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Advertisements & Notices

... ,jID!IWCHJ.ARITYr/ nnRJ Committee of the LADIES' CHARITY intend having a . BAZAAR, Fo the benefit of the above institution, in the Ex. C111GE Roows, during the Horse-fair Week. P,,iculars will be given in a future advertisement. Contributions of work, however small, are respect. fl11 requested, which may be forwarded to any Ls~l of the Committee,TPreston. SACRED MUSICK. 0q SONDAY NET., ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ELIGIBLE OPPORTUNITY FOR CO,11MENC. . VG TREE CONP-ECTIONARY BUSINESS. TO BE SOLD, /ith Inmedi le possession of tbe Shop, THF complete STOCK-IN-TIRDE of a CON. IL FECTIONIER, tle property ot a Person de- clining Business. The Stock consists of every article necessary f r carrying on a most respectable Business, and is in capital condition. The Shop is situated in one of the best and most ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LADIES' BAZAAR , Under the Patronage of nADY llOr'l4TON, MISS HOGHTON, MIRS. CROSSE,. %1S, YA.TES, NIRS. SILVESTER, and BIRS. J. S. MASTHR. Admni.ssion, Onc Sfiiflng. lIF Public are most respectfully informed that T a BAZAAR OF FANCY AND USEFUL WoltK, will be held on WEPINESDAY the day nf jul.y inst., in the NATION4L. SEHOOL, CHORLEV, at 12 o'clock preeisely, for the benefit of the NA- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SI'!.ENDDID C('lAMJ'A(;N! r s1 )JM. DUNN, IMPORTER OF FRENCH FVIrES, iESPECTFULLY informs the Gentry of the town and environs of Preston, tllt on hand a large stock of Filnk CIlAIl I ?? creaming ait, sparkliig, of Lhle first quality, ej1ij ihe has the pleasure to state has given Very IlC satisfaction to those gentlemen of this VeIr- '-oh ehave honored[ it witlh a trial. With the tit oh ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WILLIAMACRaFT, PLUMBER GLAZI AND PAINTER, ISHES to a e Inh ibitants of Preston W mnd its VicillitY that lie has conmencedl the hbove liusiiiesss, at N-\o. 30, Avenham loadll. Those V Friends who naty pleaset hr hitn with their oetmlatids, my (depend upon their Orders being tunctoially attetiloel to,-executed iln a workmanlike otalter, andi on reasinildle terns. B. flABY, (LATE OF TIHE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 7-0, ?? Salet MTQ SHARES IN THE RIBBLE, NAVIGATION TCOMPANY.-Apply to Messrs. HutlBEU. Lost, A WHITE DOG, of the Newfoundland breed, with a Ablack face and black spot on the rump. W hoeer has found the same, or will give information where it may he found, to Mr. DAVIS, 87, Church-Street, will be handsomely rewarded. Preston, November 3rd, 1838. 3> 1 TO TIMBER DEALERS, &c. Oii Soale, At ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MANCHESTER RACE A MAIN of 1 N COCKS tvill be FOUGHT ifhe SALFORD PIT, in Wbitsuni Week, btenthe ~lte5 ?? ,(ines feeder)'afd the Gent rs e atn te~dar), for £200 temu n ac ate-ocm mence lighting on Tuesday, and eontitiue the four ?? days. . 1e ! ANCHIESTER RACES, 1836,-.In con-, _ ?? of 'the ElissatisfatiCtonl epres~sod .1by th~e fsqi ' ex' Public at thep prices charged for. admission to the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r New Edition. In one vol; Imperial 8vo. price l5s. in cloth, CRUDEN'S CONCORDANCE to the OLD. s and NEw TESTAMilENT; or a Dictionary and Al habe- 1tical Index to the Bible, with a Sketch of the Life an' Cha-. Iracter of the Author. By William Youngman. *- Every precaution has been taken to secure tire highest possible. . degree of acusracy-. We aee glad to perceive that for ror a t ...

Advertisements & Notices

... & ANNUAL MEETING of the T L il4CHIESTER MEDICAL SOCIETY wil be hold in tQ ibrary on ?? next, at s even p.m . pro- ciely. |for the election iot o ers and the transaction of Ot5?5j5~jjPEEI'ATLOW, ~Scesis poHlLIP HEZY C H1OLLANDJ } icretarieD The Secretaries have the pleasure to announce the liberal donation, from the Literary and Philosophical Society, of their valsiable X emoirs in ten volumnes ...

Advertisements & Notices

... : ?? e'bi: 3)ublica t onsi :l1SToR:YgQ, $ NOBiLjtfA D GENTRY. 4 jijagg ,Xjpgt;. ~~~and jllpetrate! Tv~g f '&eja ' itch beautifully er t oait3(E Hil 114joety after Sir'Thdma .rq-lIi-'k ?? . R6p9ER;AGE AND 2:Vt ?? ,ARONbETfAGE FORL 1887. This new :dbeautiftsld drioin ?? eu^asirogle volume Drion)4~stilt (.the ?? wvith the texit), au, cit2tscs .15 qoaxiiit v s:nlattil uearly equral ts thirty or ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r o E LET, in he d Ile of the best : trret in stalird i t Whito Hart Ini. I HOUSE and SH P.a iiadslsarIai) built, thre stories high, all veawiheroisrrd airr bact, way. The owner t nprarr uiishini, irol 'I'ritgro hardw 1awell iii this town, fhr wb irrh the ,pre mtise e'o ainl.A plv to GEO1(rL BO 'IT1, tqp of Qien-tet;o a h Ofiso )ce, stai'., ?? FOT ES T ET. VAN Il LI ES Nvho prefsttr the putre ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ram- - - filt2il.Kt X13fic. 1IFINALNLD VIDEND w il e p pai d by A f the late ir of thlt . fr Wright, of Msytholm, p rovis' a sgngfrh f t nsvent estate ol JOHN GREEN Int C, toiwnsthip o Wadsosortb , i in H ?? x Yorhkhire.' Elii creditors are re 1 e t o attend at t he White Horse. riebden Bridge, o 8th day d De nthbr, ]8 7, at two o'clock in t. tehe' r el e the divilast. I-VIDENOVEE&'ING.-'A ...