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Yorkshire and the Humber, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... lleak, Dlec. 29O,1013, WE,tb div. ndrsliget Sablao'ihers to the FLI lor' E lie testuriitlion of Voork Chttlieidral, Opposicil. ng the iI eniovllI of the 01irgO1i Scr'ecii, consider the DIieesloni o thet Mkl~iceillt idil4e of tie!f~I O eteciler, 11n ?? Odii tO:I. 1tILL 01 July List, fill TO~c t ?? Of the uicen. Subteribers have hi -Cyilfilit.:C~ ly the proilite titn of Eiigrjvi nlgA it iiP ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A' I' R S reiler'tfsiully itifsanl theirj Ci hat their 6CHlliOL wtil. rtel I 'r S ti( 'Itt of tiamlay, Iit:;i a ?? ('kO RDNNG SCi lO0b-171 X1iss clijfs t'iss ilts Firiwtidsi ani the fipssill their s'iii1iil, still be 3e.iuirii u I-f 2itil Poe ]fluid).'~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~it -' ?? ll N' D)ON rspcfil t !w Pit si', andthi is Paublht, ttti,s thirfl arll ii OiN~~'i nit ?? theg Stice.ii ,'Sr'1 , Lice' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... t )EARS' GREASE.-This ArLicle penetrnitss mue) llh qluiCker, and retilnus itS fnitiira loger thnn a thlly otber Au imuil or Vegetable Oil, and ?? ?? be if ows ky I i s ryplearanclle. AM s A'lI'iNSON, PEaRFratRit, l'eeSleCttnlyIY Inforrnm the Ptibile, tatt lie ?? recelvs iat supily Itmm lL teapeart- tutble I'soetsi I Rsinda, it1111 it 15 ect Ouit ill Pots wvithiiiu t the . least Admiilxtiure, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,tlarle, I-av \1\ CIt ViI.. riortir ritcie Lr dber e f ll D, FUltS, itl oh 'lil laertirI I. 'lliiil :if~ lii llt rrtt os., 4Ottrra'o llttiltlitigii. It-otto, 1, .1mllcitty 5th null Iith, itil, at )\t4'E THiOUSAND I O..- ?? ;aotos Autilrs.s iI I ry gut r ii atrae ( lit! I.ibriry ora-i ldvr'atr ?? ' nittuitlort , Iltdl IVill ha try be htrri by rqipiyftg nt the 'tle ic. tt, IlL I I T--- !1 ' du ? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A ALEXANEI L'soiCommattder, (344'rons,) Coppered and Copper-fastened, T Will sail in a fkW days,,'7''TV For Frelghtl &C. apply to the Maiter on~ board, in the ' Old Dock, or WOOD & BELL, l *Hult, Januaery. 3, 183 1. 43, High-Street. P 1 eSOLD by'PRIVATE CONTRACT, J :ALNE;lying in the Junction Dock, V lars, apply to. JONN BRODRICK. C. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTIONJ ' fly M4t. STAMP,T A I tisSot'-Rorrs. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VENIRE. TJWN OF KIN STON.VPON-HULL, ,.jed COUN2nf t&, cpe t~ WN. NOTICE XS j1E99LBY QIVEN. That a ) -VtN~tV.Z fQTr thle 1¶IAL of CAUSES ba Hn ilis lajeity's golt o£ 1qr4, fqt. r o Town of lint 1auiil. And Vqupty M of the same: Town, wbilb he dbatt lthe d (.UILD4IAL1L, In thesaame 'ro¶601 O!;kA1t1t. p gi{ ,.8y tbe 8th Day of JAPIUAR`Ii nelt, ti Ten 'b c Clock in tbe Forenoon. ' Vc P * ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -I ?? tt S, I , ?? t it Sew-''4 ii * I. j;Vl~ ~ ~ ~ l itliIlqx, ti24I NarIi itl' Iitlfyn! 01ill * '4 lii l 'i n )m.t hut oliq~ Ithe I~~~Io I lii i ho Ijr. I 1 - . I I itALI ?? 'it' ' ini ii II tii. 6'4 L~riv'. i*ii itei ?? 'u'ilt' ii ?? i t U lie ''tl ' i 'I it . tir hiK Iti t ' ' t ira Iit 1 S4it'i lttt ?? Sa 'ItO 1 1 I C It i' n ll I%%. ii I l :asi 1 I I E.lti' 'II ?? 1 the T11i' 'vit Fle ...

Advertisements & Notices

... J I' ?? 1, I~l' 1,cr,7t at Jolly j! IuO'LXic t.0l'iii1' ii li aol, Vltilti e a lit. ?? ON'l')ihtattlO ,Ii.ltilS with ' f ) yjlr.t-tnilt, thu i , t'ji d hy t .fliltoSy ir,. Squl' v 11PI !ud oug Ilgll ,t tilneat I lti, tle 'lloic ii I ~ It t~ivt't to ~o~b tiner i Actofr I! Or. ?? djopait 'l i- ueli ld , , uto tli'igle t1-a tthel mul a 'litii .H ill.itlo t01' YoIk oi'oidi -(d ,I li', a I in. r ay ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MA ' ETI PFIS.-ThIe( Fevsor Pouwder ic nnl Iver- ly io, slli`od ly lhe Pirofesionlu pod. the Pu blie-elul i Iqd.- MtTinkIon-i-d wvli I qtal slivoem liii Povcr, Inflisniniltory Die- -ei:Ces, Ai eleo.Al, PIclonly, soi! Tliraotte Ii lletinlatlimil, ?? W Ii li ,ri ye ?? hu,, 0101rho.;' &c. it A, geneco~ly I'Foundl to thickl their proihireot, o1 iCho011 thicir dilmrion. III l`ouklte LI 2s. lii. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO (TOIULF.SPONDENTS. Wc h1ave Teceiveid an Cxtrteloly long letter from Mr. SwiMLess, vhn ieating the opilnions dndvotated in his paimphlet, that l~ord Chathbssm was ,Jussids. We cauisot affsird spsre for iti long a coun icatio n tat stibject of more literary (o itroversy, 0I5- peclhelly it supijport of shast we conlsier ?? unteniable positiotin, Nor do ywe think that justice requires the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... On Priday and SR1121't1L)y, t1P 17t1h GIId I ti h in-I munt, the follascin prnaea'o -era distribuls'd at Mr. Gra. lhain's Acadeiny, ioapect Hmisve, ?? Cf.'*..ttc 5-A allvrot Is hotand to 31 asset' J.1.Prins,5' n side, Flitrsilas; seconsd, Master .3. Ward, Kelpi. M Ie, HOWSr-I Necolt) IWasc--A gold1 pets to N1 .eirer J. Sinisitls ak pae Retford; acssain, Mis ltr E. Lathlim, Wress~lo ?? Com ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WHOLiESALE -ANr'l RETAIL TE ( OFFEc, & GROCERY. WAAREHH USE,'1 No. 11, IllinKT-PUACE- 'WILLIAMU FIELD. A-ING, since his successiOU totthe-Braisiess, lately -jc, n ied on by Mr. G. KrTClarJ,.reeeivedthe.tos lat o uiig Scouraigemente he deems it his duty to eekllow- ratitude by returning bisl most, Cineere tbankq4 F 's l mri~ds *vho have given him their liberal support,. 1 issreS rtheosth~at it ...