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Advertisements & Notices

... XEDUCATION. PUNDALk ISS NICHOLSON and Mi86 SMIiTH resecififly inform t the Public, thait theijy BOARDINi and DAY SCHOuL, for YOUNG LAIES, will open on the tstof Jantia 13.1 They beg leave to assure Parents and Guardians, a fr the highly nmproved, and superior mpthods they mea t in teacihig.tihe diffurent branches of EducatioLn, thev fee LcAX ent in being ahle to convey instruction toth Oir ...

Advertisements & Notices

... B ALTRE~sL . TRi iYAL HIS. EE;ING lMvIdN1Y\Y), Yninsay 3, tlaeir MS.) jesties' ServasatLa iWpetform r ln Opera of 1 -Fl UTZ. , I -;' RodolIph. Mi,. Sap.:4 Caspar: VIr. Calorafte ,billoe, Wr 3rough ,:Killian,.-Mfi 3dhib.~oii > Onliel' Dr..'Well.4 Atgne, ;gls jiette; Anns Mgiss-Harnslton;'M iern; 'lMrs Blad.: Iln tlhe pour of, Oth aeaning the j3and -will play V.n' ,ebaMt's Overtore 'the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES BYV AUCTION. s 4. k DODD'S tLit S / 12, SACKv LL-S.'RE.F Auction of valuable t-6idsehold Furniture, in high pr, ion; a tt4-Uitcl' bi~ir~r j ~lrge Chimney Glassas ; two Pier lasses, in coinpartmnuits, of large dimensions a Secretary and Book- cVse ; adt 6iht.d dClock ; fitv Cross Quart Bottles ; C'hiiia', On OMORpoW (TUESDAY), Janu:Lry- 4, : IH E FUllRNITl'g consists of-Oine Set of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE COMMITTEE appointed to Collect Subscrip. ' tioos for the Erection of a FEVER HOSPITAL in Lisburn beg leave to return thanks to the Marquis of HIERT- FORD for a Donatiou of £200, in aid of their Funds. LzsBuR!, 3d Jan. 1831. X (30 ]DOWN. HU.BTT. TPHE VOWN HUNT, will mtotil MONDAY the X l0th of January, at DO.WNATRICK. 21) N. D. CROMMIELIN, Treasurer. BELFAST NIfOR.TICULTURAIL SOCXETY. , ...

Advertisements & Notices

... |I'THE4TlElROYAL r HTS EVENING. (TUESDAY), Jauaury 4, their j jesties, Servants wvill perform tie new Comedy of . T f-lEI CllAsNvCEIUy SUIT or WANI'TkD A Tl'riz Sir 1erIlard BIlazencourt, Air. MAathews; Frederick I Bla. cur, irii. 11. Stanley; GuyThist1ebloom,' r.Rees; Jeremy Tihistlebloom, TtIr. 11. Coolke ;'Vr.Muwplay ~VDogrely, (late ,jt I rinity Colleg;e, Bul Mr. .arry,, Emily Travere, Mis ...

Advertisements & Notices

... G-ATTAN & CO. S MEDICAL HALL, 12, CORN-.ARKET, BELrAST. fg1S ESTABLISHJNMENr ha'iing completed its T sixth year, the Proprietors again cone forward, with feelings of no ordinary gratitude, to retut iI their sincere thanks to the public of Belfast and the North ,f Ireland, for the very liberal arid increasing patronuge wvhiti they vontinue 1o experience; anid at the same time to assure therr, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DECREtS. IN CHANCERY. Maljr Anlne Walszh, U RiSUAN' to the d of the Plaintiff; Ii day ot Max' lI ast I N' ill, on Lyndon Bolton, ('lII14RSDAY, the 20th day of JAN. Sobieski hildahl, and next, at the h)our of ONE o'Clocl, af- othels, ternotil, at my Chambers, lung's- Defendants. lnns'-quy. set up ?? let, to the bigh- est and fiirest bidder, ler the tern of' sc en years pendlidg this cause, ALL ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PRlCE OF fRIS11 STOCKS ON TUESI)Ay. i3overnmnent Consols, S3 per Cent . 81* _ Stecp, er cent, . __ _ Ditto. ZA per Cent. (new) 9 191 9u) Deberitures,34percent .. 6 Bank St§k . .. .. !ek (Granrd C anal D)eb 6 per cent. red. to 4 ster. per a t . .. Grand Canal Deb. 4 per cent. red. to 21 33s 4d .. Miihernitan Bank.j Mniing Company of eBanlr.. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... a numrbrogs adndl sepecta le-Meeting of the-Law CILel, of thc.Cityof Dubliq,.held at the Arena, LowerAbbe street,. onMon ay, the3.Sd Day January, 1831. - Mr.J AIES CLIFFbRD CRENA in the Chair. I~ ~~ l ''SA krJA 'S BUlAKE, Secretary. the folloving rlesolations-were unanimously agreed to Ist. Moved by Mr. James Burke, (Secretary); secon } Mr. Peter Sullivan: e by Resolved-That we yield to no one ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -E--TETRE-ROYAL. First appearance of Mr. VANDENHOFF. TIS EVENIN6 (WF oIXESD AY), January 5, their EMa- jesties' Servants will perform Shakspeare's Histrical TTra- gedly of CORIOLANUS. Caius Mtarcus Coriolanus, Mr. Vandelboff; Meneni- ,Mr. G:ittie ; Brutus, Mr. Wells; Appius, Mr. Covenev. glumnia, ]'tl s. W. WNest ; Virgilia, Miss F. H. Kelly; Tullius Aufidius, lir, II. Cooke; Vol~usius, Mr. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OEVOLDS'S NYEWT HIOflL, C ! tKVILLE.STnEET. ,in retUrllin. hlis nincere thanks o the 4r tbeir kind patronagasirice l is meninenenrenuit inBusiness, hegs leaveto atatethntno attention waabeintedt to render his EscabiiSlhment worthy a contillu- ale ftheir sup~port. A PIANOFOIATE FOli SALE. , LADY leaving Dublin wishes to dispose of ex t A well -toned PIA IN OFO U'r. It keeps ramurnrkkblv *el An ...