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Advertisements & Notices

... ?? E I .r m. ---mur -JllNA,- i s- '~r)uint Nt tll~il:tt 03' i'n: (Jotnlfr .JobnNs,uY.. V dt Till: 1i1nl. e a, requested tin stateI Iho a double ninnoumberof n C the ?? ni 1:,1 i ol titutrdlny Jlily 3,iNo. Pt, wiol bl piblisihed, e %ititie to r cit r, chrge, In o nnicn ut Ircsnt it its enider; I vry cn. I- piot i i, ?? ling Metlttir of ilis late dutjeity, i;ritatl ex. c i- w presy f tr iht ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES BY AUC'IfON.I Q2ALE OF FURS.-G,. AVINTIYX LE most rc-i K)spitoctfu1I 7 anniounces to the L idtos of Leedst 1111d it, it ViciniI etvll ?? romt - .0t)l on no1 excetli ii .\sortlt'tt ofl1to~l~list~ink or ?? real Sable, 1111'4141 Fitch, Erocille, Lynx: '-Iltirrel, oind imlitlation Silili NIvi11'i, Tilpots. Coll., I 'olitri' VeI M1i l.S NI~IttidV$. GOILIC to. Whle' op'w.ilol WIl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A if 'iff W . t;~ t fl i fg U'iff I i iit ''f,.iiff'iffiif . if ?? iff' ififf if ifif.' ii, IQ; tri' if'lfi'f'fi Ir ii fi f ii i ''If i 'if ,if ' i f if is iffi tf' III; Io t ?? . ak h if,' Y% Ailinh me itf ?? I JAI.~ ~ ~ V r.Alr(1f if - if 'fffiE'f i :if i t ?? i i'fifi'ri * M if 'if~r St r A'ii trr ti'~ II' 'is ' ?? 'if. if~ ?? ifa hif ~~'iiawi~~iy bv :De~ if' ?? ?? ik; t I fffifI . , if ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IN JOHN and JOSEPH WAVRING'S BANK- HUp I.CY. hEFrTING for last Examlination of tile B lorupte, and Prolit of ADeits, enlhlrged by tie Lord Chanecelllrs Older to Thursa=y, ]21h April nrvxtat lite Plck Ilurse In, li Hlaud- derifleid, at 'Ten ?? In the Forenoon. By Order, WM. 13ARKER Sexlicitur to the Assignees. lilddersfleld, 13th Marcb 11102. XUTTERS and WAKE's BANKRUPTCY. '1 Tlle Creditors who ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? aprocad~ig~ el tian. B E DS BOROUGH ELECTION.-The Ci6M- SSII ITTEE for promoting the ELECTION oif IUESrlS. MARSHALL AND MACAULAY ri Ho~ve ithe Pleaur of aitnounning to the ELECTORS of LEDS m (hoat those Gentlemen wtilt ADDRESS ?? 4iADITANTS In the ba Area ul'the7Cul.OU RED CLOTH-H ALL, oil TUTRSDA ' NI, the 4th Sept, at TiiN II Clock lin the Foiceonoi. Onl WEt\IRCDAY, thle Camtildatesvvill, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IVINES, thit Gon ine l' ori f G11(00III m(id it PMlt In thle PAR IISI I cII UIRCli, g 1,Il ler.IMI JImvilly, I/W, GI! Ia'j r' ,IcllI'.*, Islls,, ait tie E:61lbong Antii t~ I, 'flCl' Irc, e1.01, ?? 3' !it Eles'etl r* i ?? 10 I RU OZ N01' PR ' p \i.E P t1r w\iNEJ' jj' 11(15Zi'IN SHI j ,l yX' jl~ !1 IITTO MIARCIL.), Si Lot a to suli I'nrcl,,I..0SS. .~LA-Iyo tePRS ?? I'l T ?? Ill tile s(V ...

Advertisements & Notices

... jUSEUM OF NATIONAL MANUFACTURES 'ASde, iA continultion of the Dlesign of the NATIONA OSTORY. Jtufacturers, Ateelitmlsts, Designers, aid Artisans, tile invit. ''.prepareallii end iln for I Ithibition, fit their rahII est Cots- elsecc, Spretiitens of their several Produetions, er Arts, or * els of Inventions, Which they lrosy deemi calculated bsy Excel- 6, Novelty, Or Use I.ulnezs, to gain ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES ]W AUCTION : JVBI i-,1, loll, SUMon L'u OI ,1Nlt~ ~ tt JfjRoLiI'lEola il unor to announce jl to te Oiaritty Wdi l'blkic 0f*tlcgh fulicV or orksill A ei(h O ILiolC milco c ioll t valiisble tORIGI~NAL OIlL 1`AUNTIN1' - 1' ' l,,ck ii lit teForenoklil. ars. slt ti ticevel:n et loll Mart, Conk, ltt. Cus, ocnieuea Atile at ll.U,~t~ A I t Jllkkill C omme, lit AL oVNT I INT11fl11' V Dozen of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... R~IADFORD) AN]) WVAK EFIELD TURNPIKE N0`'1'l(i is horeb)it givnt.H~at Hie fleet 'MoeeHg of the Trrustees Of tilt~ aidii ltiitd will be held tai the. Sei It loust Iit Wokefielld, ol 1P`Ictoq, Ari Thi, ii'l/i DayIq f Atigiist he/Stal, ?? Elevenl o'clocic ii Clerk to, the said TIruEtcos. itra'tfurd, 1501 AttItl~tI, 1:1:33. ?-]E1G'I(.ILEY AND IiA (AFAX TU RNPI KE NI ?? ii ?? givenl IIhui t lie ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SI In Is II (I If C VI :0 ?? hi .1 ai II -t II or tih (o tCO III rlI de fe C r -P1 of th VIL las a ll ofr thC ?? gi ' lii in P.I re I fa III III 11 ii It ,I I 1i VI it IT It II 'I tI 1) CI II 0 II il tI 31 ii Il rl11,1ASC. BTURB3INS'--takeathis Opotnt lorreturlilli his sincere Thaniin tot i'rofeislonnn 40entlemen, .T erelb(1t t, andi his PrILeins In agee.rai. for tile ?? he ijoi received ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I1JSSES PLINT respectfully announce thlat their 'j~.SCHOOL will RE.OPEN July 31st. True Experience of VLi~ttly Ten Years in thle vWork' or Lpquluatioo unitedi to the most OtItwiLoNs Solicitude for thepornlotioll of the intellectual Find ImIl (ions Improvementt ?? Pup~ils, with considerablp Local Attvatitages ,if, Iteidentiv, furnitli, thley trust, sonic claim to th ,zeltinrrailee of thle ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ELI IOLLY OVEI3BLOW.-FlEIrMIOLD ESTATE.-LBy Alt. JOHN' IL M ES. at the HL usicof Alr. Allth(bny Scvott, tile Sh0iill VII, i-i armoniol 1tridge, oil lllndeu, thei 27/2 Dull'i TiiIrIIP3/ 11 lit Oneic ?? i the A fternooll o le ilr'Ci/. Tuwjec to such Condliltionsl OfL SillLe 1)11 111111 liC ?? producedl, tied eithler together oar ill thulolot ?? I' o Suuel ?? L. to ILs way be then dccilledI ?101 ...