Advertisements & Notices

... s I I 1. LIVERPOOL INTFI2tARY. kg A'EMO Ill be preached 4t $. PETER'S CHURCH. le ?? SUNDAY next, in the grentoon, by the Rev. P. BUL- MER, M.A., and a Collection made In aid of the Funds of this LIVERPOOL AUXILIARY SOCIETY FOR PROMO0TINIG leCHRrSTIANITY AMIONGST THE JEWS. fl EELEVENTH ANNIVERSARY of the LIVER- rrPOOL AUXILIARY SOCIETY wvill be field in the MUSIC- eHALL, Bold-street, on TUESDAY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BY THE KING'S LETTERS PATENT. ROBERT DAWS, 17 Margaret Street, Cavendish Square, Inventor and Patentee of the RECUMBENT CHAIRS, &c. the advantage of which consists in the simple movement of the back and arms, forming from twelve to fifteen positions, their elegant appearance, the comfort they afford, and their little extra expense. I It is solid, handsome, and compact, and the contrivance so ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To the Goitlemen; anti Fres'iolder-ojfthip . COUNTY of '~SuEX. . GEXTLErEm Ir, I T is dificult forine to express intierms adequate to- : my feelings the strong- sense, oF gratitude 1 expe. Iriene-at this momet.- I arnindeed 'fllly'sensible of . the distinguished manner in which I have been returned to Parliament for the fifth time by- the Freeholders ot- r Suss'ex and I assure them, that it ...

Advertisements & Notices

... sALES BY AUCTION.' ft GARDfNERWS PLACE. By AUCTION OF HOUSEHOLD FURITTJRE, ALL Or WHICH ARE IN GOOD PRESERVATION. ,fpRl SING every Artic for'a Dining 0oom, Break- fast Room, Drawinrg Rooms, antd Seven Bed-Chamberp Splerdid Chimney Glass, and Pier Ditto; an excellent Ei t- p)eaClock, and a large quantity of Kitchen Requisite.the aal prt of whieh are Copper; an outside Jauntif Car, P'ens and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A Ta Meeting of Colonel WHRITE'S COMItAITTEE on AI nesadav, the 17th August, 1830, ItNAYiUS CALLAG-HAAN, the Chair, Moved by Edmond Rlorke, Fsq. ; seconded by Captain Fortrell Resolved-1That anxious to testify our gratitude to Colonel' White for his third assertion of the Independence of the County Dublin, it is hereby determined that ?? Dinner be iven to him On Tl tRSI)AVY, the 26th of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... /7-lR A RED DELESSERT. ?? - ' -f 'DEN rIST, NO. 7,! WILLIAM-STREET, rGS to offer hbs sincere thanks to the Public gener R ' d rore especially to the numerous Friends of hi ate . F a t tiblisliment, for the very distinguished pa nage Firt w hithbich he has been honoured since he em- oad sUplP Ou~ s on his own acdount. His gratitude and in. sl~tlet tb combine ips pledging him- strictly to adhere ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GENERAJ7L1PTI.7 ?? II:-. TO1E GENTLEMEN, CLERGY, & FREEHOLDlERS OF THRE COUNTY DUBLIN. ?? confidence demarnds my, wrarmest thanlks-vpur - deipendont exertions have wplaced me in tbe sitl ion ,IJng been the object of my ambitio n, and f my , it IO,1k you . , - I have the honour to be, Gentlemen, Your oblged and faithful Servant, BRABAZON. Siepien s-reen, August 16, 1830. TQ Tj l IND EPENDE'NT ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO T-HE 6NqTLEMEN, CLERGY AN`D FREEHOLDER8, ELECTORS OF THE.COUNTY OF DOWN.. |GcNTLEMEN, ? AcECT the grateful tribute of my thanks for the drial and energetic support with which yotU have beenl COr t answer my appeal, and fiot those triumphant e P which, placing me for ?? days at the d of the Poll, have achieved a victory both glorious addecisive- tgaised by your choice for the third time to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES BY AUC'TION. II t0 l White 110l9 VIgas, 11:2/ir ly in Litnlrk.1 1.0 hurliblt I AIIO\YN ~Jr crier Action, Contli- tiian e 4v'i leerttit- Field] or the Ruled. ii IO Ste ii ?? t11~~ itA Itilcli in the l-re~elllio. f'lE/ $,,-cshlee-rS. 1. -1t, o D. /cI/c21 !/it ?? itO to ?? me t lien a~~iii there rou- t1LB 1idapi1tJj ($0 0P, DAVELIAN G- USE05, end plnltlsr/t: e ligil'iy situlate ?? the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FREEHOLD HOUSES, VX IN LEINIY'S M3EAD. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Mr. IVALL, Atthe GREYHOUND INN, Broadiead, on WEDNESDAY tie 18th of August instant, at Five o'cluck in the Afternoon, (ldess in the mean time disposed of by Private Contract, of whiih dcle notice will be given,) -l1E DWELLING-HO(JUSE (incltiding a Shop) in the orcupation of Mr. Peach, Grocer, situate in Lewin's A1ead, Opposite ...

Advertisements & Notices

... v- - - .- w@~- - -I DRz. lAM|!E]RT, OF TBt- OLD DtEDICA.L ESTAw5IMSunirtT, 10, CHURCI STREET, SPITALFlIELDS, LONDONz, TAS the pleasure of ?? before the Public the follow. 3AX ing Case, arong numerous others that can be equally wesl attested:_ - King John Tavern, Eseter, Sept. 2, 1826. To Dr. Lamert. Sir,-The knowledge of your arrival in this city induces me to impart a circumstance relative to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RI-CCHA1U: SMY ft .; . M;rING SOLD HIS HOUSE and CoNOVtNM . & 1211 ?? .mld well assotted Stack of Silks, J f ?Cji1, IHosiery, and Iabsashefy G aodst at and CONSIDERABLE RllDUCTIO ...