Advertisements & Notices

... E3VTEMNANCY OF AESERDEMNSMELM ILIZTIA ZYSTS. I[ N obedience to an Order of Council, beating date the 27th I day of December last, his AMlajestV's Iieutenant of the County of Aberdeen, hereby summnons a GEINERAB C lUEETING of the DEPLYTYIAEUTENANTS of said County, to be held in the Court House of Aberdeen, on Sa- turday the l'th day of January curt. at 12 o'clqclc neon, for issuing the notices ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MILITIAS, NOTICE IS HERB GIVEN, °l TI>AT SUBDIVISION MEETINGS for the M several Iundred? wit hin the COUNTY of DERRY are ordered to be held on the Days, and at the Plaees after mentioneed, viz. ] HUTNfIREDS. PLACE OF MEETION5 DAY Or ZIERING. r( litesurct j County Hall, Derby, } Wedaesday Feb. 9. Appletree,.. Saracen's Head Inn, T Thursday, Feb. 10. lepton anl 1tWhite Hart In, . Grefley,.. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IIEATRERO YAL. * odesire of his Excellencv the Lord Lieutenant, vho 7has signi- fied his intention of being, pfesent on this occasion. T msS EVENING, WID)NESDAY, January 12, l8S1, their J 111ajesties' Servants will perform the Opera of DER FRE1SCHUTZ. plice Ottocar. Mr. Bairv; Kuno, Mr. Shuter ; Rodolpb, ir.Sapio; Caspar, Mr. Ciloraft ; Agnes. Miss Betts ; Ann, 7In tihe course of the evening ...

Advertisements & Notices

... COO:}E'S ROAL RYIIIN;I AG.ADEMVW, AND REPCO$TOEY, WIA.LES STREE7', ABERDEE-N. T COOK/ E respectfully intimates that his next PUBLIC J . SALL of HORSES will take place, athbist Repository, ottn ia h 4hJtot curt., at 2o'clock m'm. pyeeciaely, when wvill e brought lorward a number of Harses of dit- fcrmnt descriptions. PstrlSOI having DOAUG1IT or CA.1RIAGE IIOSE3, may hear of turchaserq, by ...

Advertisements & Notices

... APPRJO' ED MlTWDICEVES, Sold by the Printer of this Paper, and the principal Medicine Venders its the Kingdom. Couentry Dealers supplied at 1t1w Londo, Prices. W IXON'S ANMYLsr.TOUS Pt1.T.S-As a mild and IJ effectual tenmcdy in tbose Affeetiouts which have their origin in a morbid action of the Livcr and Biliary organs, namely, Indigestion, Loss, of Appetite, Hlead-Aclie, Flati.. lence, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FVHE THAMES TUNNELL, near Rotherhithe _&Clorchi and opposste the end of Old Gravel-lane, Oil the Wappling sajei ox, thle River.-Notice Is hereby given that the Public may view tlim Tealel every day (Sundays excepteia), frorn Eleven In the Morning onl- ,II Four in the A fternoon, upon ptaymernt of One shIllIng for each Per- lion. Tjlie '17unn11l is lighited with Gas. Is dry anid warm, and the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... C iGUCATION, T the Annual Examilnations. held at the Sminary, 48, Capel street, on t*e 20th, 21st, 22d, and 23d of Decem- JOHN WALS1I, Principal .The following Young Gentlemen obtuined t`ie plaes attached to their names;- GRF.EK.' Hols~tr~aNaI LUC;IAN. 1st Ckass-I3ivcb, mlius; MILaii, 2dus. 2d Class-S. Courtenay, Imus; 1ranaplly, sen., 2dus. JESTA- IfENT. Ist Class-S. Courtenay, Inus; Hanaphy, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... iIF SECOND A1ssf$¢E-B' l'Y will tatse place, in tht l! Public Rooms, on TiltnoflSAY the 13tk qt'January11 N/ next. Dancing to commence at 8i o'clock. ?? - ~be CV'I Cards rrrtd RefCeshm utrta's UStertl. 5Ingers, introduced by Subscribers, to pay 7s. 6d. each. The Siteveards are reqetextd to mieet, ini the C'ard Reoom of Pblic iRooms,, on the l3th Jan. at o'clock r.t., to malce NVI arrattetivnts ...

Advertisements & Notices

... . _. .BRE Y. KX:GWORTH*. -r.2cellen* Ilot10eloldrs,5fitl tte, Plate. ('ina, Glass, Linen h -esvisag vessels, Din/t Utensils, 1f1WJVE.Ss (Cdr. riage, 1-ores, Capital Fa-ing Stock, Hay, Cen-, Manzoiure, pigs, Cucumber Frames, Garden lmp1o. tncios, 4;c. Also a very Exrtentive and Valuable LIBRARY OF ]BOOKS, U (Which originally cost several Thousand Pounds,) A Portfolio of Scarce PRICNTS, bi the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... %xNTEA~) to LI()11RlIOW, onl tile Credit Oft tile tiA ) FIYE iIUNDILE'DPO NS avha~a ot aietet of' Fua DAX HAIA'`jV CEaST. will be hly to 117001. L,COMH31B Andt Jwao'aa O~ffao, No. 23, ?? lLCOMilBE AN) .JAGO, [ 1al)'a1ao11th. JAI Jimo , S I ?? to the T1ru'tec. It~Ol EsubL~b:dand Valitable Business .,I; 011 Es to be V~is posed of. r -, aisiio1 t El)01', it respectabllt and (Thd- ?? Baai tctl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... mJE GENERAL STIEAM' NAVIGATION T cOIIP NY'S PACKET. T1lE E.ARL0Fy ,WVFR l Of Wille. the Cnsatonm.Hoale. for CAL.AIS, Sutti mnornig Ith, ait Eight, anod mt i ix o'clock precisely, no vrySna ueno arly :returrn! O fromn C.aint every Wednesday evening Or Thurstday Inorning, uNo'. 6,t1e, notice 01nCficeligtne iiasittier i oticS Nd 2Pai t r. Underwosti's, 5,Hl aoue no.1 69, Lomnbard-street, Where ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'A jie of'M'i'B % wrr i'r ' -l id,-Yihy' Perspnj. ou ft~Si~t1uatiO~n.May applv to J1. H. STAliEAK Lq tlta e 2eeretiru6l, ppNo40 ?? e wreceived uimlp ipo t&I y~tlO ro hnd tloiig 1,t s6eki11l sil ar*oe SAL~ t RI~ueD flNTA8'LAB TWAM4 ?? lIJS A~2SPLaKT-ONS'PIVT lBE'II A Dnt&pW1~Vur, L'ceterh 12iath3 JUn.60 orrh.Tu DhyPbVOL 4 T t~~~e CFNERAL ?? 'ftR SESSIONS Pf ?? E1A'E1 I wc ' d ~ bt I~E1a~1tM' ...