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... KrnnJfCmost h'u Friends and the Pub ic, that has REMOVED his Establishment from Humt-rr Bank to that large and commodious Room, the FREEMASONS* LODGF., Mytongate. embrares Ibis opportunity return his grateful thanks to his Friends for the confidence and kindness which he has received fr »m them, during his short residence Hull, and assures them that every attention will paid support.—-He to ...


... MARINERS «TV AM ciiip TOWN BOROUGH KINGSTON UPON HULL, STEAM stfli' TRINITY-HOUSE. HULL. . . r . 19fA Nortmber, 1836. 9t * ,4# Town or g is hereby given. That iv JOSEPH BROWN. oo« of the Ham. TVOTICE I* HEREBY GlVlil, tar bn Pilots, it SUSPENDED tbit Cor- V that VENIRE for the TRIAL poration from acting at PILOT for the °f CAUSES in bit Majesty's COURT RHR period of TWO CALENDAR MONTHS. of ...

MAMA Polk, kOEKS. E»q. Ckmirmrt. Hcmt tKdbrake, Chu Sh»» L**»w. *«>• _ The Hon Hn(ta Llodmy, HP. Cbartn LHlkdak ..

... HMry UuterUle. George War* Norann, Eaq. Juba Eaq. HP. Brice Pearae. Eaq. Chart™ Richaari Pole, Eaq. Jaiaa TroMee, iaq. Pirtfaritk Booth, Eaq. Chatlps Houltoo, Baq. Th» Hon 1> Boowrt* William Bunrte. Eaq. John Cockerell, Eaq. Thomaa Domco. Thomas Uonaen, Juo. Eaq. ( harles Bell Pmal. Eaq William Hamltlon. Eaq Ell sard Harman. Eaq. Calvert Lad broke. Esq Josbca Mils a, THE MANAGERShnahtf taa ...


... At the Hertfordshire Assizes, Wiy>. Griffiths was charged with killing and slaying John King, attire palish of St. Michael. A quarrel, appeared, had arisen race for a whip between the prisoner and the deceased. A fight took place, and for considerable time the deceased was getting the better. Some of his friends then interfered, but without effhet. for he said he would either kill the prisonei ...


... Opttrl.ini l-i K’t Hi .’not the Prince / Oethity. the Pnn. cruet M-iry amt Ho»a, and ht* the Duke of .l/t«iirA*»/fr SPECTACLES ground, shaded, 4■. on the exact prin- ciple of spherical truth, by S. ft B. SOLOMONS, tl7c celebrated Opticians, front the improved Spectacle Manufactory, and the London Optical Establishment. No. .5. Solomon’s Terrace. New St. George’s the Fast. London, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIAGES. On Friday last, at Sculcoates Churcb, by thc Rev. Wim. e Ienry, Mlr. Win. Monday, jun. tinber-merchant, to Mary Jane, daughter of Mr. John Walker, of Jarratt-strect, flull. Oil Tuesday last, at Holy Trinity Church, by the Rev. J. ,11. BroImby, Capt. Teasland, of the Dolphin, to Mary Ann, ?? daughter o0 Capt. Joy, of the Royal William. d On Sunday week, at Sculcoates Church, by the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... On tile 2IT it I. the lady of 1; Al1. NI It vti Eat. >I' lotliam MiliDe, it, th! Countty Of Yalrt, Of a SUII. AiARRIAG ES. Oli Tuesday, the thil i'!Yt. ilt tilljrstelit M'utrbh , .1nm!s Walker, ERiq. ?? lniuto I, III the ?? II f Yori, to NjlI.l :a, 3iUItgI'.lt eIiCgA I of the ?? It, . S. en r ouso, eO IIIlrotlzh. On Monfal momrnihg a.nt. nt the 1 lilv 'fri iatty Charm1, by the R[ev.J. J . ...

JUiSftll.uuouß XotitrS

... JUiSftll.uuouß HULL FOR SAVINGS. THE are hereby informed, that the HALF-YEARLY INTEREST will be ENTERED in their Rooks on Sati'riuv, 2nd December; Monday. 4th December, and Wkdnkaday, December, between the hours of Nine asd Five o’clock, and that no attmdance fur (bat purpose will given beyond those time*. Depositors dettious of withdrawing their Interest, are also requested observe, that ...


... the Mogulratet, and liemtlemm, moo be appointed Guardian* the u&»re L'mun. most respectt'ullv otTrr fur Office of AUDITOR your BOARD, for which situation I trust, extensive and varied experience public bosmess, combined with practice knowledge accouou. baa* gfcsvn me a qaaiiißcatloo Should I succeed obtaining that Office, my best ■xertioos shall used in discharge its im porlaut duties. I am. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... On IMonday last, at W igantliorpe, the lady of Wiln. Garforth, Es.. of a son. Oin the 23d ult. the lady of Charles Winn, iE sq. of Nostel Priory, of a daughtcr. On Thursday, at thc parish church, H1alifaix, Mr, Jcreminll (;arsidc, butclie, to Missan ?? Slackletonll, of' Northule ranl. On Tuescay last, nt Roundhay church, by the Rcv. wi. If la hthrtt Richartd Shuttleworth Streattiel(d of the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Onl TitUreSdIt, at Cfdaisti Li eecloitchire, by tile Revy. Sflantud il 'It'sinter, ?? ja (lse Ac IdiiIt, ?? Ecuj. to diarv, tide h dee gut or ol' thle ]Ins cciDILI ?? ri'tier, st.of the former piece. dt ii Stinic day', it Jlrotbts 11e. John Gladstonel i-loll, csith li nttijit!icslrt tree f 1tilitule is Jlao, dauhteltr of 1e. 2l'o I s ,ta Rala:lo, citL~ tan at act tnr~ ofti-eanutsi piece. ca ...