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Advertisements & Notices

... 'I ?? -1- - - - -- TlE ABEriDEEN AND LONDON, STEAM NA- VIGA.TlON COM PAzNY}'S PA('IC.E7', DUKE or, WATELLINGTrON, Will leave ABER DEEN for LONDON, on SATURLDAY first, at 3 ?? P.m.; And LONDON far AB13bRi)EP13, on SATURDAY 11th Dec., at 1li ?? t..n; Beb:ig Mle Lest Voy/age!f this Season. The PRrnoietzserops of tle Duke ref Vel fleer'rrae and Queen (if coathlad return their sincere thanks tn ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE O&WE IBETS, in the PUBL1c Roowsis, on Friday the 3; of D1 g ecember next. Dinner at ?? at lhalf-past 4 o'clock. Abesviee, Ill/h -NAoel. 1813V. {Co V t'i& day is plblished, nc One volume crown 8vo. Tr T-- 2 'ROGn3ESS 01? SOCIETV. no By thelitte ROBERT HAIMILTON, ?? ?? Cel zrofesor of Mathematics in the Alarischal College and Uni- wvi versity of Aberdden; Author of An Unquiry concerning the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ROYAL AMPHITHEATRE. . ouRTH 7HANG&. n _d TUESDA Y, Decembcr 6th and 7th. cHTOICESPECTAItLUB , ucnow ivilt-supear Four Tiresinthe i.f t course or!,he Eveing. tihe frrlt time lien, ,unpiervwih Minis tien t1.e DOU.iLE ROPE, n;hichrb they: f slL ie , r tinifr, eslr admrned end popular 3e'Bt , r baflr lbie SEA-SIlDE ,OVLRs, with 16piae M0c C-siorne, &r. fo 14pliirce n il 1h .ii iiislnprecsed inl n ...

Advertisements & Notices

... , , 0ZR~r X,4,3ZZ K,6 ZZ.'1AaSPU Z FO.s ¢zEC .IA'rZIOG £ZAn~ZsE n J o B. 137 r Asp-wEls ox , Id Wi OL1SALE. AND RETAIL BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER, - - -- , GaLowgatc9 Pbardinn, R ESPECTVUJ.;AI solicits the attention of his Friends and tbs Poblic, (especially those whhl are buying Books 'or tirculating Libraries,) to his present E ytensive Stock of lSEW ind 1 iLI?' l)OKS. many orf them in elegant ...

Advertisements & Notices

... L T~O -MO n AO W' ySALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE At Tanfiekl. ?? will be sold, by auction, upon Thursday the.9th Dec. Lo e 16i-reort, inl that House, at Tanfield, lately occupied by the as. a L deceased Ill s ?? Ii of Ord, brot: e I~lEwhole HOUSIMOLD FURNITURBE theremn, able conisting of Al ahiogany and other Chairs ; Tables; also Chestscoof Drawers; a Sofa ; Carpets, and Rugs: Grates, fo ...

Advertisements & Notices

... oivivoro been I TlSA,1trbt VIEp B-FLEan STRAtAGMA., itO' iirioie~~t dli LzlN. ?? ?? PEFN LEY. Hard -M.s. J ARM A N. he tttl ISAEAD ' -o- * be~h addedl. tInt. rytiloes Fi-a la ec of iF lITTLEB .J UK V LitfII-, .focLey-~Z 11i U(. 1'I' T'I NC A C,. 0 b~ra,lrwvefrmtdM 4+in4NP GIA yi be he1E VI Wth ?? in Ibis, alit, P. ~.C l ?? . I- - - 5 ctghor bylta~ b l Yvantlman. Choja ?? bN 7de-GA P SN - of hY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... G OF HEIIITOiLS. Ei!3tND MNIEETING, of the TOWN .f he PA1I1ST1 af S()U Ilti Ii a thin lie ari Char-!, url-in Fri, ft1 iliY i: a~t, ia'erlae ?? ik n. ta.i' l ?? .xire ('inraii'lre a,1 tie ?? a Ileri-trir : rii,' a (t'-.mic res- a th lontirsartl ir-l, ?? Si'- to Irw ?? Airaiser uticaJ . c c noidito rn of that :aattor. .IN s E.. 1-kATES amtl TRrASURER of ff43Il. 1ffi'ANIINfGA h f la h-iiv ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DfoW'S .ROYAL AMPJ-ITHE4TR=Es 95011mpi T1 xtt 'ii DsPECTACLEEX'T13flAO D1N ?? T fiipgy DccerpbhS IS. ?? Evetliug durtng-tho iue other Stritidid :?lrselues prnp-ieed for.. ,; g >CRflY vihii en ?? fre he Flen; 9N ;¢;i- rand *glb-rairic IAcions aned SID ginS r11; AGE AND THE-DRNGON, k 5m .Thtfus-a i)ccgrre and Costnnme of alife ,ec am, ?? lrit' ex rptalld rihe esuoi of L.53fL ji c( FI:NI- T een ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BRIDGE oil DON APPROACHES. Turnpike arnd Commutation Trusteez. s General Meeting of' the Trustees and Subscribers of' EL.L;os ROAD, and Commutation Trustees of the Au-Lmm)EEi Dis'ritic-ir, will be held in the Committee Room of Court Jloase, on Tuesday the 21st curt., at half-past 2 o'clock to resutimc consideration of the measures no- - cessary for completing those aplproaches. A full ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CZLM, FRU7ITJP, &O. X VILLIAS1I EDVWARD, GnocEn, has on hand a W' few Tons PALS SEAL OIL, which is this year cbeaper, burns more brilliant, and lasts equally long with 11Wbale Oil. Anso, 1i.SSEE33, WH1ALE, VEGETABI.E, and SPEsIMACEiTI OILS., VAXx, SPETmI, and IEENsesoToY CANDLES. By S3T1ni.:O, CICAV5EOA yt, G1jUEyhE, and P-'U;M1AZAN>4 (drt1 GLO'BTER, PINE ArPLE, CecEsnIuiS, and 'WIxLTSHIIRE DP ...