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Advertisements & Notices

... BOOKS AND STATIONERY. P. AND J. &RA 1 Y EG respectfully to announce to their 'friends and the public, that their CATALOGUE is now Published, c=n ve ~taiuing a list of STANDARD BOOKS in Divinity, Biogra. vO phy, anld G;eneral Literature, at reduced ?? to ehl LClergymen, nnd those having the charge of-Parochial, Cnngre. S1 gational, and Sabbath-schooi Libraries, an opportunity of II furnishing ...


... EIT. ALEXANDER BN'DONALD rrormnerly n'jt/ Mr WILLIAm TnouP, and latterly wthil Mr GEOREGE KING) 1 E SPECTFULLY intimates to his fricends and the pub. kl~ie in general, that he has commenced business as BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER, In that Shop, No. 19, GALLOWGATE, (opposite Littlejohn Sireet), formerly occupied by Mr. Johnston, bookbinder; where he has laid in a neat assortment of STATIONERY11 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE ABERDEEN ACADEMY W ILL be RE:OPENEiD on Mlonday the 26th instant V V The Branches to be taught are the following:_ English Reading, Elocution, Grammar, 1 and Composition. pM r. C. CORDIZN~I. Writing and Book.Keeping. Mr. STrnWAnT. Drawing and Painting. Alr. Tnoupt Arithmetic. Mathematics, & Geograpl% AIlr. )iAcK. Natural History and Chemnistry.-.bTo .7 cornmence on 8th November. JC. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ii Ii gm S~OMA WVATMEB G EORGE.F REID, Dn1TGOIST, begs to intimate, that hehsprepared a Stock of SODA and MVAGNESIA WATER, of very superior quality, in Bottles, which will enable him to execute any orders he mnay be favoured with -w- on the shortest notice. G.. B1. would particularly recommend hiis Patent Anti- Nj bilious SOLUTION of MIAGNESIA, lonl, used and highly mayov recommended as an ...