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Law Intelligence

... , ,% -XI)WHOVITC14 COti~Tp'OF IEING'S BENCH. J Po~eaxr H ?? PARTh SmICEL-Sir J. p Scarlett motegi tile Coiut for a Rule Nisi for a n v Mandamus t kedirecteil to the Justices of Middle- i sex in QartteI Seion5 asstnbled, commaniding, oj it lheml to eaitrerjontinuwiies fram time to time, and C to hearan ?? by William Spicer, a publiean, tr against an oriler o:f Justices below, granting a li- g: ...

Law Intelligence

... ILOw I)MIliffeam ' INFOuitATioNs.-TftE VINTNERs' C ?? alnd |ilattoig ardlen on \Vednesday, Jsgcip lio y, ovwho i)ent if' |icepis a rofibeltouse at Sadlier's Wells, ?? O we, on( a summons, before Mr. Rogers ani Mr. Sergean t CI e Selln, to answer thc complaint of Aaron Rawvlins, Frici at the informer for having, oil the 29th of'Noveluber, rits n sold tI one William Skinner, tc. ihiformer's ...


... ASSASSINATION ATHIYDE. ;'On 1uesday afternooni, the chairman and tui. :,'me.~atrates now sittin_ at the' 6Quiirter. Sessions aecoived an'express from Captain Humphiey. of Stoe port, axna uncing thelmeiatioiy faet S.te ?? iow ?? de, oif M\r. Th6~i. A~hlton,(eldest *tnoitf.r. 'aml. Ashtot., ?? Bank,Werre'th, nair Ilyde) the previous evening,' anil requesting tisciassistince of ally of the oiecrs ...

Law Intelligence

... ?? -- Uaw. .: ?? , COvitrr Or KiS5G'S BENCIT. . TfIE APOTIIECARlUS`S COMl.IPN v. V1 RVAN.-This aetion, which. was tried at the last Assizes at Maid stone, before Mr. Baron Bayley, waz brought to secover certain penalties for pravtising as an apo. thecary without a license. At the trial, evidence was =iven of nine eases in wiViA!! it was said tile defendan.t had practised as adapotbecary. It ...


... I fl= 0 S~lJlCIE OF TIH[E LOrEDIGIION. TIOMAS N/)lTI, LOR1D GURA ES. At cloven oclonk on Monday, a replqisitionl was taken bheoec J. I. (CL-I, Estq and a higilly rlC sp~ectalsie .Jii ivat ti he 1ason s A ellIs.Mald(Inx.strect, Itila el SqllUIOi, on vijDW of tbe holdy of the Right a lion, Thlioimias Nailori, Lord Graves, aited 5'i, who ilstrw ed hililseif by clittilnit his ?? %vith a o v.azor ...

Law Intelligence

... naw Intelligrare. .L COURT OF EXCHEQUER, DEC. 1. al I 5TEPiENES V. 1ROBINSON AND A!NOTHEt. S na Mr. Spankie stated that the plaiotiff in this ac- st 0- tion wras the publisher of a weekly inewspalper st es called the Christian Advocate, and having spent tl nid various snms~of money in the printing and pub. pi le. lishing of that paper, he now sought to recover the c id. same fromai the ...

[ill] Assizes

... Donbighshire assizes. IS 'The commissioin for this county was operned in the el, Shire-hall, ]Iluthin, on Friday se'nlnight. In tile ?? O ofthe afternoon, a party ofl entlemen dtied with the l Ilidi, Sheriff, Sir Robert HIenry CunlifFe, iBart. at the WD \hite Lion Inn, Ruthin. 'Ihe dinner conaisted of c every dehlicay of the season, and was highly credita- to ebl to the worthy host, MIr. ...


... I CENT'RAL CRIMINAL COURI',-AloNDAY. ; 'ihe sixth session ofthe fourthyearly commission was g e opened this inorning before the Recorder, Mr. Alder- n y titan Faretrother, and tile usual aueluritivs. - 'bhe grand inquest having been emnpanselled, the tl I, Recorder addressed tile jurors at considerable length, cotoltelscieg by observing that tile calendar before him v ts contained the names of ...


... FLINTSIIIRE ASSIZES. - The commission of the peace for this county was C 6 opened before Sir VWilliams, int. in the New 'Town . _ lI-all, Mold, on Wednesday se'nnigbt, and the court Si if immediately afterwards adjourned to ?? followill-g C . day. On IThlursday hlis Lordshipx attended Divine a . service in Pdeld Cliurci, aud then proceeded to i , the despatch of the business of the anssize. ...


... ?? AND NORTH NVALIS CIllCVIT._BefiJi Mr. Justice WillifunS and ?1T1r. Jut. ice LColtussai UI outtgomie r h it e.- W\eI, llip (in ITesclTy, Mlarch 6th. AIlerionetshsl dre-Bala, Salurday the 10th, Car fsrroiiliire-(Crnirvoit, Thursday the 15th. A unleseu- le;TITtriis, ?? the 20ih. DenabiAire-Rstisn, Saturday the 24th. Flititdtire--iMold, \VedlnecnTiy the 28t1h,. Chesihire-(Jhemer Cbutlc, ...

Anglesey Assizes

... Anglcsey AssizcS. p Sir Julll kvrsUlraI atiriced at Icaleninalis on WeVl- co a neoday evening on 1 horseback nun vj ithuli parade from re ri al p hanger and imiriediaiely after his ar. bi orival pjoeeded to epen tile Coilvlliniesll ill tile Slire te Ilall. Next aidll'i g lliv l ordshi l attended l ivine ea service at tlie pillisit chibiti where ill approptiate discour.e was delivered liv hle ...

Denbighshire Quarter Sessions

... Denbighshira Quarter Se~ssins. Ale vas led exv of ere the i55- bie Ia Dul ner i ilt '01- in ner )ut )UD) WTO lie ter , lerd to ill I lUS 101 1()- ro- var , to hat N IS ess the [ toI T00 'l ?? w(erae lvidii 0tille 'Jo vn lli, I e b igh, I i Jel n 'i'aOesd ay l a st, b ecfo re J ItIl 1)I ,i IJeeloD, Iiiq. C II iai r otall), 01 \V iiso n .Io ae e, E scj. hi ?? I erli D )1101141111 , Jlo h nlO of ...