Advertisements & Notices

... COUNTY OF ANTRIM. LIST of PERSONS applying to Register their FREEHOLDS, at a GENERAL QUARTER SESSIONS of tbe'PEACE, to he held at ANTRIM, an the l8th day of October, 1830, for the DIVISION~ of CARRLICKFERGUS, pursuant to-the Act of 10th Geo. IV. Cap. 8. I0 . Iae&Rsdne ?? Description of Freehlold, antis the Name-s of Barony ral-e to y,. Wame ~~ i~~aadence of Applicant, ~and Touwniand in which ...

Advertisements & Notices

... D1r1ZBY IMPROVEMENT ACT. N OTICE is hereby Given, that the Commissioners N under the Derby Improvement Act will hold their next General Mleeting (pursuant to adjournment) at the Guild Hall, in Derby, on Saturday the 11th day of Sep. tember instant, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon. J. B. SIMPSON, Clerk to the said Commissioners. Derby, Ist Sept. 1830. WANTED IN TIlE COUNTRY, A Steady Active ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NrEW CHAPEL OPE'NING S. lIFE GENERAL BAPTISI CHAPEL, at P] z Shatdlot, will be opened for divine Service, on 'T ORlY; DPy, September 9th. 1830, . T7'e Iter. T11 0 IlMS STE VEYSO.v, P Theslsgical Tutor of the loughbarough Alcadetiy, to preach PI ' ning and Evening: and SI The Rev. J. G. PIKE, of Derby, V IN tl'llE AtTElttSO0. Collections to be isade after each Service, towards defray- bi jg the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Werepublished, on the lst inst., No. 14,, being the last numberof the worlk. Priee 6d. !'N.Th Od-''umbers inmy'be 'iad to comice tse, and icompFe±'. sets' hiam ?? .1d ;eet Street, and .of COnBBT'T'S~ TwO-PENNy TRAS1 for Working Pbple; ?? or' the .mon`n of COBETT'S HISTORY OF. GEOOiE I1V. ?? '-Price ad.; to be.otiu~4' N. B.This Tist6ry will be comiprised ?? te'n'Tiumbers, - Ne r ' ,editiotus ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE DUKE OF NORTHUMBERLAND'S T AUDIT ill commence at AInwick on Monday the l3th of September, and be holden there for two Days: on Thursday the l1th, it will be resumed at Newcastle, and closed there the next Day. The Bailiffs will receive the Rents from the Tenants as usual, on fixed Days before the Audit; as no Quietus will be given to them after the Monday and Thursday respectively, on ...

Advertisements & Notices

... )1 0 be 1,ET, a genteel HOUSE, eligibly situated nl SALUTARY-PLA.CE, (No. 12) S'c. SIDMwr.l's. For further Particularv, apply at No. 7, Salutary-Place, St. Slddwell's. 1 1444 - W ANTIED TO -PIURCHASE, 7t Slnl] FRE&- HIIOLD )2STATE. in South Devon; to comprise a nioderate sized -louse,: fit for the resideiice of a genteel Family, with fromr 20to S0 Acres of Mladov ; Landl Atached. A Bituati on ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LADIES' WINT'E.R- D'RESS. A VAIL themnselves of thi $rijea, .pportnnity to * - inibem the 'Nr'tbillt, G'c'iig, ei~fii ,bljcK generally) of lheretiirn of Mr. SPARK, from lin ddnb helms been Most extraordinarily successful, iii hi9 asd lectioji and sliy can witi cotifidentcd issert that their , STOCK for the APPIR AC-4ING 89ASOQ . Is co uctsequty! MOST COMP'LETE AND - W-LL :ASSORTED i With every ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~PHI THE~ATR GREAT BRUNSWICKG9_ET-, ad under X PatronUe5 of the lighit An nthe; ,¢efedt Lord Mayor.: :.X resent FRIDAY, September 13, 1BS11 Ace esented (for the first time in this City these thed q JLbe l) favourite °P of efthe THE PADLOCK. e Veg I~r OzCslhgbn Leander- I2r0 A. 1ftrt; lion Dlr' Normuan. Leonora, Mrs, E. Corn; Ur~rla. I11forot. After vhich the farme -f RAISING THE WIND. tid ere, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CAUTION TO THE PUBLIC. he HIGH POPULARITY and extensive Sale of ROWLAND's TMACASSAR OIL has induced Speculators to imitate the Label, even to Forgery, and impose on the Public base imitations, instead of the Genuine. A. ROWLAND & SON, desirous ofprotecting the Public,haveat an immense expence,producedanear Label.from aSteelEtngraving. Thewsords,Rowland'o Macassar Oil, are on different Patterns ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FAMILY BIBLE, ELECTED'RIYJN AHN Va?rge Cylinder, &c.,-One MILPUFFadTw FAHR 1ACIAINES on aEn Irloved Pricile, Se A FORTE, BRACKET I CLC; DNE EVC complete, &c. &c.; of Mr. TIolrAs ROBEarS, declining house- keeping, and removing; I TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By MIr. STONE, At his Spacious Sale ltoom, ST. AUGUSTINE's PLACE, On TULSDAYandl WEDNESDAY next, Sept. 28 and 29. I-E FURN ITURE comprises ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Sb AUCT10N. LEASX of a DES11ARLE'PARM in ESSEX. By Mr. COOK, By direction of the Trustees of Mr. GEo; PDNEY, For the Beacflt of C'reditors, At the Queen's Head Inl, Great Clacton, OnTue~day. September 21, 1830, at Seven o'clock in Te Eveing, 1 tHE LEASE of a highly desirable FARM called T W00 'ROW ,111contlt'iuinq94 'Acr~es, situate in the Parisheof Great and' Little Clacton, whereof 10 Y ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THiEATRE-ROYAL, BRISTOL. DlelsDramre was received last evening itlh the most . f,. _A probation the extreme interest oJ the piece, and the dlOfiry cjtyof the D OG , were honoured wsth the appro- eriloredt^mrsced audience. It will be repeated, for the second tis evening. - rlII preSeflt TUTESDAY EVENING, Sept. 14thl, will be presented the Comedy of THlE, CREEN-EYED MONSTER. Tjo conlcludle ...