... VICE-CHANCELLOWS's COURT.WEDMESDAY. BRYANT V. STOREY.- His HoxouR observed, on taking his seat this morning, that he had received a let- ter from Mr. Bryant, one of the parties in this cause, complaining of the Order which, it appeared, had been pronounced against him. The terms of the letter were not at all objectionable, and, therefore; he should not do more than repeat his conviction that ...


... I On Saturday week a poor girl, a miserably forlorn object, was seen wandering in Oldham, and, being questioned- by some persons who saw her, she said her name was Hannah Blle, that she was appren- ticed to Jonathan Buckley, of Heyside, and bad left him on account of being starved and cruelly beaten. The matter being investigated by the police, it was found that the girl.' story was true, and ...


... On Wednesday last, the trial of Michail Byrne, Thos. Mellon, and William Clinton, took place in Dublin before the Hon. Judges Vandeleur and Moore. The crime with which the prisoners were charged, was the murder of Thos. Hanlon, on the 18th Sept.'last, on account of his having worked at a lower rate than that whieb had been fixed by a combination among the sawyers, to which class of operatives ...


... Two gentlemen of very fashionable appearance, enveloped in regimental cloaks, were brought up it Union-Ifall Police Office, London, on Wednesday, charged with having been found lurking. about the premises of M:r Hedger, She Suir- iey County Chairman-at Stoelkvell, on the preiediirrg night. They gave their namesgas George Frederick Seymour and T. Juncli;. but there is reason to suppose that ...


... CoURT OP COMMON PLEA4S.-MONDAY. rc: ,:1 - ?? r. - - _ [Sittings before the CuIEP JUSTICE an( a Special Jury.] DOE, DEM. LOnD TEYNHAMN, V. TYLER.-Mr. Ser- jeant JONEs and Mr. DOWLING appeared for the plain- tiff; and Mr. Serjeant WILDE, Mr. E. LAWES, Mr. KNIGHT, and Mr. F. KELLY for the defendant. Mr. DOWLING opened the pleadings. This was an action of ejectment, to which the defendant had ...


... I POLICF. MANSION-HOUSE.-Sir Peter Laurie sat yesterday for the Lord Mayor, who is not yet able to attend to his duties publicly. It is supposed that the projected alterations in the J ustice-room will take place immediately, notwithstand- ing the expence, at the idea of which many of the Corpora- tion shake their heads, although the festivities of one day would cost a great deal more than the ...


... COURT Of CHANCERY.-WBDNZSDAY. The Lord Chancellor took his seat to-day for the first time after the Christmas Vacation. His tordship. -tat earlier, by several days, than usual, in order to dispose of many bankrupt petitions on the ilist; one of these petitions, of a pressing nature, had been beard by his Lordship in his private room during the vacation. JUDGMENTS. DEACON v. DEACON.-The LORD ...


... x ON' HAIr MKA\. 1 C 'I 'I j' ft ii nbth'C roiiteibithttr ti~t \t,0at wes ; ~cr, n r, ort ut Itit Iincjutet IJIM before ?? i y ,,te l% Ittiled i Mtrlyr i ' I;tra, in coi f ~tl itlW ' frture of her ; -rter ott thiS siljeet lis been *1: ..dl) ?? 'S1110, one of the witnesses oill , ho fiueU declilned subserihinip ti 'ol tille iate stun di in tie. i- ; 5,lrivd h hi) t.dr. Ilic'hrattl, Irtt -,ent ...


... COURT OF KIING'S BENCH.-FRiDAY. r T .1- A _1 *- _ _ I a _ - _ A RLondon Sittings, before Lord TiNTERDEN and Common Juries .] PILOTS AND SHIPMASTERS. HAMMOND v. BLAKFE.-TheATTORNEY-GENERAL 1with whom were Mr. GURNEY and Mr. PLATT) stated, that this was an action brought to recover penalties under an Act of Parliament of the 6th Geo. IV. made for the amendment of the law relative to Pilots. By ...


... Th-1h.];, 7Z. ?? T/harsdai,, 7th Jeanuaory. James [rorhes, mariner, residin-- in Pork. Lane, who had I been apprehendel the nightbefnre br the potrol as being Elis-( I orderly, wan placed at thQ bar, ehfarged with assaulting William Swap, sailor, within his house in Broad Street, and with doing 1 other damage. ' Jack, Itowever, boldiv asserted, his innocence. tnd Swap and his wite bing ...


... COURT OF COMMON PLEAS.-TuEsDAY. The Court this day resumed the hearing of the case of Doe, dem. Lord Teynham, v. Tyler. Mr. Baldwin examined: Stated that hehad known Mr. Brand very well; that gentleman was a medical practi- tioner; his practice chiefly lay with patients afflicted with hernia; Mr. Brand often attended Henry- the 12th Lord Teynham; his Lordship sometimes went to Mr. Brand's ...


... VICE-CIANCELLOR'S COURT.. -RID - His Honor this morning sat at Lincoln's Inn, to hear Bankrupt Petitions, of which there is at the present moment a very great arrear. MIORLEY V. MORLEY..\Vhen this cause was called on in its turn, Mr. Rosa said he thought it would be useless to go into the facts stated in the petition, as he found that the party against whose interest it was, direct. ed had ...