Advertisements & Notices

... J. G. JU KDDS, IN _ffD1?APE1?, I1'AIERDAS.JIER, &c. .A 52, MARKETBLACE.. yAS just received Becond Supply, this Season, of j .ReW WflLSH )L&NNELS, which he bas great pliasnre in recommendinglto the attention of-his Friends.. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DsezENcE or MIssIONARY AND BIBLE SocIETIcs.-We regret our inability to give immediate publicity to the excellent letter of Atigih. 'which we shall, if Possible, publish in the next or the following Mercury. If all the advocates for t Missionary and Bible Societies were actuated by the Chris- tian spirit of our correspondent, the labours of such asso- ciations would not be obnoxious to the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1=0- ?? i-, i. i_ ^ Ad L ' - rl ~~ ' ?? 0 i111LRTRAD tweR. 'o ?? the ita eo May. 6It CALCLTTA. - - Tbe Fine Ship ALiliON, * Roamalil M'Laon. Colnmanlkf: i T .tos, wehknoin to be a reinsbly fast sailing npttd, aW a favoagite eonreyantce with pyigers. 13er cabins ms~ apa , each fitted up with a PateptAtlr Port, and other eon- Vsiiaigtes'ii4 sihe carriesatt ?? terms of to fedht or ?? with plant ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Zoa oroat'pan~ento. WEEKLY ?? CURE77T.-We are extremely sorry to state that we have been this week disappointed in procuring our weekly table of prices current. The gentleman who fur- nishes us with the table has no offiee In town, and does not live in Liverpool, and on sending to the place Where he is disally found, we were not able to obtain any Information as to the cause of our ...

Advertisements & Notices

... The COL110 Lieut. C. l(,isw~olbV ne Ou!he Of avery 9tlperiorete a eou I . -6tilve to ihe conifort of passengers.cri4~~p~pae 'Surgeon. -For terms of freight or psaeepvt. Citop ttBESO, ?? To A ecee'r the OlaisJ FOR CALCUTTA, I~S The well-knoiw ndfsteiig Aat Passenger Shp OA A9I D. W. P~ICnshdr Iturthen 600 tons, has aI loftY po n.!senecs. fitted up in tio ,most approved style, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1. ENGLISHEGRAMMAR.-Of this work sixty thousand copies have now been puiblisbed. This is a duodecimo volume, and the price is 3s. bound in boards. 2. nA ITALIAN .G1RAMMAR, by Mr Arm3rEs- P-w.X ConaSTT.Being a -Plain: and Compendious bhe Study of ][tiap. Price 6s. X, COTTAGE, ECONOMY=-I ?? this..Work professedly for the use of the la- bourng and middng classes of the Enili-h ...

Advertisements & Notices

... and tbi t b e of the - tg'g' T IS18 EVENINĀ§G. ('UESDAY)5. FIbieary--B, tbwir *Me. jesties' Serivantswiill perform~the new grt& Opern of . .n -CJNDERELLA, . .. t OR THE FAIRY QUEEN AND THE GLASS SLiTER. Felixi Prince of Saferno, ,p, The BaronMPsnpino. of MunltefisscO,.Mr. Brnne ; Alidore, ?? T'uter,, Mr. Bed- M ford; Dandini, the 1?rince's Valet, Mr.,Brough. Thdo.Seva v to the Baron, Mr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... M1I1. DONROCHEUS SEMINATRY, 58, AUNGTR,11-sTRLET. A T an Examination ill Siactid Ilistori-, Cateclism, &c., held A I o ll Tursday March 51st the following Youtig Gentlemen were au(judged Prem:ums, ?? l'aircloug'h. ?? VVoods Duncan, Grasbrook Smitb 1r O 1N~al24I utcainlighacnm Alotuai 1Dralle 12du t Neill : O'N'eil '2dus CI~y lionis, Cuflev 2dus, 0'ei ius The undernamed obtauined Piemniums for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... QULiI *. RED UCED 'Ps 3RJGE&~ * 1i.43-BAC DO., ts.-CI HILDREN, TO L &ASL - a;.; Is. 0 SALOON, vi5, GRlA17TOVS-S1FTll~, f the ti gbht Ilonourable the Lord Aror. , 'e C'esio~ Of til( CIOsitari of thes TIheatre ftoyal, OrCAT,- (Ib becu prevailed on by several of his 'FIrends to 1115lroip vvl;)(Thursday). anid every Evenling during USl i;}il~~l1;iher will appear in the interesting arid popular ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ATRE-ROYAL. MIR. S.TAPLETON (Treasurer) sctfully to antounlce, that his BENEFIT will take- e>XGS 0 IiROW EVENING. T ULSDAY, Mllay1 -),vgitOch 0casion the performances will commence with the ft et THE SLAVE. -of Surinam, Mr. Shtiter; Colonel Lindenberlb Ir GOVc51IO c cifito, Mr. Alehrose, iii which he rsiiig f ',COII J I, eer my aching heart, The lest wordsof Mar. , oh ncounufme dead in my ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CITY LLELCTiON. Comrndittee fo r the Eloctioin of the Conisti- tutl i1 CM(;idlaesr foeel hound in Justice to thernspds- as ivell as to tbe cruso in whichi they are engiged, to set tlr Ij right %%ith respcoct t,) an irsitjiotis and most Linfiundll article hich oppeared in tile F veoli;. Pac! et Ne soapt of #rtutiav. I bat J Ourns:al v ie Il hS lithk rto affectekl to trapot t th CSil. Stitution ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO TDIE INDEPEI EDVNT ELECTaORz OF TllE COUAX GENeTLgM~rTN, OF CARLOW. U R latriot King, anid his orilightened, virtuolls, aable 1 iMinisters, call aloud for the vigtorous support of all clisesa of his MsjMae-ty' Subjectr. Ycou have sulru4o1ned mie to the breach. J obey vorir call.- Yioa demand my servioeri at this eventful crisis. Should I have the honour of being chosea by you, to the utmost ...