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North West, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... i TRE-ROYAL, LIVERPOOL. *i-EMB.LE for the first time here in the character ols^F.^S!rowNgV} Mr. CHARLES KEMBLE'S last Night, and iE ?? Mr.aABBOTT. 5'dpcrk ENEFIT of M ss FANNY KEMBLE. and. i0 be Bi.jt o:(f her engagement. This present FRIDAY, } dtanc w$ Xvill be per formed the Comedy of if;Dt. t~ pRoOVOKED HUSBANP 3 Iae~ ..Mr. Charles XterMbe | M r./. M Lr. Abbott Ld 5~ d So~n 7 ?? - . ?? ...


... STP31. Dn 1V ESSRS. WALKER and WEBB respectfully announce Ss, I ;,that they continue giving lessons in th atin, Greek. IiC Frcnch, Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese Lan g es. 8y the end of each Course, which is composed of Five Setons, of Ten Lessons each, any person of ordinary ability will hjsnabled to render into jn English the verlks of the f:llosing aut ?? the Latin, Hoace or Terence: from ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ABu' leading Wes~tside ThInce's flck, and soil!btie d tcshd/ed immediately. -FOIL NEW YO11K Tefine American Ship HEROINE. JoseGe sLL, Mlaster; Burct~h~en80 tncpied, only ties years old, sails very fast, and presents an excellent conveyance for gooids and pee- seng ?? terms of freight or passagge apply to Captai WGUasELL, Prince's Dock, or to CROPPER,' BENSON, and Co. THE OLD LINE OF PACKETS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MR. BIANCHI TAYLOR, and AIRS. BRDFORD. mlDS jjlWN]EFIT Of MR. POWER, and the last night he goosgement. This present FRIDAY, the 13th inst., - ,,re:,goicedltheCormedy of PC,~ WH~o IVANS A GU11NEAiL Mr0llrraigh, l.Ir. Power Andrew Bang.--Mr. Bedford k rr-. .M. Ir. Vandenhoff Solomon, Gundy, Mr. Montague - rd anvr ?? M igs TaYlor After which. the Melo Dralme of THIE ROBBER'S WWE. m i *ir. Pouwer, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... F T T HANG VER ROOMS. BYMSgRS. BRANCH & SON, iext, the 23 instant, at Eleven o'clock, C on I tfe~xcellenltBOUSEHOLD FURNITURE,, FoAsropo t and Camp Bedateads, with apopropriate C ambr Requisites, Mahogany Articles in Side. ut4ijr 'ndBokcase, Wardrobe, Lounging and Easy 0 y~l~~g~if5 ?? Beds, Dining, Card, Pembroke, and ork'raies Chstsof Drawers, 'Trafalgar saicrns~g, .&e.Chimney and Swving- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... go (orrviponiento. ALLOWANCH TO IMPRISONED DgEToes.--In answer to an inquiry made by a correspondent in the last Mtercury, we are enabledfrom the fountain bead to state as follows. The following resolutions were passed by the Magistrates, and dated Borough Gaol Cora- mittee-room, January 11th, 1815:- - The Governor of the Gaol having laid before the Magistrates the following plan of diet for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... g MESSRS. RNH&jN rid Istan, ?? eo'ok, at the laien 1pilpy sy h 1t cRo* S!ERRY, MA. 00 N choicee ?? 8pp S FF~1E,MOELEN UELALISB1ON, and tE ~N5I' fgscs-may be bad. SALE AT rifE HANOVERROOMS. - fl MESSRS. BRANCH & SON, te30th instant, at Eleven o'clock. eno, icll HOUSE HOLD F URNI[TURE, .1Asbsrtlug ?? and Camp Bedsteads, with appropriatet A nr Ch biert Requisites, Mahogany Articles in Side- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO -THE LADIES AND GENTLEMEN OF ORIVISKIRK. -N ESSRS. SMITH and DOLIFR respectfully announce to the Ladies and GentlemeRf Ormskirk and its neigh. bourllood, that they will have th honour to deliver TWO LEC- TURES on EARLY EDUC.TON at the ASSEMBLY ROOM, HVHEAT SHEAF, ORMSKIIR{ on MONDAY and TUESDAY NEXT, the 9thand 10th instant, at Seven o'clock each evening. Admission to each Lecture Two ...

Advertisements & Notices

... el1A HAN7OVER ROOM1S. . tt. BRANICH & SON, , d Tuesday, the 10th instant, at Eleven * K - Lck each day, ?? , J-Lnt HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, led Kniipes and Folks, Irish Linens, -sliUslF,-D)imasl;s, Flannels, Brussels, ' ;nd lt~iyal Damask Carpets, a Child's Fouf-post and Camp Bedsteads, with ted Chamber Requisites, Mahogany ?? : retares and Book-cases, Wardrobes, , - . ., a Foliding Chair Bed, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - '1e vry ?? Shsip, SIROC,. ButhicbB oo, iotebss jaM emakly fast. Allarge proortio ofbervei'go beiuge egaisf she %vili1'not be de- tamned. Light Geoods Will be taken. at veyertes, ifealy engage- mnents be ?? trsofegtorpassage, 1having vety suero accommdartionsT, cnsistingof aloe~r and upper Cabinl apply to Captain MARSHALL, eorge'C Dock, or to . CROPPER, BENS6N. and ?? THE OLD LINE OF ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TIIEATRE.ROYAL. LIVEBRPOOL. ,lrr. ieadowO, ir. Bianchi Taylor, and Mr. and Mrs. ..oecr, Bedford. OR th BENEFIT of Mr. WARDE, (and his last appear. e I oni) ho has the honour most respectfully to ti,;xells sheftsp 1 that Madamne VESTRIS having, in the wru2 t lanner, granted her va~luable a~id, wvill, on this 1 ?? i troof her most celebrated characters, and cl-to, spitt1l of her most popular So ...