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Advertisements & Notices

... 1* -- - ,C 1APMTAL FAI-1I: ON DEEZ3Y. F Id tt- To he l;et; for 11 years, in IH1.E Fhrm of .MARYFIIEl,D; in the parish of BaMrtory -1- Ternan. nt present occupied by John Burnett, consist. e -h; ing ot' nearly d00 acrcs arable, fine early soil v with an exten- fc t, sive range of excellent green Pasture, well'sheltered; watered, It as and enclosedl.. Entry at Martinmas first. 'r W'illiam ...

Advertisements & Notices

... tIaE SATUBDALY EVENXac 7 oST. ,gr-jEJF s~latriay moraintg, i o'clock. . ontest seen a letier putrportiig to; th; r m n the ?? of the Caladentat 3darin1d asd mnyself hoe: ?? iei i. rei nsca.dsedblcus in every- t-,'5it e' scmen, le merci stated the fact rn e tc l otxocy regtelarly. Tbis, h , teet the dte .of almost- ra s ,am asith lihs Caledonion eats,- n50storious, ?? I ow surprised Art * lie , ...

Advertisements & Notices

... : ROAD CONTRACTORS. AND :BRIDGEO BUEILDERS. ' 1A7ANTED, for-dxecnting theN-EW PORTION WF of the GLASGOW -and IUL3ARSOCK ROAD in the County of Renfrew, extending to .'nine miles, 580 vards or therebv, andthat either in one or more lots, as may he aupreeable to Contractor, -and described ini former advertisements. . The residenit Ergiareer,411r Peter 5I'Qssiten, Coution.. holms, near Port ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -S~zCIRQQL. , tCLASESofthe-HIGH SGHOOL 6feelĀ¢ 6n 5fVerthefanlidiy', on Friday the Ist 5f;!r~oiai~k o shchday 3Ir Loansor will1 z ,i the 27thi irdn attendance will- be - a 1'm t c.loutc'rnlvetoti taooclock, for C 0r--- tciciat~flTickets. a ; an artlie of the Cottrte of Study. the . l atis of Feet. sta libe-'liad oti oppica.- .i Di 5u0ce, City Chambers, or at the house- ?? ' ,. of the HIGH ...

Advertisements & Notices

... , MEETING of the BAKER INCORPORATION of AG ABERDEEN, was held wiithin tbe 'TltiNITY HALL, ,in thie 17th inst. The Mleeting having talken into consideration, I that a numiber of the Alemnbers and other individuals have of lte been selling bread under rie Price stated in the Assice j ixell by the Ma0gistrates, which tnustbe admiittedto be scarce- ly adequate to tueet the unavoidable losses the ...

, ?? 15th September

... 1830 f'or the, different Branches of R oi rjesli be opened ser the ensuing tession asn liac l GEOO.E IT. BAnaD, D. D. 't~inripal. iLtcX~gAqtitE AND PE ILOSOL'lY. d an Ifor cf jwEl/.:odOCO. .Ps'ofeseors. D Taos. Na'. 9. 5ciach. tt l. sj l: C ' resdar, I I Mhoe.Ncc.. 15 . .04dY5dCCC'4 53101d.WYns. .. ?? I sa:d ei;siyS, - i:creafItc. 9 . Taos: . Nov. 9.1d .c cb r Toes. Nas 9. r Donebar. . ccoc -i ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TI-i QT'Aal'ErarLi, Mlstr'INo, of the' BANFFS-11RE - FAtN1I,,R CIAlJB will he held, at Mlurray's anh, Cullen, upon Tuesdany next, the 7th September. The AIlr itns of the COnStMxTT''i. are requested to ait- tend a7 MAlrray'4 Inn, upon sanme day, at I o'clock rrrt1 Dinnncr on thre Tablec at IHulf-Intst Three o'Clock. Vortsoy, 28th August, 1830. WANTON SGEItZ-RELEWARD. l5'I rREA 4S, during thu ...

Advertisements & Notices

... j1ASSCF AND ITALIAN. ,ttRTOS bega. leiy respectfully to tT Nis ?? and the Publi, that he will 4!e - TEjACITUNG To-mracowor ?? 1st of a- i seiv grt eaet possible pain with reartd -to ?? 31 the. aba-sn Louag~es, hesing sandied t c ol rt~rinc celebrity, bvth bere and on the I , Fiac 4itrns a.-ieek. Terms moderate. ii, .lEl;CI, ITALIAN. ANr D SPAN ,ISH LANGUAGES. C jofN CERISSON u. will RESUME h t ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE LAKES OF SCOTLAND. Thli. day it- publidhed, THE FIRST PART OF A SERIES OF e 1?10TU15S9'UE VZIWS v ON THE fi Z .A 2ErS O F S CO T sZ A ZQD. h Engraved by JosErxi SwANI, Il.G.D.S., from Painiings in il by J. FLEbiNta, ?? with Historical and h Descr.ptive Illustrations, by JoiiN --i, LrEiGTO-N, Esq., S Author of Historical and Descriptive Illustratiors of Select a Views in Glasgowv and its ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -n TO Trim or -IJ' a nnm?-r 2 T~AVING been Tepeatedly solicited, both by letter and] il persotimtes aplcain to vist An is:ufteni,- Tespect ful-(i iy ntmaps tht e aybe consulted, da'r y~i~, ftef: of A~.rjttsv, il till diseases incidental to thle HuIllna fritnie, f'roint c M IN DfAY, Hllh instant, until TaSDAs~Y Evenil g. the 14th Sepltelilber, at Nu. 4, CO.VS'TITUT1ON STI/1rE T, ABERuJEMM ~*THE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... XXW INN-E;NTORE. fOI-IN HUMPHREY, late of Aberdeen, now in Kintore, sp begs to return his most sincere thanks to his friends and S the public in general, for the liberal support he has received since hte entered to, the above Hotel, and now begs to inform r them that the same has undergone considerable improvements and additions, and will now be found equal to any Inn on the T North Road, pI J ...

Advertisements & Notices

... tor' tii TIES 92faST NMW SONG,. a Arn- ?? others ar eisa the Xel/lJg Sh. 61 Let others come, the starched cravat, Spruee hat and dandy clothing, Without BIIIGI1o Boors-I tell then tleaitI It all amounts to-nothing! di Filr better of the best perfume, as Or neatest tie be lacking, Ca Than wlanling in the splendid bloomin That springs from IVALu5EN's B-.ANcxsivc. el Let Dandies down St. ...