Advertisements & Notices

... - THIINAThE-ROYAJ ; 'Sixtb' ight of' the- Grand Operaof Cinderella.: :¶IS EVE-NING, -SATURDAY - Jainuary. 15 1841, their Alajesties' Sprvants will perfqrm the Comic Piece of 'MAiN{iUVRING. T1e4Count ?? Mayor, Ivr. H; Cooke: FredetiA.l de Cernay, Mr. M. Stanlev;'Fiaesse, Mr. Browne ; Costns ,I Eyre ; Zanetts, Mrs. 11. Ilughes. After wich (sixth tine jtfie new grand Opera of 'CINDERELLA, OR THE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PRlCE OF fRIS11 STOCKS ON TUESI)Ay. i3overnmnent Consols, S3 per Cent . 81* _ Stecp, er cent, . __ _ Ditto. ZA per Cent. (new) 9 191 9u) Deberitures,34percent .. 6 Bank St§k . .. .. !ek (Granrd C anal D)eb 6 per cent. red. to 4 ster. per a t . .. Grand Canal Deb. 4 per cent. red. to 21 33s 4d .. Miihernitan Bank.j Mniing Company of eBanlr.. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... / TIEATRE.ROYAL, BRISTOL. I'hi5 present TUESDAY Evening, January 11, THyE LAST NIGHT BUT ONE that Mr. MATHEWS WILL BE AT HOME, at 'j'e the honour to present an entirely New Entertainment, in two parts, entitled THEWS'S COMIC ANNUAL for 1830. 'A \rrith humorous Cuts and other Embellishments. rlLd this day, (hoards) Bristol, (packed in Boxes), ~tibd Four Shillings. bch anervmelo-dramatic ...

Advertisements & Notices

... te e To MALTST'ERS, INNrVKEEPERS, BAJCERS,a nd or s CORN DEALERS. etr ° be LET,-A good and substantial DW1rELL- ir ]L ING HOUSE. with capacious cellar room; Malt- le house attached, 80 feet by 20, and six-quarter kiln; stable, s. piggeries, cart and fuel hovel, and yard; an Orchard, about le I Acre, well stocked with choice fruit trees; and half an s. Acre of Garden Ground. The premises are ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ripe 1,'derVooJ, at Besselsieqjh, Be}rAs. 10 BE, SOLD BY AUCTION, !By W. FISHER, the ChcqucTs at Besselseigh.-About Ten Acres of Ccdlflet UNDERWTOOD, now standing ?? ar Bcseelsleigb aforesaid. D lrtller particulars will be given in next week's Paper. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BIOOKS PUBLISHEl) THIS DAY. R1IFOIIM IN PARLIAMENT pT OUGH on the CAUSES anid CURE of the 1 __ PtESSt wIth a PLAN f PARI R _ItF -ite. lar . I'. EJA t IRFR IeAU3Q.\NI' Eoq.H 1.a.S. ne hTsar iJestd's Jastices ofr the t'eace fir 3Iide s O and C esrin- torP 2l. - Published by Rtidgway, 1 icNaETllIy. G ItILAT BRitITAIN'S CIII.prc e ctavo, p EFO. MREIECHE NY1 LE CONO0M Y &.I -the t Harll Cisae of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Auctionl and Conimission Mart, 7, CASTLE-PLACE.- -lEO. & 11U. HYNDMAN beg leave to direct th, G publicnattention to the above Establishment, ;vbici ,ffrds to personS Furnishing Houses, advanIsges not to In. 3et witb in any other in the North of Ireland, owing toth, 0nenae variety of articles which it contains, and price fronI 20 to 50 per cent, below the ordinary rates. They have at present on ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T1HIS DAY IS PUJBLISHED, N EXiPOSI'rioN of the LAWS of SOCIAL A1 3C(ONOMY. ByRt.CA LVE HT, M.D., Physician u0 the Force-4. Effingham W1 il.on. It is not saying ton much in praise of this little volume, ba it is the compllet .et Grammar of Political Economy rith 1,h we arc acquainted. The author looks for the .xed and inmnut:able principles which form the basis of nciety. instead of' the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WHOLiESALE -ANr'l RETAIL TE ( OFFEc, & GROCERY. WAAREHH USE,'1 No. 11, IllinKT-PUACE- 'WILLIAMU FIELD. A-ING, since his successiOU totthe-Braisiess, lately -jc, n ied on by Mr. G. KrTClarJ,.reeeivedthe.tos lat o uiig Scouraigemente he deems it his duty to eekllow- ratitude by returning bisl most, Cineere tbankq4 F 's l mri~ds *vho have given him their liberal support,. 1 issreS rtheosth~at it ...

Advertisements & Notices

... O, BSEHVAT NS on the PROPOSED RAIL- WAY from NEWCASTLE UZON TYNE to NoRTI SIIIrELDS and TYNEMOUTH, B.r JOSHJUA RICHARDSON, CzviL ENGc;zvramn. Printed and published at the Tyne Mercury Office, by W. E., and H. Mitchell; sold by them, and by Charles Empson, Collingwood-Street, Newcastle; and by the Booksellers in North & South Shields, Sunderland, Durham, Darlington, &c. Sale of elegant gilded ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ; : DJ :IOTTl'JlD POR,'A~: . IDWtE~lL anld: Co. hbave on ae; it, vat& ot urba and roft'e Firos1 t dS P0RT.WI NZ iz.&re ?? lothi highest poskible peri'fec. l seion, whivohll they have Intely turohaed in Lpindbn, avd tai, Istroigly recomend.;. .P~le 44s..per Doenji 3Rady Nouney. i1. .~nd Cv. hbave a lso ; a e LAROE SOC f ?? - ?? tI0.R gQRT, xi Pipes' and Hogshea*, 1§ Padoi impoed toflonf percl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ROYAL INSTI'rU'1'ION. ?? v- MTCNP'?AY the 21.Lth enrrenti the EXHIT- 0N S: *-ON .S- XANCIENT P1 C1UIRES vsll be , . .! ; Ihe Gal le'ry of IIhe R,,lal l st tillI, n, conistting of' t; ,, ,pC: I Speri in eos of tihe WInks Fif the gr(ist Masters , tirqi rid My ihe lllstitit imi from abroad. .jrim it~t;,ce, Is.-Svilsonl l'kkets. 5hr. ('at~ltigtCe, priec fulu.. nrc atire:ly prepared,- and copies ...