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Advertisements & Notices

... ?? ?? WAREHOUSE, Xo. 136, UNION STREET, Adjoining Union Bridge. FTHE EDINBURGH. GLASGOOW, and ALLOA GiLASS COAIPANY, respectfully announce to the C inhahitants.of Aberdeen anti its Vicinity, that they have this dsy OPENED thee nbove Premises with it extensive ani IE elegant Assortment of PLAIN andt CUT FLINT ?? or a very superior quality, and which, as ManufActurers, they are enabled to otfer ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HE NEXT ASSEMIBLY will take place in the Public Sj Rooms, on THURSDAY the 28th of January current, Dancing to commence at 8.-Tea at 10 o'clock. Cards and refreshments, as usual. Strangers, introduced by Subscribers, to pay 7s. Cod. each. Aberdeen, 7tM Jan. 18:n. ?? The Stewards will 7neet, in tlc Cord Roow. on tah 211t/6 .t 2 6':covk, r.Ai. to make arrangernents Jeor the evenln,4. - CONCERT. t ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TILLIA51 FRASER begs leave to offer his ?? r Y'Y F riends and Customers his most sincere and grateful - thanks for past favours; and as'he still ?? to devote his B time to Familyanti Retail Trade, Families, in town andcoun. ar trr, may rely upon their orders being punctually and care- I, fully attended to. P AY. F. takles the liberty to recommend the underroted nr- nu tidles ?? 0o Good Common ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I ABERDEEN TXOWN AN33 GO'71TT BBMSL 01710E, I NTI3MATION -is hereby given, that, in terms of the Con- tract, the Annual General leeting of the Company, for the Purpose of choosint- DiltEcoirts, will take lahice here, on Friday the 5th day of Alarch, 111030, at 2 o'clock Afternoon. ALEX. FOULEIITON, Secy. ALEi:NiSEF I';LE3OD, (LateliJ of the PirPi of Clark LS- 111Ltod, Dr i. ts.) c-ZAS this ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... he te - berbertv .:1 WEDNESDAY, Febr'ury, 3, 1830. a 2a ?? Maanse of Aboyne, on the 18th ultimv, Mrs e .! Abirr-id. nt nurris House, on the 1st inst. ?? PLAYr'AIR. s t, tn IA It V AN E, eldest daughter of 'George Sanderson, iEsq. i. D i i. t l~iu d. it ,Arlthnte fHouse, on the 235 ult. in the eighty h first %,-iar o he' a M!, the honourabie CHARLOTTE AUlMTsI ii swo r, aunt of Viscount ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Vlj/ANTED, by an ADVOCATE in Abdrdeen, a V COPYING CLERK.-Apply to the Publisher. ISTANDARD WOiRKS, ' TO UrE HAD OF n JOHN RETTIE:, (Successor lo A. ANGUS 4- SON,) - 1;, UNION STREET. ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA, a neW Edition, i being the seventh, including the recent Supplement to that a-l: with preliminary Dissertations on. the History of ?? ?? SrcTIwXAlTT anld PLAYFAIJI, and by the light Hon. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - AS7SEMEZZZ YI'1IIE NEXT ASSEMBLY will take place in the Public JL RTooms, on THURSDAY the 4th ?? next. Dancing to commence at 8.-Tea at 10 o'clock. Cards and refreshments, as usual. t Strangers, introduced by Subscribers, to pay 7s. Gd. each f Public Roomzs, IIth Feb. 1830. t *- The Stewards ineet, in the Card Room of Public c Roomns. on the 4th Y'llf arch, at 2 o'dloek, pr as. to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~: . Jhv S Tl RA033i]AM .. BOORSELLER AVD STATIONER, '1)ETIQRNS most sincere thanks to his friends and the .r1:; public in genera. for their liberal support ft'r nearly 1'en years. Having now retited frombusmness, on acounerof tad health, be has disiosed of his whole STOCK a -of BOOKS and STATIONEIRIY. together with HOOD. 01 *WILL of the Rusiness, to Mkr RoBERtT Wit'.so-, who has B ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HOUSE Tos SALM.I. T HAT HOUSE, in Bon-Accord Terrace, belonging to .L and presently occupied by .MIr AWrsox. It has every acrommodation for a large and reslpectable family; is elegantly hnaished, and in the first ordcr: hian a ueet Garden at the L lack, completely stacked with the best wall fruit trees, annl F choice ilants ; in front, a large ?? en, and Fruit Garden * and cootnimand one of ...


... CHINA. Aberdeen, Idt March, 1830. f Ai a numerous Meeting held in the Town-ball this day, % consistintg of Ilerchants, Manufacturers, and Ship-owners, mc conveaed by public advertisement; WI Gav so HADDEN, Esq. Chief Magistrate, in the Chair; It was Resolved unanimouisly, 511 I t t.F HAT this Meeting is deeply impressed wiih the * .L great inipdrtance of the Trade to India and (bhinl to the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... = ii-== t ?? WLDNEh3DAY, V chi I1, 1839. I Mt ?? ?? P: ri, on the 13tO inst., the Hion. l Mirs bclvcsns, of flix, 0o a so,,. . liiarrild. at Gibs on, on the 10:h instant, by tre rs'. Iv .Jarneo L aller, n mistetr (if it intIv. (ii ptai n ( it.uls. E:s ('Gon tr I)oN of OILt roal IRlMY to IdtAtanZA''TtI, scornd dtaughte o in . i 1dre atMacherstin, ?? ih £rcicrierl, tiet Kii;I1c'I,ol mice 26 th ...

Advertisements & Notices

... *NEW EDITION Or THEZ ENCYCLOPj;EDIA BRITANNICA. On the 31 st of March 10830 -ccil? be pulrlished, Part First, price Six Shillings, Of a New, greatly improved, and cheep Edition of the ?? YVCi~ LO'S DE ?? RT ta BEtINGs TIME SL'VEX'IT, SaiCLUDINXG TRlE llECEl.T SUP'PLEMIENT TO THAT WORK. With Preliminary Dissertations on the History of the Sde-ienrer, Itr- the late l'rOreSOIS STEIAsItT'- andI ...