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Grampian, Scotland

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Advertisements & Notices

... THE CLUE3 M EETS in the Public Rooms, on FRIDAY the 5th day I of March next.--DiNNER at 5.-IustiSNEss at 4 so'clock. TH]TO. BURNETT, SEC. This day is pnblished, BLACEWOOD'S EDINBURGOR MAGAZINE. No. CLXIV. FOR LARCH> 1830. CON TENTS. I. Mooie's Byron. Part 2.-11. The Colonial Question.- IM. The Spectre Ship of Salem.-IV. Southey's Vinlicim Ecclces'r Anglicanae.-V. Alusical Literature.-VI. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r MR!1. H:XIiLL t _ @EGS to intimate, that iis Sale of BoOKS will close . positivcly on Thursday the ] lth curt. The public tloublc embrace the present opportunity, as great bqronitas have been got and may be had by private and public saile. The whole .o lhe Hooks are of the latest Elitions, new, nnd warranted t e complete; and workls calculated to edifc. and impcove tho.. t ?? Sale each day ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BONE AN3!D GYPS SP/ WOBKS, L EGGAIT. -l COHN ANDERSON, Bone and Gypsumrn Manufacturer. Jobegs to acknowledge the very flattering encouragementll woich he cobtinues to receive, from the Agriculturists of the Counties of Aberdeen, Kincardine, uiniff; Aloray, Nairn, Inverness, Ross, and Sutherland; and being determined to avoid any iiregularity in tlheexecution of' his orders, he has resolved to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... REAL 1noE:ENAL RYE GRABS ,-M3Dj5. A SMllALL, Quantity of this valuable varivty may be had of ,Mr Forsyth Bonlkseller in lil-ginl. They are warrant. I el thc growvth ofseconrl year's hrass, which received the iMlo- rayshira IarTmer Chlb's Premnium last year; as the best and purest Fieldi shewn in the County for Cumpetition. Price Gs. per Bushel ALu0. i Large Fild Y L O V ?? UR N I P S I D, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... %7'T1TT,1REAS JAMES MIcPIIAIL, late-ofCrovdon, htt 1 the county Of' aSurrey, d!eceascd, by his Mi 1, dli'eA the e 17th dry of June 128, *bequeathed a L~egaLcy his ?? that is to say To thre daughter of my brother John I he- queath £2iiU ; and whereas, b al Decree of the High Court of tlarc'ry, mades in a cafuse entitled ?? Drummonid v. his Ma. .testi's Attorney general, it wax referred to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GOLF C;LT~. P¶HE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of the T.CLUB3 Will be -held in the Secretary's Hotise, 30, Ca;.isle Street, on Saturday the 210th inst. at 2 o'clockc P. x., fur the purpose of electing their Captain, Council, and Secretary fir the ensuing year, and taking into consideration the affasirs of the Society. And, sit 2 o'clock on Saturday the 27th inst. the BMEDA L lv to be played lor ; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... |~ ~ ~ ~~2 rO x m . v 3Z2 zt. On Sat urda v the( 17th daty ofiA pci] next. wditiin thle Cot a rt IPmli-t ola 12 o'cloc1 d inosil, 1t I D UlT fI.T , i, lrviahi e at t!!e 'tI I , Ij liA PIS of 7 .TW1_ ITi(I of ?? EL .tl lDIEN'31Y ANDS. and [lTI)GQE of COWA' T. ol tite lhe Of Roa-I from Bridge or DIe to Stownealviti. will be expos'd to be Lot, t'er oe yer fion tle 2f;ttt of i13av llnext. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... C00=ERCoIAL SC1300L 7iWILLIAM ELGEN tespectfully intimates the RE. OPENING of the MiIORNING CLASSES of this Atieminary on fonday ,Jflsnt. at 7 o'clock. WVRITING AND ARITHMETIC, say 2- Houirs a Day. - ?? .- 6 Quarter. Lo or 6 Hotilta r ?? 7s. 6id. GEOGRAPHY, BOOK-K 6 I;IlING w An l oither 1lrrA celes necessary for ?? Mrc I.,, fisi the COUNT!N(G-HO1JSE or nmy of the `MATL'o2rAo t- Gr C-.%l ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Abren1-IC'L andk S0H~.OW R BA THS aye open The Terorn ate Two Shillings frelt eich Hot Bath, and Ninepence for each Shower Blath. Fur farther particulars, enquire at the Baths, or at the Shojp vf Jontes Walker & Co. 23, Union Street. 1 Aberde~en,, 17th Mlarch, 18110. Thf TO UOXTnACTons. L 01 E DIERS ore watted by the Incorporation of Shoe- d-i T makeis, for EXCAVAT'ION and EMBIANKI NU, iequis ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Sos 1(1 -_ __ _ __ _ __ _ rL Ai MEE.'TiNG> of the F4ELTARM aklong the QUtAY. wxhose F of' 1:. Properies arv- below the Iravl of Qidiinnr' Sprinm, Tide,, al or who are bound by their Charters to lieep rid the (Commnon a. Sewer which rutis parallel to the Quay, is rerjueslted to be held tl is in Aiachray's Hotel, on llonday next, the 211th inst., at two te o'clock. It is necessary to state, that ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE TO Th!ARNERS.B MUZZ OF OdLZOWAY ZIGET.WOUZZE, ro T HE COMMISSIONERS of the NORTHERN SI LLIGHTHOUSES hereby give Notice. that is Light. th hocuse has- been erected upon the MULL of GALLOW1A Y. in the County of-'Wigton, the Light of which will be exhibited St Qn the night of Friday the 26th day of March. 1lWJ0, and every Se night thereafter, frome the going away of daylighit in the even, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -- ?? es --lA - -twow, sVaNCer. NEW INVENTION ?? Let those now shave who never shaved before; Andthose whvo always sbaved now shave cetheore. C O LD E N'S EV.EIRCx mN El zORV OR S4A VING OIL, For facilitating and rendering delightful the operation of SHAVING. T HIS highly concentrated Detersive Vegetnhle Oil corn. T bines all the useful and emollient properties of the most purified Shaving ...