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At Rugby, in Wasrwic

... kshire, on the 23d ultimo, Mre MARSHALL, widow of Lleutenant-Colonel John Marshall, K.H. of Wester Calderhead aid Birkenshass of a son. At Ruchlaw, on the Ist current, Mrs WILLIAm AINSLIE, lateofthe Island of Mauritius, of a daughter. At 9, Great Stuart Street, on the Ist current, Mrs CAstP- BELL, of a daughter. At Ayr,.onthelIth ultimo.Mrs JAsios CowArofason. MARRIED, At Albyn Place, on the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... At 32, St Bernard Street, Leith, on the 28th ultino, Mrs COLUSTREAM, of a daughter. At 1, Clarence Street, on the 31st ultimo, the Lady of it. P 21NGLE, Eaq. W.S. ofa daughter. At 7, Frederick Street, on the 31st ultimo, the Lady of As- sistant.Surgeon D. &nlsrON, M.D. of the Bombay Medical Establishmcnt, of a daughter. At Allipore, Calcutta, on the 12th Janusry, the Lady of GeoRta DOUGA.I, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF THE FRENCH AAIIIASSADOR AT MADRID. A icepatch from Madrid, dated the 17th inst. trans- mitted from Bayonne by telegraph, announces that M. do Ravneval died on the preceding day at half-past six in the evening, at San Ildefouiso, after six days' illness, of a complicated pulmonary complaint and an attack of gout in the head. - The Count (e Rayneval was one of the ablest di- plomnatists ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... as *t- At 8, Coates Crescent, onl the l'5th instant, Mrs KEa, or f bc daughter. ne At Windsor, on the 13th instant, the Lady of lieutenant- d- Colonel FEBoLSON, Grenadier Guards, of a son. at On the 14th instant, at 18, Trinity Square, Loedia, Mrs as CtUNINiNGHiAM, of a daughter. of At Bellevue, Haddington; on the 9th instant, Urs WIL- or LIAM BoGue, of a daughter. ,rS At Glassford Manse, on ...

Oil the 17th instant

... , at 1, Darnasway Street, the lady of TnOsAs DUNCoAN, *Esq. portrait painter, of a son. At Greenocts, o0l the 17th instatt, Mirs Dr TunNEn, ofa son. At Foxball, on the 19th istant, Mrs Cis no an, of a soas. laere, on the 20.tb instant, Mr CInIsToPER n WILKIE, of Annasndale Street, to o.ser eldest daughter of the late MIr Thomas Donaldson, of Leith Street Edinburg]. At Perth, onl the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHiS. At hi, Shadrdwick Place, on the 17th current, lirs GEoRGE WILSON, Crookston, of a daughter, At27, India Street, o0 the l7th current, Mrs RI. MACSAY, of a daughter. On the 13th current, at 1i, Nelson Street, Mrs S. SlAC- G0RGo0R, eta son. At the Royal Military College, Sandhurst, on the l3th cur- rent, the Lady of LieutenaIt J. G. il. ilOLMs, S2d regiment, ofason. Lately, at the ...

BIRTHS. t At Penicui

... k, on tihe 5th instant, Mrs RENToN, of a son. Oil tile 9th instant, Nrs XVsr. Mxcr.SE, Blacket Place, of a son. At 22, Drnmmonod Place, on the Gth instant, the Ladty of t ALEXANODEs BMeLDsMI Esq. of Easter Kincaple, of a / daughter. At London, on the 2d instant, Mrs R. SINCLAIR, of a I daughter. ?? Grecian Cotge Trinity, near Edinburgh, on the ath- . instant, the Lady of Commander CIIABLES ...

BIRTHS. At Balgarvie

... , on the 10th current, the Lady of Colonel WEBSTER, Hon. East India Company's service, of a daugh- ter. At Kilmarnock, on the 10th current, Mrs Young, Star Inn, of a son. MARRIED, At Lord Cockburn's, Charlotte Square, On the t3th cur- rent, by the Rev. R. S. Candlish, Captain Scott, 53d regi- ment, son of the late Francis Carteret Scott, Esq. to JULIANNE, only daughter of the late David ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... B3IRTHS. At ;. North Cistle Street, oial tlic lt crmrent INrs 3Slav IrAVc:i ?? (Ifat Son. At Nc. 2, razn:trwc:aI I'acc., Leith, orn tle'.1c c.rrer-l. Mrs Dr NWS. Srrwtsnr, Or cdtcughtcr. At 814moathl, onl ther 7th ultimo, the F.1 iv riJOIN KRj,. t'q. or that Ill and iilrlie, of a i.)3 ud ltlSir. . Ocn the 2Ytb Dercember, the llea, 1.-ei oit rauu, lli- dcean. of. cdaut;hter. At (o. 11., ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... iIFTMS. At Agra, in July last, the Lady of Captiin BIROELL, Euro- pean Re-ginment, of a daughter. AL Grey Pilce, Greenock, on the 21st current, Mrs JoHXr MIENrrootS, of a son. At Dalhousie Castle, on the 23d corrent, by thc Rer. Thos. Pitcairn, HENroY FGGr.Tc1?P. CAoreeor.t,, Esq. of Boqohatn, to ANN, daughter of tire late Jolrn ?? lhorm, Esq. OD Casilersigg. On the 24th Corrent, at Betoidcre ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... At George Street, Perth, an the 26th ultimo, Mrs Wmt- LIAt CLELAND, of a son. At 4, Forth Street, Edinburgh, on the 30th ultimo, ED- WARD CLOUqT(S, isq. late ofJamaica, to Mrs M'LARN, re- lict of Mr MWLaren, surgeon, anud daughter of the Lato Mr Thin, architect. At Montrose, on the 29th ultimo, JAM95S S IEsor, Esq. shipowner, to JuL.s[T, relict of Peter Roger, Esq. ship0wniner, Dundeer. At ...