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Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland

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Advertisements & Notices

... llable Concern 4 Mlronufac- FO0l SALE, 'BY: AUCTION. jEUBSCRIBER wilI SELL by AUCIoN qf1 t1 ?? the 30thinst- at TWELVE ?? -ISES (if not previously disposed of by ,ri. t) the LEASE of his extensive Concern, No, CdOttCICREET which has29 years fromtlastNo. 67,HI ?? tbe yearlyatbtey J 63,. fssformerily Ad. fleru on which upa heye beeu laid, 0ou ,fi-e up at, in the tF' 7re last 10 years.; HE i the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A CARD. M R. SMYLIE, SURGEON-DENTIST, begs leave to inform his Friends and the Public, that he has re- commenced business in the above line; and trusts, by at- tention and care, to merit a ?? public patronage. Diseases of the TEETH, GUlS, &c. treated profesional- ly. Teeth Cleaned, Scaled, rld Extracted-Charges mode- rate. gn. Mr. S. may he eonsulted at No. 10, GLOUCES- TER-STREET, off ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Auctionl and Conimission Mart, 7, CASTLE-PLACE.- -lEO. & 11U. HYNDMAN beg leave to direct th, G publicnattention to the above Establishment, ;vbici ,ffrds to personS Furnishing Houses, ?? not to In. 3et witb in any other in the North of Ireland, owing toth, 0nenae variety of articles which it contains, and price fronI 20 to 50 per cent, below the ordinary rates. They have at present on hand, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE AbTELRIM HMUNT ILL MEET at DOAGH, on MONDAY th W ?? insta*2__- R. F. GOi9ON, Treasurer. Belfast, 17th October, 1831. (180 A GRAND DISCOVERY FOR THE TEETH. To the Nobility, Gentry, & Znhabitantf of Belfast and its Vicinity. MESSRS. CRAWCOUR, (Of the old-establilphed Firm of CRAWCOtra and Sos3,j SURGEON DENTISTS, Brunswick House, Crawcour Place, Commercial-road East, London, ESPECTFULLY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BRITISH COLLEGE OF HEALTHI, NEW ROAD, KING'S CROSS., LONDON. T HEgrand desideratum of a cheap and certain re- T medy to all Diseases having been at length discovered, upon a simple and natural process, by Mr. MORISON, the Hygeist, the Vegetable Unieersal Medicines are presented to the attention of the afflicted, in any complaint whatever as their sure reliance of a certain cure. As ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BELFAST. ACADEMY. N 1TJESDAY- 1at May. PRMR MIUMS were distributed to the following Students: - ?? MATHEMATICS. John Sirnus, Sea-View Coltage, Belfazit. LOGIC. Thonas Cpoke, Be?/4.4 - Samuel Johnston; Lmnidondeiiy. For a series of Exercises performed during.the Session: John Beim, Relfast. For the best Abstract of a prescribed portion of the Lectures: James Stewart, nelr; fs, and T. W. Benn. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MR. BUCKINGHAM Earnestly invites the general attention of THlE RELIGIOUS WORLD 'To the LECTURE -to'be delivered on M-ONDA Y AND TUE'SDA Y EYENINGWS NEXT ON THE 3IDO0-L AT-XIE3S OET'HTE EA ST. And t'bc obstacles presented by' THE EA ST INDI1A COM JUPANY ,TO THE- SUCCESS OF Christian IissiOnS in Asia, The Lecture'to be delivered. THIS EVENING at EIGHT, and TO-MORROW. at Half-past TWO, will ...

Advertisements & Notices

... We-,7 Mar3et-P1lan, James's-Street. T Ir StTPISCRIBER -conceiving that a iA RKET_ PLACE would be an accommodation in this popu- IOUs part of the Town, is at present Building one at No. So JAIVIES'S-STRET, formerly occupied by bim in the - fMBEr. and DEAL TRADE. TA part of the Market will be ready on1 FRIDAY, the 29th inst. intended for thc Sale of LEsHD FISH, MEAL,. 3ATOES, VEGE- ABLESv FRUIT, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BACHELORS' 33ALL. T a MEETING of ?? SUBSCRIBERS tn the A5lahove BALL, held this r I' t~he ROYAL HOTh:L, it was resolved, that be a FANCY BALL and take place on WEDNESIQ&bhe Gth October. By order of the Commigee, ANDREW DURHAM, Secretarvy Belfast, 22d Sept. 1830. ( FoRTuNE.-TELLtR.-Saturflay last Michael Nlurphy. was apprehended in Drogheda, by a soldier iif the 87th legt. as being a deserter ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO THE GENTLEMEN, CLERGY, AND ELECTORS OF THE COUNTY, OF ANTRIEM1. GENTLEMEN, TiE Constituency of Ireland under the provisions of the Reform Bill being on the, eve of completion, and the con- sequent Dissolution of the present House of Commons al- most immediate, I am induced to offer myself to your notice, and, agreeably to a former pledge, to solicit the honour of your support at the ensuing ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TiAMBElRa &C. ijIE s Be'~1, B offers for SALE, the CAR- P h rg eounia,, of , alifax, A.. .S5¶iTH, GO °LndiD' .fro PORT TMiE WAY, N§oova ?? Ster, lig. Of 90Ota Cons YELLO0YP' PINVE) TIMBER, 1860 c ED' PINE TIMfBER, 5 r Three Inch DEALIS. andi 1i0 feet of ?? THIYV&D. hO, abvewe.ifneaiot ed VESSEL, -Barthen per rX ?? te'rab1041 Toyvl, carkies a large .rS t ?? 0Y57 aj.coS loe eait to Sea ...

Advertisements & Notices

... R ~OYAL Setl Academical Institution. SCHOOL DEPARTMENT. ?? E MIDSUMMER EXAMINATIONS will take place in the following order:_ WEDNEsDAY, '19th June, -Greek and Ancient History. TaURSDAY, 20th do. English and Ancient Geogra- FlaiJAY, 21st do.- English and French. SATUTLDAY, 2-d do. Wrting, Mathematics, and 22d d.* ?? Drawing. Arithmetic and Natural Phi- IONDAY,, i;4th do. losophy. TUESDAY, 25th ...