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... RURAL POLICE Wo find the following letter to theo ].url of0 1Derh Lnrd Lieutenant of la.ncaslire, in the Lassea;. Y, r aelte ?? i e ~ ?? Wh\\itelniflltij1rh Jn. 3,i MthY LonD-I Wvish to call tle itte ltiolot wou Lordship end of hle Inttgistrates of file cotivof ' Y caster, to the state of thecoslthabla,,j force it county. y * 'hlo number and efficiency of tile regular consaf. bles in niany ...


... Mi ULT UM IN PARVA0. I .. .. I 1 . .. I lespig o-f I a resherough Spa lisa beers lost it, A hC consequecire of ?? d igging f' a tunk ?? w its SusIIIce. a rl -At Stitiffod assizes at poor- wo maninamied H ?? uid'i he ISmith was tried fur tire mu rder of tier son by t Itrowvrigl itdur hiina into a wcll. She was declared by , tite jury ID Il cir- iinsane, anrd ordered to be confi ttd ottt i Iis ...

Law Report

... new airport. Tae NtEw JunnE-Tite resignation of Sir J. llrrinugh; as one of the Juilges of the Pleas, it is said took place on rluesday week. Scrgeaot Bos- anquet and Mr. Taunton are namied as candidates for the vatant seat. CAUTION TO INFORMiERS.-RerC. V Pa)sley nold Anlst/Cr.-At the Midhilesex Session, on Friday, Hinry Parsley, andl Henry William Parsley, wee; il dicted fi;r conispiracy. Tli ...


... A NGLE.SE'Y QUA ltii!J{ E 3iSSt)ON..S Thei~e Ssicons were livid Oil Tiue'sdaiylat ?? hail ~ ~ ello. 'Eqq., Capt., IIi les Pq ,e spairaw ?? R:-v. HIugh `Avl J ?? Rien. l 'Inn pond juiy lnitnein lpatlillld, The L ilirII ll] .:'jul Ie;t icoo LI Vai Iv tif ?? of taI I, e ?? to ofler it few aobsursvlini, bcI.N'r. tli,~v ivould clilur oi ?? duties oh Ilivir i:~itihe lie' hodj 0il a tarner ? ...


... D1FNI3IGIISH1IRUE COUN1Y AFFAIRS. . . I. Q - l' k n rl r I. AD-k t2*| At nn adjourned Quarter Scsiojos held at RIuthin c on tile lltb ult., or the purpose of determining s fic. t ther tile Constahaleary act shouldl be pot in force in O the cmiitty of Denbigh or not, tlie tnsagistraites pie. P ?? deters i ted by a laigo majority to iudojit tie act a ini such parts ofi tile county as the ...


... The commission or assize was-opened in the Court flouse, Mold, on Wednesday evening, Oh Thurs- day morning, the learned judge, Sir John Pattehon, aietided divinre service in the parish church, when an excellent sernmon wasvpreached by the High She. riffls' chaplaini. :. court was opened' for business about twelve o'clock, when there was a full attee- dance of grand jurymen. 'T'here were only ...


... DENBIGENSHIRE ASSZES. (Prom the Chester Chrouicle.) ti CIVIL SIDE. So DrnT.-'m7,les v. ltobertq.-Thi§ was an action pi brought by the plaintiffs, Margaret and Robert Ia Jones, to recover thesnum of £5. which the defen- fc dant, Robert Roberts; owed to the plaintiffs.' Mr. Jervis stated the case for the plaintiffs, and called st Mr. Rowlands, solicitorof Wrexliam, who deposed tl that he male ...

Law Intelligence

... .Uaw Intelligence. PREROGATIVE COURT, JAN. 4. NX:TRAOlDISlV WILL Y CAUUSE-JUDGOIENT. C. *- l estw66od v Burke. p Sir.John Nit:11 gave ?? in this canoe to3 day. Thlis as a question respecting the validiity of the Will and codicil of tbe late William Snell fl Chanacey. 'ilhedecease(l died wolrth about £X24,000, n ti1m1k (if which was left to Mi. Brown, tilc deb ceeased's natural son, the residue ...


... ICOURr.MAR'rIAL ON LIEUT. COLONEL : BRERETON. 'r DEATH OF COLONEL BRERETON. B aRsToL, FaIDAY.-Early this moriling a report ir vrvas in circulation here that Lieutenant Colonel, *e Bieoletttn. had put an end to htis life by shoolitig hiuseif, Many supposed it at first to lle an on. founded repolt, got uip for the purpose of giving a r noment's gratification to those who might enter- rt tai towa ...

Law Intelligence

... UAW Entelligelice. Ied IMPORTANT TO PUBMLCANS.-UMr. Prender-sst. s mnved on M1onday, to rescind all order of the er- Court, by which a license to sellexciseable articles ved had been surreptitionisly obtained by one Henrv Milner, the keeper of an a-la mode heel shop in i. Brvdges-street, CC(ent-gardeo, the same having lee heen uniauiniously riefused by the licensing magis of trate at Bow ...

Law Intelligence

... Eaw fintrui-Itt'llcr. it A decision has been Ieel 3 giree hc t as it) Subiscription lhemila, tu tcd i id lsiable to tlhe dot lor 1uoc titer decision, latel I ' ci ' re to rth i j, h'es retfly o'pposi te to tile dieetstoti Or lii ,I essioners of toxes for this Culutmits CI ' g Cltarges etf sairi C:. ci' i taxes tom sI , C0 ates moouit be oubeta, t1inted by e-- o pam-ty ehar-ed has leert in ...

Law Intelligence

... Uaw lutfIligollre. COURT OF KING'S BENCH. THE ICING V. THE JUSTICES OF LIVERPOOL. The rule for a ssaradamrts to the Justices of Li- verpool to issue their warrant of distress against the goods of Mr. Robert Ellis, for non-payment of' the peer-rates due fromi him as the owner of small tenesients withits tie parish of Liverpool, was muade absolute, afher cause shewsn by Mr. Starkie, (with w hom ...