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Advertisements & Notices

... STINTS TO BELT. ApWlI? to Mr Jo/in Gibson, Kearslo in, near Matfen. V alcO wvill cover this Season, at one Guinea each L Mare, and I-lalf a Crown the Groom. Nero, the Pro- perty of AI2r Gibson, is a beautiful Black, bred in Leicestershire, and from one of the purest Breeds in that County; allowed by Judges to be the handsomnest black Stallion ever shown in this ('ounty. ?? will travel in the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... UEYNOLDS'S SPECX EC, POM WZEl GOUT, &c. To those alflicted with Golut, Rhewinuatic Gout, Rhea taltsnm, 4c. lir REYNOLDS'S SPECIFIC is earnestl recommended, as the only remedy at present known, to b, equally relied on for its safety and efficacy. The Proprietot (wh, hID6 been a dreadful stuferer by gout) is warranted ii his assertion, from the experience of some thousand persoto (added to his ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Allendal? Taurnpi~ke Xtoad NOTICE is hereby given, that the next MEET- N ING of the TRUSTEES of the said Road is appointed to be held at the House of William Holmes the younger, the Sign of the King's Head, in Allendale Town, on Friday the Srd Day of December next, at 11 ?? in the Forenoon, when the T olls arising at the several Toll Gates upon the said Road. called or knoc n by the Names of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JTBT rIUDZISTEOD. By MESSRS JONJS & CO, Teraple of the Muises, 21insbury Square, london, N O. 1, of a NATIONAL EDIT'ION of tile I VoCal Works of Handel, arratiged for the Pialo- Forte or Organ, by Dr. John Clarke, of Cambridge, contalilning sixtevi Pages, or fiour Shoeetw or f'11sic, for On1e Shillilng- Pat I I th ot' Hollgarth's Works ; Part l:3th of National Gallery Part II th of Fisher atid ...

Advertisements & Notices

... , I ,IC'-i ic1 ei ?? thle Directors have I :Iper 'Shant to be, iiad \ 0~li-~~oii 1.1 5u~k ~ ii s to be palidintoi - ~ ~ ~ ~ ivlAcdit, ' o--eii r kio c thyie ir~et(A,'i. vet 0 ,, ~ A. -li1t l'H LL, Secretary. N 25 *~1-'tl~ttt yis>(jilt 3 Jilt , Is5:33. r~ ~ will he -a DA ICN' V A ~ B L, V ii vil illuM [ ii tDe'tAN IC t i t he Ibtih last., I iac~~~c 6-( It, I, 'lea iriclitil nI Atliitt U IN t? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... '~TOBELM-1Er And ?sAns he etered upon inmmediately, A N Old-established and wellaccustomed BA. A KE itS SHOP, with a commodious Dwelling House above, and a good convenient Bake House, and other suitable Requisites attachesi, situated near the Bull Ring, in the main Street of North Shields. The abovr-mentioned Situation is one of the best in the Town, and the Premises are sufficiently extensive ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NORT3 or ENGoLAWD1n a1esy IRNE assma.N CAPITA. L. &115ooo0. EUCH Inconvenitae aud Loss having been sus. J1 tw:i'ne'l isv Ship oWners, Merchant s, and Vi anufacturers o tile lort of Newcastle. by the WVant of Means of efflecting Insirrave, tills is asis cootbiiilg ample Security, with Facilrty itt SettIvrriltt, to tilc I nsured, with a fair Prospect of Remu- neratiot) 10 thic Isliscrs It has ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO THlE GIENTLEIVEN, ouRG.ANT D Ff0 E HOLDERS OF' 1`1r CE AV NOIITHFVI1E111 Saturday thle V HE Favoiir1 of your ?? I t TIstAlm ?? i ie 30) ?? front theit to1 .1. sitA ugst ii at IC 'MI 1 ntoch obhg'O nitet H is Maijti.ty .'J1d(1 ?? wi c'i' She 1ff. Mitford Castle, .,oYh THEAT~~' NECASTLE. ?? ASIZ 1~ V E 1iK N Ly. ?? espiectf~llly infot nis his5 Pa. ~~pLN ~~ tjoittivnien of Neocastle, aril its ...

Advertisements & Notices

... or -ViarA. T, ~ lrtlzEv'. Marlsii l leC ratittt tr ?? Usty,;iott, - 7ar Nsayvett, aer r jj a ?5illpt, tend Thvtiz, W~r Wleb~alsnia. /jFR ?? hasy tho Honour to announce to thle TjNobility, Ladies, and Gentletren of N~ews i and its 'icinitY, lh '-'ilil be pertonmod TWO GRAND CON. .Ii't-E ot Vocal and Ilastiumental Music, ti tli 'M-si* Tho Frrad ti, take Place on Monday Evening, Dec. lSra, Id she ...

Advertisements & Notices

... F PHE ARC 8L30 1' JARCHDEACON OF NORTHUMBER. CL AND'S VISITATIONS will be holden at NEWCAS'LPl UPON TYNE, on Fridays August20; B3ELFORD 'I'ues ,AuFriayAug4t20 ALNWIC ?? iy ; and 5IO~tPTH, Tursda, August ;WIORPL;Ti, ThRlrS'dady'y'Auplg8t22N;an For Chester WariA if, riforan Knowlelk( tPUE QUAREL MEtG of the DIS L TRIC-j O MI'E frC ESTER WARD will he held in th e es oil Saturday th4 '7th of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DELSAY ABnoaZAfX0or, For the Prosecuetiot of Felons, Vagrants, a ul Trespassers. A T the ANNUAL iEETING, hel(d the 31st of A Dec. 183S, it was tinanimously resolved, to prosecute with thie titinost Rigour any Person who nlay conmnitt any Felony, I 'jury, or Trespass, against tie Perso - or Property of any of the Members of this Association; all iersotis found encamisped upon the Public lItonds ...

Advertisements & Notices

... affi If &- I WEWCASTLE MARIFNE AS9OCZALZONP For the Insurance of Goodrs Iqy the reqular Trader-v, from Lonrdon, Hull, Gatnsbro', and Leith, or from Glas/gow and Greeneck tlhroughl the Clyde Canal to Newcastle. 5HE Annual Meeting of this A.sociatiott will be . held at Mr Archhold's, Queen's Head Itin, on Wednes- day, 7th June lext, at 10 ?? in the Forenoon. Receivers of Goods from the above ...