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Advertisements & Notices

... WEZT ABErnD1EN COAZ. PUD * this ob'ovnt el(j(e wib lie ?? il jivoeloisn TN'T'IIT'0t tilO IVIKrtO for IlaSt yeiMr, to CIoet Dirioetoro, ?? 11(111' te~Ocfoi' pr1ovurTiI(1.' sutlselipihIIIO ?? tile ITll~ihg AbordlevieiT 20hio Oct. 831;. B E l O 1 C O MP A Y. I17 NIDrl MAiT(ION lo isI HPRE1111Y GIVYEN', t~int tht' El 1141 ?? ?? oleel ?? Pl'IiNil TEN' ?? 'o1' 81111' (ili be ?? (It tie o mpTT ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TERM TRANSACTIONS. 1F facilitv afforsled fiot mliv voa i pnst bv thu T AI,EilDEIN F11RE a LIFE ASSIllAN('IE COMPliiANY in ONEl'Y TRANSACTIONS ?? beren oftel experienced anI( ;1olt'lvdgvd. They nlow ?? in tinate, that every -a pie seel niarv tratisaetion. or in ob jilh thecosititugency 01 'ifie is involre(. callothe tralisnoted oil the shortest notit'e, oi OlInce. 891, Uniotnt Stoet. 'his ...

Advertisements & Notices

... * PAROCSKAL SCROOL, PSTEttUFAD. At roteritead, thle tb irloetith dlay Of (elolter, MLifeltC hunileed and thirty eighit at a meeting ocietcit ahd Proprietors, and .Martndtories oan Ageitisfoe IterV1 tors aict Pirtprietors, of the pnarili of retl~irlteai, teall within the Sclieol-rootii, anti by adjOirnmntiett, itt (lie i Towin-Iltll, called by lr SCOTT. thle Selteelntit;(ei, at titO request itT ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Formartine Agricultural Association. GENERAL MEETING AND SHOW OF SEEDS. ,NExtraordinarv General Meeting of the MEM- E J BERS of the above Association will be held, within o RAWS Ir;r, Green of Udny, on Saturday the 9th March next, at 1 O'clock, A.M., when the Rules and Regulations of the Association, as revised by the Committee appointed for that purpose, will be submitted to them. The ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ABERDEEIN IWA.tRT COMPAhNlY. CAPITAL, £.lO,000. ! DIVIDED INTO SHARES OP 0I EACH. C5TIGE i (l'erh k iven, thrt PROSP TUSEUSES oftis o this r'lng ?? of e h tai v ix n ?? of nf 1 pe, Cetilt. may o -frot. liand appli.ations for ap iareO be directed to, to |i n 'Anut&' AxDRSi fx. Aberdeen. . i t ?? Lr, is in irreparsti alt by the ?? Solid- i * S ir irl 1 ttdonn ttd nn son Itos r'e eied ai Mectiitg ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CARI. .R ALEXANDE R, StITGEON, begs IvO n ost G Mlt respectfilly to acqmaint tie l'liofessioi. and the Pub- lic. that on the siggeslion of several 5tedleial G(Lutloion, lito intends to devote n portion of his tiho to the depalrtoit of 8 CU PPING; and having had extensive cxpcerince as Copper to the Goncral Dispensary, he trusts he will be found to per- h form this operation. the success ld ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ;i EINASTERN YACHT CLUB. t;t suing REGATTA of the ROYAL 1le TERN YACHT CLUB, has been ?? tO t P T15TH of FORTH, on THURS. ter ?? l J UNE, and two folluarvig days tia tio rer the Cups to he sailed for at thi hthe °p en to die vesseis of all Royal Yacht Clubs. so e S 6iill he ayivn in future advertisements. 5rdtlIb ?? 5th Slay 1837. ~ ~C is ereb givn toProprietors, that t vment of the DIVIDEND, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IiATURAL PHILOSOPHY. AND pflACTICAL MECHANICS. V1LEE9' SUMMER COURSE of LCCTURES on NATURAL PHILOSO. 10 ahfvina for SURGEONS' HALL, will corn. 00ore !th; LECTURE ROO3MS, 9, BROWN SQUAEE, r lWed'esoY the loth of May, at one o'clock. The Lecture. ?? Studen of Ge- ,,e .~e ill embrace. h s t usual branches da'' ?? io MEChANICS, ENGINEERING. I Oprtaflce In CHI of 1%'j~AIMAL PHYSICS, &c. the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IIE 11 1:\\V W 1k I.RI'it(U 1(I RCII MI.CKAV he-rs leave most pirticn- inriv to call attenlti(il ?? the above novel dle- ?? ptioi lt iII A ?? drinan i nl dmzncl ;21 LONmw)N lln P.A2ts, :and 1vicli. fior Elegance l)ourabilitv. and pe- culialr Shortuc ,s cot' N\. -urpa.s'.'Ss avthoi tg ill tile Bieaver llat line hith erto) ittelmpted ; and :1:I he wa, the first who introoluceol thisll ides tit ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? ~ S. 'rHALBE1RG . ,toanno ce, that his FAREWVELL sizcNElT wsil take p VENN, TUYLESlDAY 1Y3vlG JanuaOry 23, AT THE ASSEMBLY ROOMS, GrEoRGE STREET. On wlhicl occasion fie will perform several of ris most fthoriri'o CoUltositions, and a INVrw iUS. Fantasia, on A WFEBER'S OPERA OF OBERON, (First time of perfurmance in public.) ?? S. TIAtBERG will have the rssistance of the most eninent Vocal ...

Advertisements & Notices

... j TO ToHE I|OWS pErSENTLY ON THE ROLL PI V ANNTITANTS OF THE BURGH OF AND PAROCHIAL ,-CHtoOLM1ASTERS WiDOWS' FUND. | ITH reference to an Advertisement inti- ra~tin a NIRETTNG, of the WIDOWS nr IlANDATORTES, to bc h.l ' on the 1Sth ?? n 5. hi appeared in the Nrorth British Advertiser, of hst I think it right to state, that oevry infnr- 4tel ly It' , the nature and objects of the Bill, in If 95 ...