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Grampian, Scotland

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Advertisements & Notices

... No. XVI. New I e-k by t/he Aut/hor of JWavcrry. This day is published, with Frontispiece, Ss . XZ77Zf.MS 02 DAXONOLO0Y J2qD WvZTCZCJZAF-T Bv Slit WALTER, SCOTT, BA11. ?? pubia ?? zip to tfle present tb nc, price 5s. cooS, ?? in canvas.- land 2. Lfc of 3lonaparte. 8. Court and Camp of Bona- X i Aleiunider :l a Great. parte. , 10,a and 13. T rish Artists. 11. Irving's Columbus. i, ;, and S . ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Tc ALTEILATEON , u the 'gourm of Stanrtmn& antd Arc'ivin.- r of the HE2'W TSPUSS COACE. a HI E NEIV TIMES COACi' now leaves Mir Dempster's A t -Royal Illail CoaC) Office, CI, Ulnion Street, Aberdeen. by n for Perth, every Iswftrl day, at Sec ?? A.M.; antd the C (corg e anti Star Hotels Perthl, at the Same hour. for Aber. c * deen rea'hg Perth from the North, and Aberdeen front the n South,'at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 7V HE BAN FSEilRI COIJRSING CiUB weill meet el ?? to run 1er the Cuur on Wednesday the 3d of November * ?? DoGs must be all entered by II o'clock, A.Mt., ofJ F the abore day at latest; ansI must he on ?? ground at the ti Turnpike Road, near the linngmen Quarries, on the day of runningt. not beyond it) o'clock. D)inner during the daiys of running in Diincan's, as usual, r at 5 o'clock. _BaFff, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FOTHERGILWB'S TONIC FE;A3 ILLS. T HESEBPILLS are recommended, in general Debility of X the Constitution also as a safe and excellent remedy to in those periodical irregularities which Females, of delicate th and languid consitution, more especially the younger part, are liable to. b Sold in boxes, af Is. 1Ad. and 2s. Sd. bv ?tescrs BUTLER, re ,7. Princes Street, (oppositc the Mountd) Edhibing, ...


... RSARY OF THE :E:E Av~X1 AarV BZBLM SOC!ET7. r NHE Annual 11e1ring of the ABERDEEN AUXI- o It LiMAIRY BlBlE SOCIETY will be held in the Court House, To-morrow, Thursday the 14th of October ti curt. at twelve o'clock noon, when the friends of the cause e are invited to attend. Abrrdeen, Ovtober 8, 1830. p A:BSEIDEENSHMRE i ALE LICENCE CERTIFICATES. r NTI;MATION is hereby given to those Persons ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1EOUSE TO LET 1= GOLD ,242UiAE. IAT HOUSEl, presently occupied by Mr Mackenzie tl of Glack, containing, Dining and Drawin, Room Parlour, and five Sleeping Rooms; 'Kitchen, and other con. veniencies; Cellars, and Drying ILoft, &C. Immediate access may be had, and furdier information ob- tained, by applying to Messrs rl. & C. Lumnsden, Terrace. C1ONTEaACTORS WASYITED, t 0 TRENCH about 17 Acres ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HOUSE F0o SALtq nl Or to be Let, for the Winter Seasoh. HAT HOUSE, in Bon-Accoid Terrace, belonging to J and presently occupied by M5r WATSON. It Iles every r sccosmuodation for a larg'e and respectable family * is elegantly 'inished, and in the first order, has a neat Garden at the 8 back. completely stocked with tle best wall fruit trees, anti choice plants in front, a lrge Kitchen, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... C~H=71STRY. 1 'r 7irsday next. the 9d of Novorv.rher, V P. IRiCENH and DR. HENDERSON will begin j&. tre COURSE, in MAuRSCHAL COLLrlGE, IRat one o'clock and the Lectures will be continund during the Session. The Theory will 'be explained iaid illustrated by suitable ear risttntL. The' principal processesconnected with the di1fcrent branches of Practical Chemistry, will be perform. '1 rd. Aid ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC ROOi=S.-_ . HE ACADEMY for DANCING> and DPXOR1.TI JL AIENT, condietced by MRn. & Mitns. IVIISOS, aiid M i~ss ROIBERTSOwN, i8 Open, at the usual liners, for the commencement of the first Winter Qua.ter. As a proper deportment, and general elegance of manner, is ,the first object considered by the Teachers at this Academy, they trust the F'amilies who may henour, by employing, thetu will ...

Advertisements & Notices

... D- ESER ZI ;G ATTEYTIONr..: dIOXON'S Va EiEVESCENT MATA0VESIAN- APEFIENT,-W i FrBiliousAt'ections, ('ostivences, Indigcstion, Heartburn, cla Gout, Gravel. &c. cr The *fel7orwhig Testimoniuis are selected from many 614thrS: ?? The composition we have found most efficacious and oF pleastnt in its effects on the stomach and intestines, and i~s tio Meolin operation on the whole systemn has been ...