed in our last, that Lord Norbury would recover, are. we grieve to say, disaappointed. Ile died about twelve o'clock on Thursday. Wre take from the Lcinlter E.rpress, which reached us this morning, the following partieu- lIrs:- The Surgeon.Geocral atrived from Dublin on WVedinesiuy, and extracted two swun ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHIS. At 14, Walker Street, on tire 16th current, the Lady of Major NorstAN PRIISLE, of a son. At 2B, Anne Street, on the 17th cdrt., Mrs R. CIrAaSIERS, of twin daughters. On the 81h current, the Lady of ?? Boss, Esq. of ltossie, of a son. At Dalkeith, on the 17th current, Mrs ALEX. MorrAr, of a son. On the 16th current, at Clariton. Kent, the Lady ?? FAnQugAR, Esq. ef Hallgieen, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRLTH. At Elm Bank, Lasswade, on the 12th current, the Lady of Captain G. A. ErcoTr, R.N. of a son. At St Pancras Church, London, on the 13th cnrrent, by the Rev. G. F. Rudd, WI.LINis BENNETT, Rsq. of Man.. chester, to ANNE GIBSON, fifth daughter of Alexr. Nasiryth. Esq. York Place, Etdinburgh. At the house of Dr Thomas Murray, Hope Park, near Edinburgh, on thel4th ultitme, Mr ANDR1W M'CAL., ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BI r ITIS. At Edinburgh, on thI Gth current, the Lady ( f Captain IIoLrON, of the 4th dragoons, of a daulgl,- ter. At Edinburghl, onl the 30th ultiman, the %virs of Lieutenant Ao.1i GuiRzIuovvs-m, of a son. At 35., East Claremont Street, on1 tile Gth current, Mr, G. Il. PA'TT1SON, Ora SOnI At 3I6, Dublin Street, 03 the tilt current, ths C.ksstm.s, ofa daughter. At Colintan Bank, on the 5th ...